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Sooyoung was looking at the ground every step she made while Luhan to the sunset. Without saying anything they walked together.
Sooyoung felt really uncomfortable, it had passed long time since they both hang out, just the two of them.
This was the time to ask him, to tell him she wanted to be that friend that you can tell everything without feeling that he or she would tell to someone else, but the words of her mouth couldn't get out.

—(Ok.. Ok, Soo. You can do it... Just say it. Now.... I mean now. Why aren't you saying anything?!)— Her face was making weird expressions while talking to herself
—(What's wrong with her?... Is she nervous? Because of me??. No, no, that can't... I should say something.) And for who is the cake and the coffee?
—Ah, this. Just for a friend.
—Do I know her?
Sooyoung was like "omg stop asking about Yoona" —No I don't think so
—Aaaand~.... Oh! What about your dog?
—My dog...?
—Yes. How can you forget your own pet? Do you still have it, right?
—Oh... That dog (Ugh... Now how do I tell him that my friend who asked me to buy this was my dog??) I don't have it anymore
—Really? So sad, what happened to it?
—(Emmm... She decided to become human!)....It died because she was hit by a car!... It was so sad and I still miss her— *full feigned*
—Sorry to hear that.
—Don't worry it happened a long time ago

And the little chat ended and the silence get back.
It had passed sometime (that felt like hours) and they already could see the building just one block ahead. They still have sometime until they get there...

—(Why I can't just ask... What's going on? Why were those people after me? Why did you come back all of sudden? And..)

—And?— Luhan stand up infront of Sooyoung making her stopped at the sudden action.

He approached her and whisper on her ear —I have been waiting for you to ask that..
—(W-What? Did he hear me?)
—(Ehhhh?!)— Sooyoung give a step back
—You know... Before it was something else, but now is for protecting you.
—Protection? For me...- Anyway, how did you?
—I just read your thoughts.— Luhan pointed at his head —You didn't believe me the other night. That's obvious..
—No it wasn't because I didn't believe those things. It was just that this started all of sudden... And why me?
—I even don't know that. But if you want to take the risk... Maybe I can get you some information.
Sooyoung smile —Really?
—Yes, but promise me you won't do anything, and if you want something you will have to tell me first. It's pretty dangerous
—Tell you... Why? You were hiding this from me too, then why should I tell you?
—Listen. I am the only one who will accede to help you. And think that this isn't for me it is for you. If you don't tell me something could get wrong and maybe you could...



That night Yuri called Sooyoung inviting her to the house of his grandparents. That place was huge that sometimes it was scary to go there alone, so she asked her to stay the night with her.

Sooyoung went to Yuri's house and then they both go to the other house because her grandparents wouldn't be there.

—So here we are— Yuri said
The house wasn't so bad from the outside —Emmm... I thought it would be different
—Believe me. The inside isn't like this.
Yuri pushed the huge front door with Sooyoungs help —Woah...
—Your right. This place is better than the last time I come.— Yuri put her things in the floor to close the door
—That's why you never came here?
—Well... Not exactly. I was always afraid of this house.— They were walking through the long halls —Since I sleep on the first floor it's easy to hear everything of the second floor.
—Oh that must be creepy
—You have no idea— Yuri was closing all of the doors of the rooms except the one where they were sleeping —One night I remembered hearing something above me. I thought it was my grandma so I didn't care, but the next day I asked her what was that noise. She said "What are you talking about? I left to go see your mom that was bringing me somethings that you forgot"— She closed the last door —I couldn't sleep in this house the next day.. Hehe
—Yuri you want me to stay? Then don't tell me what things happen here..

They both placed their bags on the room to later go to the second floor.

Hours passed and every time it was getting darker and darker, they were seeing a horror movie (yep they decided to do that in that creepy house). When Sooyoung look at the hour it was already 11pm and the movie wasn't over. For some reason the second floor wasn't as scary as the first floor, but still they were afraid of going to sleep. They had brought many blankets up there and tiredness was winning them until they finally give up and fell asleep.

Suddenly something sound and Sooyoung woke up —Eh?... What was that?— She looked at Yuri that was sleeping like a rock —Really? You didn't hear it.... Ahhhh, this kid even if the house falls she wouldn't wake up, isn't she?

Again something sounded.

—Ok... What do I do? It must be a thief... It must, I won't think it is a ghost. Nop it can't be

She looked at the window and something was on the trees outside. She swallowed saliva to next do.... The worst idea ever.

She was going down stairs slowly —It was a bad idea. The ones that go to see what happened always die first...

It was true, they always die.
She picked a bat that Yuri had (she loves baseball) and when she got to the first floor everything looked normal... Until she heard again something coming from the outside.

—Alright you are down here... Just stay calm— The bat was shaking so hard that it might fall from her hands.

She opened the front door and get out. Everything looked normal but it was obvious that someone was out there and Sooyoung can feel it.

—Damn bastards! Get out of this property!— She screamed

The only response was just the move from the bushes near her. Suddenly some shadows that weren't human start moving approaching her, it were two... One trying to attack her and the other to protect her.

The white huge wolf was infront of her while the other one start biting his neck really hard trying to make a way through to Sooyoung.
It happened so fast that she just stand there paralyzed but every time they were getting closer to her. The red wolf was stronger. Sooyoung trip over falling backwards. The sound of her and growls woke Yuri, that get down there as fast as she could.

—What was that?!— Yuri was holding a lantern and this one was shaking
—(Those... Red eyes on the white wolf)
—Soo.. Sooyoung!?— Yuri scream to her
—.... Yuri
—What was it??!
—I-I... Think... It were thieves
—Thieves... My mom didn't told me that— She raised the lock of hair that was on her forehead —Are you ok? Hehe...
I laughed with her —Yep... I guess— She helped Sooyoung stand up
Yuri look at Sooyoung that was all covered in dirt —You will have to use my granny's pajamas
—No way...— They both laughed

"Was that Luhan?"

To be continued......

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