I Hope

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Friday 11:00 a.m

Yoona has never woke up early, or well she has but only to make sure Sooyoung didn't miss classes, then soon after she gets back to sleep. Her mornings were at 10 or 11 and her breakfast could be at 11 or 11:30 depending on her mood.

So practically the morning went the same, she woke up to find that Sooyoung was running late... again... but the only thing on her mind wasn't that, she woke up with an indescribable desire for coffee, specifically the one that sells at Xiumin's parents restaurant. That's why she woke up Sooyoung because after her classes were over earlier, she could buy coffee and bring it to her.

And after that she slept once more...

When she woke up her alarm clock marked 11, so Yoona prepared herself, took a bath, and cleaned the apartment a little bit as she didn't want to be called "lazy".

But even after she finished her duties, Sooyoung never came.

—Almost midday... —Yoona muttered while laying on the kitchen's table -But it's kind of my fault for not asking at what time did she exactly was supposed to come.

Looking again to the clock and the seconds passing made her realize that if she stayed one more second not doing nothing she was going to lose her mind. Coffee was essential.

—Forget it, I'll wait for her at the coffee shop. —She took one of Sooyoung's coats and leave the place in order to get breakfast.

But at the end she never showed up.

It was 12:45 p.m and Sooyoung hasn't come with the coffee she promised. Lucky her that when she went to the coffee shop, Xiumin's mom offered her coffee with a fancy bread for free, glad that she was friends with the lady.

But right now Yoona was more worried about her owner and let's be honest, she has been more worried than ever the day when she came with those freaking cat ears, and then the tail...

She looked to the ceiling wondering —A tail? I don't get this transformation, it's like... slow... I'm starting to wonder if it isn't a transformation contract... What if that cat a the park she told me was a-... —She didn't finish her sentence —I need to find out what's going on, maybe Sooyoung is in danger.


Time 02:43 p.m

Yoona knew about someone that might actually help her with what was happening to Sooyoung.

The Ice Princess.

Not actually a real princess and not an ice one, she was a magical creature, a white artic fox to be exact. Born with a frozen heart. Literally...

If someone knew about the magical world and the contracts was her. So Yoona kind of took a trip in order to get to the Ice Princess, it was an almost 1 hour trip walking because Yoona always ended up lost if she takes a bus. But she made it.

The place she went was kind of like a really huge garden at one side of he road, but do not let it fool you, that place was enormous and covered with plants all over.

Yoona walked a little more and sat at one bench infront of the garden as it's said that The Ice Princess appears if you caught her interest.

Suddenly a cold breeze invaded Yoona's body.

—(Thank god this sweater is really warm) —She thought.

—And it looks good on you. —A voice next to her sounded.

Yoona didn't get surprised at all —It isn't mine but thanks.

—Nice to see you Yoona, It has been a long time —The woman beside her greeted her, she was always so formal that is perfect with her cold personality.

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