Secrets Untwisted Chapter 1

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Danielle's P.O.V.

"Help!" I screamed as I tried to keep my head above the water. There was a huge storm and I had never seen waves so big. I could still see my father trying to turn his little sailboat to come my way. But the waves were too big, the wind was too strong and the boat was getting further and further away from me.

A huge wave pulled me under and I held my breath for as long as I could. Then it started getting darker and darker. The light is slowly slipping away. The last thing I saw was my journal I had taken with me on this trip start falling right towards me. As the darkness takes completely over I grab the necklace on my chest. It is an intricate key with tiny heart shaped diamonds on the handle. The last thought that enters my mind is, 'I thought I'd live longer. Ya know, cause I'm a witch.'


Slowly, I open my eyes and notice I'm lying on the sand on the beach. I lean my head up slightly, then wince and lay back down cause of the massive headache I have. I look to my right and see my journal a little ways away. 'How'd it get here?' I think. 'More importantly, how'd I get here?!' I look to my left and see some large rocks, then someone comes out from behind them and walks my way. 'He is sssooo gorgeous!' I think. 'Shut up, Danielle! This is no time to be drooling over someone. Find out how you got on this beach and what beach we are on.' I fuss at myself for not thinking straight.

The man kneels down beside me and carefully wipes some hair from my face. "Finally awake, huh?" He laughs and I wonder how long I was out. As if he knows what I'm thinking he says, "You've been out for two days. I was gonna put you back in the water, but I couldn't. There's something about you that made me just get upset even thinking about it."

"Two days?!" I ask puzzled.

"That's all you got out of that! You really are something!"

"Two days?!" I want to say more, but I'm so nervous around him and I can already feel the blush creeping up my cheeks.

"Yes. Two days," he says laughing.

"'d I get here?" I know I shouldn't let him make me this nervous especially since we just met. But more importantly I'm engaged. Not that I want to get married to that bucket of slime, but my parents are forcing me. Maybe I could stay hidden and they'd never find me.

"I pulled you out of the water."

"Wait. What? I was nowhere near any land and it was during a huge storm. I feel dizzy."

"Lay back down and go to sleep. I'll take you to my cottage in the middle of the island and tell you everything when you wake up."

"No! I can't go to sleep. I'm afraid that if I go to sleep then I'll never wake up and I'll find that this was just a dream I had on the way to the Heavens."

"This isn't a dream. Everything is real. And don't think I'm lying to you. I would never lie to you. But before you go to sleep could you tell me your name?"

"Danielle. Now you know my name. Could I be so lucky as to know yours?"

"Of course. My name is Caspian Waters."

"Thank you for saving me, Mr. Waters." At that she laid back down and was asleep in two seconds. Mr. Waters picked her up and carried her up the mountain and to his home. The whole way there his heart pounded with more love at every tiny snore she snored. Barely loud enough to hear but there none the less. He took her to the spare room and laid her on the bed. He covered her with a soft blanket so she wouldn't get cold, opened the door to go out then turned around and blew her a kiss. He then walked out and went for a long swim in his favorite pool of water on the mountain.

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