Secrets Untwisted Chapter 18

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(3rd Person P.O.V.)

"You have a sister?" Danielle asked, giving Caspian a quizzical look.

Caspian let out a huge sigh before saying, "Yes. She was the most important woman in my life before you came along, Danielle. It pained me a very long time after she left for the mainland with her husband. Amy was my best friend. It still pains me every once in awhile. I didn't want her to leave; I was afraid she'd get hurt. She's doing great, though. She has a two-year old daughter and a baby on the way."

"Why'd she move to the mainland? It's beautiful here," Cayley said looking around.

"Her husband is from the mainland, and he wanted to be close to his family. Anyways, I think we should go to sleep."

"I wanna meet her one day. And yes, we should go to sleep," Danielle said, getting into her bed.

"We're gonna...go," Xavier said pulling Cayley out of the room. Caspian climbed under the covers and pulled Danielle to his chest.

"I love you, Caspian. Goodnight," Danielle said yawning.

"I love you, too, love." Caspian kissed her forehead and soon let darkness take him. He had a horrible dream that night.

(Caspian's P.O.V.)

'I kneeled down on one knee. "Danielle, I love you. I knew from the first time I saw you that you were the one for me. I can't see me with anyone else in the world. I could understand if you want to wait, but I know I'll never be with anyone other than you. So, Danielle Melissa Cresweld, will you be my wife?" I pulled out a little box and opened it. Inside was a twenty-four karat gold engagement ring with five real diamonds. Danielle looked shocked and started to cry.

"I-I can't. I'm too young. It's too soon. I don't even know you. The only reason I fell for you is probably cause you saved me. I'm not in love with you."

I felt my heart crack into a billion little pieces at every word she said. "But. That can't be true. I thought you loved me."

"No. I just realized it, but I never did. Ever. I was just caught up in the moment. Sorry," she said and walked away.'

*****Dream over*****

I woke up in a cold sweat and quickly sat up. I was breathing really hard and I looked around and notice it was way past noon and Danielle was still sleeping. The thought of Danielle made me think of my dream. 'Please don't be real,' I thought.

"What don't be real?" Danielle said sleepily and leaning up. 'Wait! I said that out loud?!' "Cas, what's wrong? You look nervous. And you're in a cold sweat," she said feeling my head.

"I'm fine. Just a night-daymare."

"Tell me. It'll ease your worries."

"Are you sure? It was kinda about us."

"Now I definitely wanna know." She looked like she was waiting for me to say something but I wasn't. "Please?"

"Fine. Just so you know, it's not that big a deal." So I told her my nightmare. Except I told her I had asked her something other than to marry me. I said that I had asked her on a midnight picnic. Once I was done telling the story she didn't waste a second to start talking.

"Caspian, of course I love you. I'll always love you. You're my other half. Now come on. I'm hungry. Lets get something to eat." She pulled me off the bed and dragged me out of the room.

"Of course you're hungry," I said chuckling.

"I'm always hungry." When we reached the kitchen she patted a bar stool. "Sit down. I'm cooking today."

"Okay. What ya gonna cook?"

"Hmm. I think I'm gonna cook sausage gravy with biscuits."

"I love me some sausage gravy. I love you even more. Can I take a bite out of you instead?" I decided I'd be a little playful.

"Caspian!" she squealed. "No, but I'll give you a kiss." She gave me a quick peck and walked to the cabinet.

"That's all? Give me some more."

"Nope. That's all you're getting. Now where is the flour?"

(Forty-minutes later)

"Somethin' smells good," Xavier said walking into the room.

"Your lovely sister cooked sausage gravy and biscuits. And I'm sorry about last night."

"It's fine. Sis, it looks delicious."

"Thanks. Here. How bout taste it," Danielle said handing him a plate.

"Good. Real good," he said with food in his mouth.



I'm kind of stuck. I have writers block. I'll try to update as soon as I can and if anyone has any ideas just comment or pm me. If I like the idea I might use it. If I use your idea I'll make sure I dedicate something to you or mention something about your books if I've read them.

Please vote, comment, and tell others!

Wait for it....

That's all.

~Savannah <3

P.S. Have any of you see the show psych? That's what I got 'Wait for it' off of. It's awesome!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2013 ⏰

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