Secrets Untwisted Chapter 4

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I'm not gonna make this long, but I wanna dedicate this chapter to @Jze1812 because he was the first to start reading my book and he gave me a really nice comment.

Ok. That's all I wanted to say.


Caspian's P.O.V.

We were in the kitchen cooking when Danielle came up to me with a bowl and a wooden spoon in her hand. "Taste this," she said and put the spoon out. She kinda flicked the spoon while doing it and potatoes smashed against my face. She busted out laughing. In between laughs she said, "I' sorry!... it...good?" I wiped some off my face with my finger and tasted it.

"Yeah. Why don't you taste some?!" I said getting a handful out of the bowl she sat down and wiped all over her face. She stopped laughing immediately.

"You did not just do that!" She said wiping a bunch off her face. She grabbed the bowl and threw some at me. She laughed. I saw the flour from where she made biscuits and grabbed it and threw some at her.

"Oh yes! I just did!" I said laughing. Next thing I know, a cookie hits the side of my face. "Hey! You wasted a cookie!" She was all the way across the room. I was by the fridge so I opened it. There were two brand new bottles of mustard. I grabbed both, then squirted mustard across the room. It landed all over her. She was covered in mustard.

"Holy crap! I'm covered in mustard!" She yelled. "I'm gonna get you for that!" She ran my way and I ran the other.

"Oh, no you're not!" Then she opens the fridge and grabs something. She has my orange juice in her hand. She grabs a glass and sits it down.

"Okay, I'm not gonna throw anymore food at you. Now come here. You have potato in your hair." I walk over to her and bend my knees a little so she could reach my hair. She lifts her left hand up and strokes my hair then lifts her right hand with the orange juice in it up and pours it all over me. "Ha! I win! You lo-" I lift her bragging self up and throw her over my shoulder.

"Who do you think won now?!" I ask walking towards the door. She's beating on my back and yelling for me to put her down, but I ignore it all. I walk outside and since its been raining a lot lately there is a lot of mud. I walk to the edge of the porch and sit her on the railing. Then I just push her off and she lands in a big mud puddle.

"Caspian! I'm in a white dress! The dress you gave me."

'Wait! Did she just call me Caspian?! She did!' "I'm sorry and Lily can get that out. Now, back to more important things. Did you just call me Caspian?" Shock was evident in my voice.

Her eyes widened. "Oh! I'm sorry! It slipped!"

'Now I feel bad.' "It's okay. It just, took me by surprise that's all. You can call me Caspian if you want." She looked so scared. 'I wonder why she's so scared to call me by my first name.'

Her face lit up as her fear went away. "Thanks. Now. Could you help me out of the mud?"

"Sure. Hold on a second, though." I ran to go get two towels just in case. I ran back and held my hand out to her. She grabbed it and I felt tingles all through my hand. I held her hand as she stood up and then while she walked slowly and carefully through the mud and to the steps. She let go of my hand and grabbed the railing. I frowned. When she made it to the porch I wrapped a towel around her shoulders. "We should get inside and wash up. Don't want you to get sick. Then we can clean the kitchen and cook something else for dinner."

"We? You mean you." I smiled.

"No. I mean we. As in both of us. And hey, you're the one that started it, so you should be happy I'm gonna help you."

"I started it? It was an accident when the potatoes came off the spoon. You didn't have to continue it."

"Okay. Look. I'm sorry. Now you can bathe in here and Lily will be up in a minute to bring you some clothes," I said opening the door to the bathroom.

"Already got them," a voice said. I turned around and Lily had some pajamas in her hand. " I figured you could wear pajamas the rest of the day since you two aren't gonna get really messy again. At least not today, I hope."

"Yeah. Sure. I can go ahead and get pajamas on," Danielle said.

"Okay, here ya go. I'm gonna go downstairs and clean up y'all's mess. Then cook dinner."

"No!" Me and Lily looked at Danielle. "I mean, it's our mess we'll clean it up."

"Nonsense! It's my job, okay? I'll handle it."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive! Now go on and get cleaned up!"

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