Secrets Untwisted Chapter 5

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Danielle's P.O.V.

When I got out of the bath I put the pajamas Lily had given me on. I walked out the bathroom and down to the kitchen. When I got there Caspian was standing by the bar with only basketball shorts on and no shirt. He was talking to Lily who said, "There you are. That took awhile."

I smiled and replied back, "Well it's a little hard getting mustard out of your hair." Caspian turned around. 'Ooh. He's sooo sexy. And a six pack?! Nice! Ugh!' "Shut up, Danielle!" I accidentally said the last part out loud.

"You didn't say anything for awhile." Caspian sounded confused while talking. "So, do the pajamas fit well?"

"Umm...yes. Thank you." I mentally slapped myself for saying that last thing out loud.

"I think your catch phrase is 'thank you', is it not?" Caspian just had to say something about my thank you.

"Whatever floats your boat. I've never actually made a catch phrase."

"Okay. Lets go eat." Caspian grabbed my hand and pulled me to a room I assume was the dining room. "This. Is the dining room?" It was a large room with one wall that was completely glass and you could see out. Looking out I saw a river and far off in the distance I saw a volcano. There was a large oval glass dining table that could easily fit fifteen people around it. I stared at it all in awe. "Like it?" Caspian said breaking my thoughts.

"Like it? I love it! It's so beautiful. But one question."

"Shoot. What is it?"

"That volcano won't erupt, will it?"

"No." Caspian laughed a little. "It's been extinct for years."

"O-okay." We sat down at the table with Caspian at the head, me on his right, and Lily on his left. Then we dug into the saled, steak, biscuits, and corn. 'He's so cute when he eats. Shut up! Don't say that out loud again. They'll think you're crazy. But he is really cute when he eats. And no shirt?!' I felt a light tap on my shoulder. "Hmm?"

"Caspian asked you a question."

"Sorry. I guess I got lost in thought. So what was the question?"

"Will you tell us a little about yourself?"

"Okay. I'm from London. I have two sisters and one brother. I'm the second oldest. My brother and I are twins and we can hardly be separated. My mother is very strict and wants us all to be proper, well raised children. I was always a tomboy so I wasn't her favorite. My father didn't care if we were proper or if we acted like wild animals. He loved us all the same. I'm engaged to be married. I don't want to, but I have to. It was arranged. But if they don't find me they'll call it off, most likely thinking I'm dead. This trip out to sea with my father was suppose to be my last moment of freedom."


"Wait!" I put my hand up to my chest. Nothing was there. "My necklace?! Where is my necklace?! And my journal?! Where's that?!"

"Sshh. It's okay." Caspian tried calming me down, but the tears had already begun to fall. He put his hands on my shoulders."I have them."

"You didn't read my journal, did you?"

Caspian wiped away my tears with his thumbs. "No. I wouldn't read it unless you said I could."

"Can you bring them to me?" The tears were stopping now.

"Yeah. Sure. Hold on." Then Caspian walked away.


Sorry if it sucked. This chapter was sort of just a filler. Thanks for everything!

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