Because of You

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Hellooo! It's me the author (yay! XD) Anyway here is the new chapter and let me tell you that from this point everything is going to get intense with some action and magic (or more like I'll try to do it XD) I am now going to use different POV's as I did before suddenly disappearing all POV's completely lol I think that in this part of the story it would fit better so that's why, anyway let's continue!


Sooyoung's POV

Classes were pretty normal and Dami help me a lot the first hours but later on recess she had to go to the bathroom and I lost sign of the short-haired girl.

With no one else to hang out, I thought that it was better to just go get something to eat because the anxiety was giving me hunger.

For the first time there, I actually knew where I was going so after some time I manage to get into the restaurant Kiseop showed me yesterday. I got myself a sandwich, some french fries with a soda and got out searching for a place to eat in peace without being to crowded.

I was looking around but all the benches were taken by couples or by people doing some late homework but when some guys gather in the volleyball court to play my head instantly thought that it would be good to enjoy the match and distract myself.

I never knew that what I was doing was weird here...



Sehun's POV

I was tired as always because I couldn't manage to sleep well, lucky me I wasn't in duty or else I wouldn't even be able to rest for a minute.

Johnny was with me because he wanted some people to see the match they were having in the break, you know, because he made another bet with some dudes and things got serious... but since I wasn't playing I accepted to join.

And so we did just as the bell rang I was already in the volleyball court and the teams were ready to play.

Fast forward... after a few minutes had passed and the guys decided to rest for a bit, Johnny made me realize of someone that had been watching us.

He took a sip of water after I lend him my bottle 一Hey, do you see that girl over there? Is she new or something? It's prohibited to eat on the grass.

I turned to look at who he was referring to 一There are benches for that-... 一I realized of who it was and stop speaking 一(Oh no, isn't she Sooyoung?)

And in fact, it was her 一(Uh... Maybe I should keep her out of trouble or Kris will kill me afterward.)

So I made an excuse and go to save the cat girl or else I'll be doom! (I swear I'm not exaggerating...-.-")



No one's POV

Sooyoung was just lost in her thoughts and in her food as for some reason she was more hungry than ever. Putting in her mouth fry after fry and eating them pretty fast.

Sehun saw her like this and she actually looked like a weirdo but he admitted it was kind of cute.

一So nobody told you, you can't eat here? 一The guy tried to catch her attention.

The catgirl returned to her senses immediately and with that almost choking 一*coughing hysterically* Oh it's you! *cough* Wha-What are you doing here? 一She asked.

一Well I study here as well 一He joked 一But seriously what are you doing here? You can eat inside, you know?

The girl returns her stare to the game 一I know, I know but I don't want to be the girl sitting alone in one table 一She puts another fry on her mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2019 ⏰

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