Chapter twelve What happend

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~Jacks Pov~
I woke up to white lights blinding me,I instantly shut my eyes trying to avoid the headache I would get from looking at the lights for to long, I slowly opened my eyes avoiding looking at the lights so the could adjust.

"Your finally awake" a female voice made me jump.

I looked over to her a young,small girl maybe no older than seventeen.

"W-who are you" I asked "where's Mark" I continued.

"Relax calm down,my name is lily I work with Mark"she said giving me a friendly smile.

"Okay lily it's nice to meet you,I'm Sean but call me jack, now where's Mark" I said.

" well Jack Mark is in jail" she said looking down.

"What no" I said trying to sit yo but hit with a huge wave of pain that made me cringe and lay back down.

"Take it easy,we should be able to Bail him out as long as the charges are not to big" she said folding her arms.

"O-okay" I said.

"Hey listen,I have to go for now make sure everything's good at the 'place'" she said adding air quotes to place.

"Okay I'll see you later Lily" I said waving a bit as she walked out.

When she was gone I started thinking over what happened and what was going on, I look down at my body cuts,bruises stitches,extreme pain coursing through my body, I wish Mark was here.

My thoughts are Interrupted by a female voice.

"Oh Sean it's good to see you awake, how are you feeling" the woman who I presumed was a nurse asked.

"I'm in a lot of pain right now" I reply, she gives a soft smile and a nod of understanding.

" I'll get some of your medicine" she said walking out of the room.

I take a deep breath and continue think of Mark, I really hope he is okay I'm worried about him.

"Here is your medicine" the nurse said walking into the room and holding her hand out with a small cup of water.

"Thank you" I say grabbing the pills and cup and putting the pill in my mouth and swallowing it.

"Not a problem, if you need anything push this button and someone will be right in,I'm going to let the doctor know your awake so he can some talk to you" she said smiling and walking out of the room.

After a few minutes later a tall man with brown hair and green eyes walked into the room with a clip board.

"Glad to see you awake now Sean, my name is doctor Todd" he greeted me with a kind smile.

"Hello it's nice to meet you" I said back returning a smile.

" So Sean, on a scale from one to ten how would you rate your pain" he asked.

"About a eight" I say back.

He scribbles what I said onto his clipboard and looks back up at me.

" okay, and a nurse gave you some medicine already correct" he asked.

" yes she did" I say simply.

"Okay that's all I needed to know for now, when your well enough the police will have to come and talk to you about what's happened" the doctor said.

"Okay thank you doctor" I said trying not to panic.

After the doctor left the room my head started thinking my thoughts running a mile a minute, what would I tell the police, can I even tell them the truth, would that get Mark In Trouble.

All this thinking and panicking I'm doing is giving me a head ache, I decided to take a nap and try to calm down, I kept think of Mark I really really wish he was here.

Hey everyone, don't kill me, hey you yeah you put the spear down, I'm sorry it took so long to get this chapter up I promise I will get more up faster and I'm sorry if this one sucked it was kinda just a filler in a way, but I'm pretty sure the next chapter will be a filler on Mark and how he came to be the leader of a gang, anyway that's it for me later everyone.

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