You & I

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一So Soo won't come today I guess... 一Yuri was rating lunch with Kai.

He kept calling her through his phone but it seemed to be turned off 一No, she isn't responding any of my calls or texts... 一Kai continued trying to localize Sooyoung with no results.

Yuri had already finished her food as it was almost time to get back to classes.

一Let's not worried too much she seems to be doing her own stuff as some days, maybe we are exaggerating. 一The black haired girl replied.

He hangout the phone 一Guess you're right.

Suddenly the bell rang indicating the end of recess.

一H-Hey! 一Seeing that they both were going home that day Kai thought it would be fun to hang out 一Do you want to go eat something at Xiumin's restaurant today? I mean if you want.

Yuri just smiled after seeing him getting nervous 一Yeah sure! Like best friends do. 一She was excited that he had asked that.

Kai smiled as well 一Then let's hope Sooyoung won't be in trouble.

Both entered into classes.




It was Tuesday and after spending a great time yesterday after school, today they planned on telling Sooyoung about that but just as the bell rang, again indicating that the classes were starting, Sooyoung never came that day either...

One of the teachers entered the classroom to make an announcement which was weird because usually is through the speakers that he announces almost everything to everyone... But right now it wasn't the case.

一Good morning students. 一He said with a deep voice.

All of the class replied 一Good morning sir!

Seeing that everyone was there he continued 一Take a sit. 一The man said 一I've got news of some student from this class, Miss Choi Sooyoung.

Yuri and Kai exchanged glances as he continued talking 一From now on she won't be attending anymore to classes as she decided to retire.

The news shocked everyone, not because she was friends with everyone but because it was in the middle of the school year and also why did she change school all of a sudden?

After everyone when shocked the principal continued 一Miss Sooyoung won't be able to come so I came to ask her friends to pick her things from her desk and locker and return it to her.

Everything was getting weirder... Like where exactly is she that can't come and pick her stuff? But none of them would ask those things at that moment.

一That's all. 一The principal didn't want to make this a drama in school 一I'm going to leave you so that you can continue with your class. 一The older man replied to their teacher and he left.

The teacher nodded and close the door behind him. They continued their normal activities but Yuri and Kai got worried about her friend.

一(Whatever it is Luhan might know where she is...) 一Kai thought.



And as he said he was going to ask him but he was busy still having extra lessons for not entering from the start of the year that he had to study more to keep up with the rest of the class.

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