Sectets Untwisted Chapter 6

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Caspian's P.O.V.

I ran upstairs and to the bathroom. 'Why'd she freak out when she realized her necklace was gone? Does it really mean that much to her?' I searched through all the drawers until I found the necklace and journal. I ran downstairs to a crying Danielle. "What'd you do Lily? She was fine a minute ago." I went over to her and knelt down in front of her so I'd be eye level with her.

"I didn't do anything. You left and she started crying again."

"Hey. It's okay. I have your stuff." I handed her the journal and stood up. I went behind her and put the necklace on her neck. She clutched the journal to her chest and was trying to stop crying. "It's a very pretty necklace," I said kneeling down again.

"Th-thank you." She kept sniffling and wouldn't loosen her grip on the journal. If anything the grip got tighter.

"You're welcome. Now come on. You need some rest." I pulled her up from the chair and put an arm around her shoulder. We walked upstairs and to her room. "I'll give you a luxury tour of the house when you wake up. I'm sorry I upset you." I pulled the covers back for her and she got in bed.

"It's okay. And I do need a tour;I only know where the kitchen, dining room, bathroom, and my bedroom is. Can you sit this on the nightstand?" She handed me her journal. I nodded and sat it lightly on the nightstand.

"Rest now." And I walked away and shut the door. I walked down the stairs and to the dining room. Lily was still sitting there finishing her dinner. "I'm sorry I blamed you. I'm going out for a swim. I'll be back in an hour." I went outside and to the river you can see from the dining room. I dove in and waited for the transformation. In less than ten seconds I no longer had legs, but instead I had a tail. 'I'm gonna have to tell Danielle sooner or later. I think I'll choose later. But what if she gets mad. I don't want her to be mad at me. I think I have feelings for her. Oh shut up! You can't have feelings for her. She's engaged! But she did say she didn't wanna get married. Just drop it.' So I did. I swam over to my favorite place to swim. It was a waterfall with a cave behind it. I went and swam to it then pulled myself up on a rock that's beside it. I started to sing.

"And I came home

Like a stone

And I fell heavy into your arms

These days of dust

Which we've known

Will blow away with this new sun

And I'll kneel down

Wait for now

And I'll kneel down

Know my ground

And I will wait, I will wait for you

And I will wait, I will wait for you"

'Oh crap! It's been about an hour. Danielle is probably awake. I should go home.' I swam to where I got in at and got out. I waited till I had legs again then went home. When I got home Lily came up to me.

"Danielle woke up a few minutes ago. She went back upstairs and I told her I'd send you up there when you got back." I started to say something but she cut me off. "I didn't tell her where you went."

"How'd you know what I was gonna say?"

"The look on your face."

"Okay. Thanks." I walked to her room and knocked on the door. I heard a small 'come in' so I went in.



Sorry if it sucked. I'll try to make it better. It was kinda a filler. I'll try to update again today.

As always I love each of my followers and readers.

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