By My Side

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—Sooyoung-ssi.... Wake up —Soojin, her older sister, said moving Sooyoung from one side to another.

Sooyoung open her eyes —Ah it is just you... — And got back to sleep.

(♯`∧') — Choi Sooyoung. You will get late to classes!? — Soojin shout — Come on! Yesterday you spend all the day here. You can't live here, do you understand?

—Don't bother me. And I can live here just watch!

(♯`∧') —Choi Sooyoung!?

—Stop saying my name!

— You can't stay here all the week, you can't skip classes. Mom is going to be furious with you when she finds out. —She smiled remembering how when they were little they use to fight just the same —No need to worry, I am completely sure she will be alright in no time.

—I hope so... —In her voice you could hear her sadness. Soojin sigh — If you want we could take turns to watch her —Sooyoung looked at her —In the mornings you study while I stay here and on the evening it's your turn, sounds right?

—That sound better. Alright but promise me we won't leave mother alone —Sooyoung say extending her pinky.

— I promise you that. —She did the same.

At school.

Even though Yuri know that Sooyoung was at the hospital she was worried because she wouldn't answer any of her messages, but even though she kept waiting for her.

—So... no Sooyoung? —Kai spoke squatting beside Yuri.

Yuri was looking at her phone while sitting in front of her locker —No, still nothing. No signs of our Soo.

Kai giggled —What's so funny? —Yuri asked him confused.

—Look at him, gosh he is so worried. —He put a hand on his mouth covering his smile.

Yuri look to the guy Kai was referring to —He is still the Luhan that I remember, but it is strange —Yuri replied.

—Huh? What it's strange? He is a person that worries alot, you know.

—No, it's not that. I already told him that she was fine... So why he is still like this? He looks worried that something might happen to her even though she isn't the one hospitalized.

Kai looked at him —That is strange... —He whispered.

With 3 minutes left Kai and Yuri enter their classroom and sit next to Hyoyeon and Xiumin. The teacher entered and was closing the door when suddenly someone push the door before it close. Everyone looked at the person.

—Sorry for being late —She say breathing heavily. Sooyoung must have ran all the way because her hair was a mess and she was sweating a lot.

—(Sooyoung!) — Yuri and Kai thought in unison.

—Miss Choi, I hope this is your first and last time that you are late... —The teacher say looking at her with his stare, picking the justification.

—Sorry won't happen again. —She replied

—Take sit.

Sooyoung sat in the middle of Kai and Yuri as always waving at them.

Yuri sigh in relive —(Waaaa, I don't have to worry anymore, she's alright.

—Hi. —Sooyoung say to them trying to not be too loud

—Hi late girl, good afternoon —Kai joked.

—What happened to you? —Yuri ask.

—My sister told me to come, she is watching over my mom right now-... — She was interrupted by the teacher.

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