BSM Michael: You're Adopted and He Hates You

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* look at this photo of our penguin dimples-and-bandanas *

Age: 16

You cried as Michael, your brother, yelled profanities at you, his friends just sitting there watching, ignoring everything. They was on their phone, not paying attention to the 20 year old screaming at his adopted sister. Everyone knew he hated you, even your parents did. They knew he hated you, but there wasn't anything they could do to make him like you, considering he was 20 years old.

You tried your best to old the tears back, but they slowly leaked out, making the situation worse.

"Oh great! You're fucking crying now?" He sneered.

"Because your an asshole! Stop being a prick and realize I'm here to stay and theres nothing you can do about it!" you yelled at him, gathering the courage to stand up for yourself. That's another thing he wasn't use to. Be told off or put in his place. He glared at you, Ashton finally looking up from his phone, seeing you crying and glaring at Michael. He walked out of the room and into the kitchen.

"Y/N, you okay?" Ashton asked softly, reaching out to touch your arm, but you flinched back.

You had came from an abusive home, with tons of screaming, abuse (verbal and physical).

A look of hurt came across his face as he looked at you. Michael came back into the living room, seeing Ashtons face.

"What'd you fuck up this time?" He rolled his eyes.

"You think I'd hurt you?" He asked lowly, the evidence of hurt still on his face.

"Well Ashton, when you've been hurt all your life, its hard not too." You sighed, "Its nothing against you." Directing part of the first part of your answer at Michael.

You was adopted by the Cliffords at the age of 7, because Karen wanted a girl, but not one she'd have to fully raise all over again, so the next best thing possible? Adopting a child. And ever since then, Michael has hated you. And that was almost 10 years ago, but you could still remember everything from your old home.

Ashton nodded, looking ahead, sighing.


"I swear Y/N, you screw everything up," Michael laughed, "Why didn't you just kill yourself when you had the chance?"

A look of shock came across the other three boys faces as they looked up from their phones.

Tears pooled out of your eyes then them darting toward Michael, "Maybe I will." You cried out, jumping off of the couch and into the bathroom, locking the door behind you so no one could get in. You had a cutting problem and have for a while now, but it gradually got worse when you was adopted.

You grabbed your blade that you had hidden from everyone, only you knowing where it was at.

"Fucking hell mate!" You heard Ashton yell at his bestfriend, "Are you fucking stupid?"

"Maybe she'll go through with it." Michael grunted. You then heard something hit skin then a groan.

"Y/N open the door please!" You heard Luke beg as you brought the blade to your wrist, slicing it open. Blood pouring out of it as you cut deeper making you sob and Luke bang on the door, demanding you to open it right now.


It was too late as you saw black spots take your vision. You heard the door open and crying but you passed out.

That was all you heard, other than sniffling and pleads for you to wake you.

"I'm such an idiot." You heard Michael mutter to himself, everyone else had gone to get food, Michael offering to stay incase you woke up.

"Please Y/N wake up." He pleaded, grabbing your hand and playing with your fingers.

Your foot twitched as hope rose in Michael.

Your eyes slowly fluttered open, Michael pulling out his phone, sending a quick text to your guys' mum and dad.

"Oh my god Y/N. I thought we lost you. I'm so fucking sorry." He cried. Your parents walked in, Michaels bandmates following.

"It didn't work." You whispered, "it didn't fucking goddamn work." Tears welled up in your eyes.

"What did work babygirl?" Your mum asked.

"The fucking blade didn't serve its purpose. It was supposed to work." You cried out, placing your head in your hands, sobbing.

Your mum gasped as your dad held her. Ashton walked over to you and sat on your bed.

"We will help you Y/N. I will help you." He said. He's been in this situation. He knew what it felt like when all hope was lost.

You busted into tears again.

"Just take me away from my misery." You whispered, sobbing.

Michael got up and walked out of the room, knowing he was the cause of this. He slid down the wall, bringing his knees up to his chest, crying. He placed his head in his hands. He felt someone wrap their arms around him, the person being Calum.

"Michael, she wants you." He sighed.

Michael got back up and walked into the room, facing you.

"Michael, itll all be okay, but I swear to god, next time I'll make sure it works." you threatened, him gulping at the thought of your family loosing you.

"There wont be a next time because I'm going to be the best fucking goddamn big brother you'll ever have, Y/N."

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