Oath Sign

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Sooyoung try to call Yoona -Mhh ... She doesn't answer ....-

-Really, it is not necessary ...- Luhan replied

-I know... But you have don't have place to go, so you don't have pretty much a choice-

-Wait, How did you knew that?-

-You just confessed and I knew it just by looking at you- SHe crossed her arms

-What's wrong with me?-

-With you anything... Just look at your clothes, wearing it a long tome and you an you need urgent to thake a bath...-

Luhan start smelling himself

-I think it she is asleep.In that case, Come on!-

-You still live in that old department?-

-Yes it is what I can have and I am happy with it... I think it's perfect to live a small apartment near a park- Suddenly the chill invaded her -Woa... I didn't know it was pretty cold at night-

Luhan take out his jacket to give her -Take it..-

Sooyoung smile -No keep it yourself- (⌒▽⌒)

('・Д・)」- ( ゚д゚) - (~_~;)lll

-Are you staying there or coming?- She say walking with her hands behind her head

-O-Ok..- ヽ(;▽;)ノ

*       *        *       *       *

She open the door of her department -And here we are.. TADA!-

-It looks just the same...Hehe- He looked around -Speaking of which, where is your dog?-

-She.. Well, it is a long story- Sooyoung open a room that was supposed to be from Yoona's -And this is were you will sleep-

-It is... So pink-

-I know right... I never liked it, but this room is useful (Lucky Yoona likes to sleep under my bed and not in this room that was supposed to be hers (*^o^*))

-So you are sleeping there I guess- Luhan point the sky blue room -Well now it looks more like a girls room, I remember it was full of posters and it kind of looked like my room-

-Well... In the other wall are all of the posters, so it is pretty much the same- Sooyoung added -And about taking a bath, I really mean it..-

She take out some pajamas for men -Here, use this... Oh, and the water is already hot-

-Do you have pajamas for men?-

-Yes, it was supposed to be for you but I like them, and now are my pajamas-

-I like it..- Luhan looked at the pajamas

-Well they are mine... And now take a bath, I can't hold my breath much longer-

-You are exaggerating...-

*       *        *       *       *

It was night and Sooyoung saw Yoona's note saying that she will be meeting with someone to know more about her incident and that probably

With Luhan and she alone they went to rest, but im the middle of the night Sooyoung went for a glass of juice in the kitchen. She walk with the glass until she get to the door of her room and where Luhan was the door was open

Sooyoung enter slowly and seeing him sleep she left her juice in the table near the bed and she lay down beside him hugging Luhan from his back

Luhan was still awake but he pretended to be asleep when Sooyoung entered

-(She is my bestfriend... Why I was hiding this from her, when she could help me instead?)- He ask in himself

He just closed his eyes and try to sleep

*       *        *       *       *

In the morning..

Sooyoung wakes up -Ah... What hour is?- She try to find her phone but it wasn't on the table -Don't tell me.. I fall asleep with him. It wasn't supposed to happen this-

But he wasn't there.

-My phone...- She say going to the her roo. She picked it up and look at the hour -Oh my god... I am late- She realized of what she say -I am late.. Again!-

She took her clothes and enter in the bathroom. After a few minutes she came out ready. Picking a toast and a milk carton for the way.

With the fast that she left, Sooyoung didn't read the note, Luhan left in the kitchen
She came late and since it this was everyday the teacher don't let her enter his class and she could finish her breakfast

Sooyoung was sitting in the floor next to her class -It was a note... Right? I guess it was from Luhan.- She sigh while putting her head back -And where is Yoona?!-

Still with the milk carton in her mouth the director approached her...

-You have a call..- He say

-For me..?- I say holding the carton with my teeth

He give her the phone -Do not spend to much talking..- He turn around and leave

-Hello?- She take her carton from her mouth

-Sooyoung?- A voice replied

-Soojin! Hey... I thought that you didn't know how to call me- Sooyoung joked

-Haha.. I am not so much older than you-

-Anyway, why the sudden call? I usually don't get calls and less if they are in classes-

-Soo.. We need to talk- Soojin turn serious

-Sure, what is it?-

After a few minutes Sooyoung enter to the directors office and just give him the phone..

The director and a teacher there look at her through the window as Sooyoung left..

She took a taxi to the nearest hospital there.
Soojin told her that her mom last night got worse so badly that doctors had to take her to emergency
When she arrived, Sooyoung run through all the halls. There were people's waiting outside in the lobby

*       *        *       *       *


Luhan was with his friends when he saw Kai and Yuri alone in one of the tables, so he approached them

-What happened guys where is Sooyoung?- Luhan ask

-I don't know she won't answer her phone- Yuri say looking at her cellphone

-It is strange if she is going to skip class she would tell us...- Kai added

-Ah... This Sooyoung that makes me worried- Yuri replied

-Don't worry you guys.. She will be fine- Kai say looking at Luhan

-Yeah.. Sure- Luhan say with doubt

*       *        *       *       *

That day Sooyoung stay all day in the hospital. Soojin had get to her home because she didn't have time to stay. And Sooyoung fell asleep beside her mom that has get out of emergency...

Luhan for the other way was worried. Not telling her bestfriends wasn't something that Sooyoung would do... Kai and Yuri told him that she would be fine and that tomorrow she will come and tell them everything...

But still Luhan was worried.. Maybe the man from last time catch her, but why? In that moment he received a call


-Hello~ Luhan- Yuri say

-What's up..-

-Good news... Sooyoung call me saying that she is with her mother in the hospital and as soon as everything is fine she will go back to classes-

-Then I will go to see her-

-No, it is better if you don't go-

-Ok I get it... I won't go-

-Oh don't be say Luhan the deer. She is ok-

-Luhan the deer, really?-

-Haha.. It is good I just invented-

-Then see you tomorrow-

-Sure... Bye bye!-

He ended the call

-I don't know... Maybe I need to see if she is really fine- He puts his hoodie and leaves

To be Continued....

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