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Entering her place with a rush that woke up Yoona from her peaceful sleep.

—Hey! What's all this noise?! —She complained.

Sooyoung quickly took off her jacket in which she was hiding her tail.

—This can't be... Tell me this isn't real, oh god.

Yoona was also shocked as she watched how Sooyoung was looking at herself in the mirror and at her now cat tail specifically.

—Why me? —The girl touched her tail feeling that same texture as her ears —Yoona what's happening to me? —Her trembling voice filled with fear made Yoona nervous.

—I-I don't really understand honestly, what did you do? Something must have triggered the transformation.

Sooyoung started thinking about that day —Everything was just like the rest of the days. I just went to the party and got out later to go to the convention I told you with Kai...

Yoona sat beside Sooyoung hearing everything that might give her a clue —And? Didn't you saw anyone familiar or atleast suspicious?

—Someone.... familiar or suspicious... —On her mind the guy from last night popped but at the same who knows that it could have been a mistake, someone similar to him —I bumped into someone last night at the convention, I couldn't see his face but something made him familiar to me. —She told the truth to Yoona as it was something weird and she needed Yoona to know.

—Who ever that person was, better be careful. —She stood up and went to get something —Now let's get rid of that tail you've got.

—Wait, What?! You're not going to cut my tail off, right?

—No! For god sake Sooyoung! I'm not THAT evil. —Yoona came back with some bandages —I'm going to hide it with this of course and since I know you will will be late tomorrow better to do this tonight. —She stretched the bandage.

—Oh no, that looks painful.

—Belive me, it's much worse. —She smiled like a psycho before trying to "resolve" Sooyoung's problem.


That night Yoona managed somehow to wrap her tail around her back. Sooyoung screamed because apparently the tail was a really sensitive part and doing that was torture for sure.

Anyway after finishing that, Sooyoung woke up late as always but for her luck that day they had a fair in her school meaning that only few of the students will have to stay until late while the others had to come but could leave earlier.

Still Sooyoung was going late and the pain on her tail made it worst.

—(Gosh I actually feel like someone stepped on my freaking tail,  what the hell!?.... Never thought I would say those words.) —She continued running to her school.

Everyone else was already there except for the teacher, so Sooyoung entered with no problem to find Kai and Yuri talking non stop.

—Hey guys! —She said.

—Yo! Sooyounggie! —Yuri replied with more energy than ever.

—What's up old lady? —Kai greeted receiving a punch in the shoulder as response.

—Aish don't remind me of those kids, that's why my son won't be like them or I'll probably explote. —Sooyoung remembered last night and with that, what happened after the kids showed up.

Suddenly the teacher entered in the class making the thoughts in Sooyoung's head vanished.

—Alright everybody, you know what day is today and what you'll have to do. —He showed some papers he was holding —This is what you will have to do as homework for tomorrow, alright?

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