Beautiful Target

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-Explain this to me Yoona?!- Sooyoung was freaked out
-Woah... I haven't see something like this before- She replied as she examined her ears
-Oh no! what am I going to do??- ((((;゚Д゚))))))) -I am to young for turning into a cat!-
-Well... This only happends because you asked for it- Yoona answered
-Help me- Sooyoung beg to Yoona -Pleeeeeaaaaaseeeee!-

Yoona start thinking because something was wrong

-I guess not clases for today... It is something good but, but...- (T ^ T)
-The one that did this to you wasn't the one that turned me into a human for sure...- She say
-What does that mean?- Sooyoung asked confused
-I choose to become a human and left my dog life behind, the god that make your wish come true gives you also some rules to follow and a contract that it says that you choose your own decisions with no influence of someone..- Yoona explained -And I knew that the transformation was complete... You needed to be a cat, not half cat half human-
-Can it be that the cat in the park was a god?-
-It must be if he granted you a wish..-

Sooyoung took a pillow and put her on the face to let herself fall to the sofa..

-You can't help me...-
-Well... No but I can find someone to help you-
-AHHHHH!- she start screaming with the pillow in her face
-Are you even listening...?- Sooyoung ignored her and continue screaming -And bad luck to you... You can't skip classes. Your friends will notice it-
-No!! I can't go with this ones!- she say pointing her black cat ears
-It was your fault after all...- Yoona took the pillow from Sooyoung's face -You must thanks you don't have the tail-
-Then even the cats won't accept me as one of them- She took anothe pillow
-Trust me... The tail is the worst- She again took the pillow -Hey I will give you my contract with the rules so that you won't get in trouble-

Yoona enter her room and she came back with some rolled papers..

-Here.. Read it, it might help you a little bit- She handed the two papers
Sooyoung took the two papers -It can't be that hard... Just to follow some rules-
-Then I will go to sleep... Your food is ready just put it in the microwave- She enter her room
-Tell me at least that we will fix this..- Sooyoung say
Yoona didn't turn to see her she just stopped at the door of her room -Everything will get back to normal -
Sooyoung start to calm down -Thanks-
-Goodnight- Yoona say and close the door

-*She stares at the two papers* I will read it...-

Slowly Sooyoung open both papers and start reading...

-Blah.. Blah...-

"It has been approved and Miss Im Yoona agreed in the change from animal to human and she is aware of following the rules..."

-More blah... Signatures from Yoona and people I don't know- She say reading -So this is the famous contract... Oh, what is this-

She took the other paper... And this one had a big stamp and on it the words "The contract has been canceled, to get to your original form you will have to wait for 5 years..."
-Ah... That explains why she was anxious this 3 years...-
-Hey!- Yoona say opening her door a little bit -Catch! You will have to use it-

She catch the pink thing that she throw...

-You want me to wear you panties!- Sooyoung respond to her confused
-My panties!- Yoona say getting out of her dorm to take her panties back while she was wearing her sleep goggles -No my panties.. This-
-A hat...?-
-Yes.. You will use it when you go to class- She get back to her room -Now to sleep!-

-What did I do to end like this...?-

*        *       *       *        *

The next morning....

-Ah.. You look so pretty!- Yoona say looking at me
-I look ridiculous-
-Ah.. Why do you complain? It fits you-
-It is not that, it is to girldish for me-
-Oh... That explains it-
-Is this really necessary Yoona?-
-Yeeeess... Sooyoungie, you can't let anyone see your little problem- She say pointing with her eyes
-You call this little?!-Σ(・□・;
-Of course... It is much worse when you have tail- (~_~;)
-Are you kidding me... Anyway, Even if they can't see it, I can still tell them right?-
-Yes... But do not let them see your ears-
-That doesn't have sense..-
-It is one of the warnings they give you when you transform, Do not let them see because you can disappear-
-Oh no, disappear? Is that possible?-
-I don't know... , but it is better to stay with the doubt-
-That's true-
She smile -Now... You will be late if you don't go now!-
-Don't smile like if nothing is going on.... I AM LATE!?-
-I don't see why you are shock, it is always like that-
( ̄▽ ̄) -That's true...- Σ(゚д゚lll) -But... STILL I AM LATE HELP ME!-

*        *       *       *        *

That same day Kai, Yuri and Sooyoung where in one of the dining tables...

