Chapter 6 Seeing Old Friends

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Short a/n before the story starts I found a better form of writing so now it's more organized and not all jumbled together so let me know if you like it.

      ~jacks pov~
    The next day I wake up my hands are not tied up above my head and I'm actually comfortable I'm awoken from a text from Mark

(M=mark and j=jack)
How are you?
I'm good don't worry I've kept your secret. 
Good I don't need to go to jail again, so tomorrow you need to come back with me since you do YouTube I went back to your house and got your recording stuff and set up a room for you.
REALLY THAT AWESOME THANK YOU...but wait how did you know where I lived?
I have my ways, anyway we are gonna met up at that store that shut down next to books and books that's stupid shop at 5:00 you better be there or I will have to hunt you down ;-).
Okay jeez don't worry I will be see you tomorrow love you.
Love you to.

I decided to get out of bed and walk downstairs to see my ma making breakfast

"Good morning Sean" she said cheerfully

"Top of the morning to ya"I said back smiling "where is everyone else" I continue

"Well your father had to work and your brother is still asleep go wake him up for me will you love" she says

"Okay ma" I say walking upstairs into treys room and shaking him awake "time to wake up buddy"I say as he gets out of bed and follows me down stairs ma has already set the table so we all start eating, when we finished we cleaned up and I said my good byes I don't know how long it will be till I see them again I told them I'm moving in with a friend that could help me with YouTube stuff so they wouldn't ask to many questions, I starts walking to my good friend Tyler's house good thing he only lives two blocks away I bet I look silly pulling a suitcase but oh well. Once I arrive at his house I knock on the door and without a word he pulls me into a hug.

"OH MY GOD SEAN YOUR OKAY" he yelled while hugging me.

"Yeah bro it's so good to see you"I said pulling or of the hug and stepping inside his house.

"So what happen where have you been and what's with the bag" he asked curiously

"Well I'm moving into a friends house who can help with YouTube stuff and when I went missing I was fine I just needed a brake I was so stressed and I just needed a brake from the world". I said hoping he won't be mad at me since I worried his so much.

"Well you can always talk to me about it just know that and it's so good to have you back".

Me and Tyler just spent about three hours talking before I had to go I wanted to look around before I was put back in captivity although with mark it wasn't that bad, it was only four o'clock when I started walking around the city just taking in the sites that I've missed and am going to miss.

It's almost time for me to pick you up do you remember where to meet me.
Yes I do I'm on my way now see you in a few.
Okay see ha.
I didn't even realize how fast time went by I only had five minutes to get to him so I had to run if I wanted to make it in time I run to the parking lot two minutes late and see marks car waiting for me I run to it and jump in.

"Your late" he said he didn't sound mad or anything it was just a flat tone.

"Yeah sorry I was taking a walk and lost track of time"I say buckling up.

"It's alright anyway how was your visit" he asks.

"It was good to see everyone I will miss them" I say looking down.

"I'm not going to keep you from them but your just gonna have to live with me from now on. He says

"Yeah it won't be bad I've got my recording stuff so I can manage" I say smiling a bit.

"So how long have you been doing YouTube"he asks.

"About two years" I say back

"That's cool is it fun" he asks.

"Yeah but it can be stressful at times by I still love it" I say looking at him.

"Hey mark will you still tie me up" I ask nervous for his response.

"Of course I won't I love you" he said smiling at me.

"Oh thank god I love you to" I said smiling back.

After a few more minutes of driving we arrive back at his place I get it of the car and take a deep breath never thought I'd come back here as this guys boyfriend I think to myself o grab marks hand and walk back into his house.

"Close your eyes" he demands

I do as told and he grabs my hand leading me up the stairs I can't help but smile since he has his hands over my eyes even his touch is amazing just like his looks and personality.

"Where are you taking me" I ask laughing a bit

"It's a surprise" he says back leading me through the a door way "3....2.....1"he says as he removes his hand from my eyes I gasps as I we he set up my recording stuff just how it was before everything was perfect he even had the foam on the walls to keep in the noise.

"So what do ya think" he asks I look over to him and smile and pull him into a kiss.

"Thank you, you are so amazing" I say quietly up against his lips.

"I love you jack" he says passionately

"I love you to" I say pulling him onto the bed in my room kissing him.

I know I know I know I'm sorry this took a while to get out I was busy with Christmas stuff but I'll get them out faster now that that has passed but anyway that's all from me later everyone.

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