Chapter one Just a regular Day

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        ~Jacks pov~
     I had just finished recording a video and uploading it to YouTube "hmm it's about five I'm hungry I'll go get some dinner" I say as I walk into the kitchen and look for food to make a decent dinner but no luck "well fuck looks like I'll have to go to the shops" I said grabbing my sneakers and sliding them on and walking out the door its really dark this time of year so early I think to myself what's the quickest way to the shop...I think if I go through this alleyway it will lead me there I think I start to walk down the alleyway when I see  two mysterious figure standing a tall man had a smaller guy pinned against the wall what the hell is going on over there "no please I'll have the money by next week I-i promise"I hear one guy say I kneel down behind a dumpster and continue to listen " you said that last week your out of time" the taller figure said in a low raspy voice "n-no please I beg you" the small one said, the next thing I see is the taller guy throw the small one to the ground I want to step in but I can't seem to move, the taller guy pulls out what looks to be a knife and drives it into the smaller males chest a painful whimper escaped his lips OH MY GOD DID I JUST WITNESS MURDER I think I'm my head, suddenly I can move again I make the stupid decision to stand up and alert the other males attention "hey you stop"he yells as I start to run away I hear him close on my tail soon I feel to strong arms on my waist I'm then thrown to the ground with the male on top of me using one hand to hold my hands above my head and using the other one to hold a knife to my throat "get off me please" I say struggling to get out of his grip I open my eyes to see who was going to end my life in a mater of seconds I look up to see the most beautiful person I have ever seen in my life his chocolate brown eyes his black puffy hair it's all so mesmerizing it's to bad I'm about to die. 

         ~Marks Pov~
     I couldn't have any witnesses as to what I just committed I pinned down the small male and held my knife to his throat about to kill him but when I looked into his fearful ocean blue eyes I couldn't look away I couldn't find the strength to kill him he was just so cute I think I'm falling for him no don't think like that Mark he seen you murder that good for nothing over there "please don't please I won't tell anyone I swear" he begged what do I do what do I do I'll just knock him out and take him to my house I think to myself I put my knife down and use the hand to choke him until he passed out after he did I was quick to bring him to my house I carry him over my shoulder through the woods to my house he is still knocked out when we get there so I put him in the guest bedroom and tie his hands up on the head bored i sit next to him In a chair by the bed and wait for him to wake up. 

       ~Jacks pov~
     I woke up but not in my own bed it took a minute to remember what happened but I soon did I tried to move my hands but I had no luck I realized that he tied my hands up I struggle against the ropes and try to get out then I hear a familiar voice next to me " your not going to get out of them so stop trying" I jump at the voice and turn my head to look at him his beautiful brown eyes meeting my ocean blue ones " why are you doing this please let me go please" I begged "I wish I could but you witnessed a murder and I can't have you ratting me out now can I" he said "I won't tell anyone I swear" I say "just give it up your gonna be here a while" he said getting up " no please let me go LET ME GO" I yell "quiet I do t want anyone hearing you or were both toast" he said "NO LET ME GO SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE" I yell as loud as I can he runs back into the room and jumps onto of me straddling me and bring his face close to mine "this is your last warning or I will have to kill you got it" he said in his sexy raspy low voice before I can answer he pulls out his knife and runs it down the side of my chest I jump and try to move away from the knife it's no uses when he is on top of me I nod my head and he pulls his knife away but instead of getting off me he moves off my stomach and sits on top of my privet area "so tell me what is your name" he say " I-I'm Sèan but please call me Jack"I say "c-can I know your name" I ask " I don't see why not you'll be with me for a while and I'll probably end up killing you so yeah why not my name is Mark" I gulped when he said kill "I promise I won't tell anyone" I say I know it won't do any good though "I can't do that" he says "please, please" I beg quietly tears start to form in my eyes i hope he doesn't notice but he seems to immediately, "hey don't cry I'm not that bad of a person" he say "you murdered someone" I say back " good point but he deserved it" he said "why what did he do" I ask " well he has murder countless members of my gang and robbed me of my money you witnessed me trying to get it back but it just had to work out the way it did" he says "well then I guess he did deserved death I guess" I feel sick when I say that "so why were you out so late"he asks "I was on my way to the shops" I say "oh are you hungry"he asks "a little" I say back "I'll go get you some food are you allergic to anything" he asks " no " I say back, he walks out of the room and closes the door I have to get out of here I can't stay here he will kill me I start to struggle against the ropes but it's no use the ropes are really sharp to i think I cut my arm it burns I start to feel blood drip down my arm what's going to happen to my channel what's going to happen with my friend family and fans when they find out I'm missing what am I going to do what did I do To deserve this I start to cry braking down from all this terror and stress, Mark comes back in with and sandwich and sees the blood on my arm "what did you do" he says I don't answer I look the other way he start to untie me and allows me to get up off the bed he grabs my hand and leads me In to the bathroom and cleans up my arm and puts a bandaid on it "there now do you have to use the bathroom while we are in here"he asks I shake my head no and we walk back to the room he gives me the sandwich and I eat it when I finish I lay back on the bed and allow him to tie me back up I soon get tired and fall asleep. 

    Hello everyone author here so what did you think of the first chapter I tried to make it long and interesting hope you all enjoyed but that's all from me see ya later everyone.

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