-I feel like everyone is watching us..- Kai say trying to hide his face
-What is that?- Yuri say looking at me
-Why are you wearing that?- Kai asked
Sooyoung was looking at her milkshake -I thought you didn't mind cute things?-
(¬_¬) -In Luhan... But in you is just not right-
-First time I agree with him- Yuri added
She sigh -There is an explanation for this...-
-Are you hiding something..- Yuri say settling in her sit
-Now start speaking..- Kai took a sip to his drink
( ̄Д ̄)ノ -I can't tell you here... How about in the old abandoned building near here?-
-Is really that secret?- Yuri replied
-It must be. Look at what she is wearing..- Kai answered
-Yes...- (-_-)lll -Then you will understand me-

*The bell sounds*

-Really?- Sooyoung say -I didn't finish my food-
-People think that the break is only for "eating"- Kai respond
-Ha!... they don't know we have a life?- Yuri added

*        *       *       *        *

It pass one hour since classes have finished. Kai and Yuri They had to be on turn (they stay helping the teachers as punishment) so Sooyoung went to the old building alone and stay in the terrace...

-It is late- She looked at her phone -I guess they will not come-

Sooyoung lay on the floor -Just a little more... This is comfortable-

She stay there and everytime that the moon shine more she felt more sleepy

Again she looked at her phone -Oh! It is really late!? Yoona will kill me-

Sooyoung pick up her things and enter the building. Walking through the hall she was thinking

-This place looks clean but it has been empty for a long time..-

When she arrive at the entrance of the building she had a long walk to get out... It looked more dark than it was so she start walking faster
Taking out her cell phone to put some music...
When she put her headphones, there was no noise that she could hear.... Beginning to walk normally and at the same time sending a message to Yoona explaining why she was late.

At the entrance there was a kind of roof which make the path looked even more dark. Sooyoung use her cellphone as a lantern cellphone watching every step, when she get almost to the clarity of the night someone pulled her into a corner covering her mouth ... The only thing she did was closing her eyes strongly....

*whispering*-What do you think you're doing?- She looked at the person infront of her
-Lu-Luhan? What are you...?-
-It is a long story-

His eyes were looking at something. Sooyoung realized that it was her head and on the floor it was Yoona's cap

-You are..- He try to say backing
-No!.. You don't understand-

Sooyoung suddenly froze, he had saw her ears.. But nothing happened

-They might have heard us... We should go- Luhan say taking her hand

They get to the park near Sooyoung's department

-Why are they following you?- Sooyoung asked him trying to catch her breath
-The truth... They weren't after me.. It was you-
-Yes... After all you have those- He say looking at my cat ears -How did you.. Turn into a half cat?-
Sooyoung sigh and sit in a bench -Even I don't know.. I just woke up and then this ones appeared-
-I see..-
-Can you help me?-
-Well I don't know? But I will try...-
-...You weren't very surprised, Why is that?- She asked
-Well... The time I left it was because some troubles involving kind of magical and unreal things-
-Haha... That is a good explanation, and I can't belive it is real- she looked at the ground -Are there more like me?-
-Not exactly... People have powers that a few of them learn to use them through time... But they don't turn into cats- He joked
-I guess so..-
-Then what will you do?-
-I don't know.. I don't know-
Luhan hug her -Don't worry I promise I will help you..-
-So when are you coming to classes?-
-I guess that tomorrow..-
-You must come.. The guys missed you-
-I have missed them too... But it seems that you haven't missed me, Is that true Sooyoung?-
-No.. It's not that... I....-
He smiled -It is late... I should go?- Luhan walk away

He stopped and return to see Sooyoung

-If you want.. You can come with me?... I own you for saving me back there
-If you insist... Sure why not, like old times-
Sooyoung pushed him with her elbow-Haha.. Old times-

To be continued....

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