BSM Ashton: He catches you playing his drums

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Age: 13

Since Ashton was rarely home anymore because he was only ever touring anymore with his bandmates; Luke, Calum, and Michael, you took up this opportunity to learn to play the drums. You was always fascinated, watching your older brother play.

You desperately wanted to live up to his standards. He was one of the best drummers you knew, but you didn't know anymore other than Josh Devine, One Directions drummer, and All Time Low's drummer, Rian Dawson.

You met Josh when your brother was touring with One Direction and you went to visit him, along with your younger siblings and mum.

You met Rian recently when you visited him on tour once again and all of All Time Low happened to be at the concert as well. You cried when you met them, mainly because that was your favorite band, besides your brothers, who will always have that number one spot in heart.

You hit the snare drum along with the cymbal, creating the rhythm to your brothers song, Rejects. You started muttering the words, your voice growing louder as it carried on.

You finished the song, sighing as your grabbed your water bottle taking a swig from it and placing it back on the ground before playing a few more songs, ranging from Blink-182 to 5SOS.

Your muscles hurt once you finished the last song, but something caught your attention. Clapping. Multiple claps from different people. Except one. Your brother.

"Y/N, when did you learn to play the drums?" Ashton asked no emotion laced in his voice at all. You could see his bandmates standing behind him, looking shocked.

"When you left. I wanted to be like you. I wanted you to be proud." You muttered. You knew he was ashamed. The drums was his thing and your whole family knew it, including you.

You grabbed your bottle, swiftly getting off of the stool and ran past Ashton and his friends, who treated you like a little sister. Tears clouded your vision as you ran up the stairs.

"Y/N! Come back!" You heard him yell out. You didn't answer, just silence rang out through the air.

You slammed your door shut, it ringing out with a 'thud'. Tears streamed down your face as you grabbed your hand-me-down iPod that Ashton gave you, loaded with music you both listened to.

Good Charlotte loaded as the sound of The Anthem filled your ears through your headphones. You closed you eyes and slowly drifted to sleep.

You woke up about an hour later, feeling weight on your bed and someone removing your headphones making you sigh. You saw Luke and Calum standing in your room, looking at you.

"Y/N?" Calum questioned.

"Hm?" You hummed, not really in the mood to talk to anyone. Your brother ruined that.

Neither of the teenage boys responded as Luke picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, making you thrash around.

"Put me down you breadstick!" You yelled at him, making him laugh. He threw you on the couch beside your brother, who was frowning.

"Neither of you two are leaving until you make up." Michael said, darting his eyes between the two siblings. You turned your head, looking away from your brother, feeling his eyes burning into your skull.

Moments later, you felt arms grab you and pull you onto your brothers lap. You saw Calum move away from you, making you glare at him. You muttered some incoherent words.

You felt Ashton wrap his arms around your waist and pull you into his chest. A smile tugged at his lips, knowing he had one of his baby siblings back in his arms.

"I'm sorry Y/N. I was just shocked. I never thought you'd be interested in playing the drums, much less being like me." He sighed, removing your hair away from your face.

"You'd be crazy if you didn't want to be like you Ashy. You have three bestfriends, a huge fan base, and family who support you through thick and thin."

He took the thought into consideration, sighing, "I'm so proud of you Y/N."

He kissed your forehead, making you smile and making Michael aw then Calum hit him on the shoulder playfully.

"Way to ruin the moment guys." Luke muttered, making you all laugh.

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