BSM Cal: He Protects You From One Of His Friends

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** this may be a little triggering. pls read with caution.**

**thanks to dimples-and-bandanas  for helping me with this.**

Y/N Age: 19

Brad Taylor: 21

You sighed as your brothers friend glared at you from across the room, making you shrink down into the couch beside Calum.

Brad hated you from day one while his other three friends loved you to pieces. You wasn't sure why he hated you so much, but it bothered you. He wouldn't tell you either, he just told you to figure it out.

You pulled your phone out, sighing and going on twitter, seeing indirects from Brad.

itsbradley: youre a bitch and you know it(;

itsbradley: I hate your face too

itsbradley: I hate you're around him, but that's his life, not mine.

"What the fuck have I done to make you hate me?" You jumped up, shouting at Brad.

He rolled his eyes going back to his phone. You ended up snatching his phone out of his hands, making him glare at you and raise out of his seat, hovering over you. The boys was just watching, not even Calum interfering.

"Give. Me. My. Phone." he growled, slightly making you flinch.

"No. I want answers. Why do you hate me so goddamn much?"

He smirked, ignoring your question one more time.

You groaned, tugging at your hair. You still had his phone in your back pocket and he wasn't getting it until he told you.

"You fucking asshole." You sneered, "I don't know what I've done to you."

"Don't you remember?" He smirked.

"If I fucking remember, I wouldn't be asking." You yelled the plain obvious.

"Remember Tyler Dawsons party? Junior year?" He asked, trying to bring back memories, Calum and the other three looking extremely confused.

You shook your head, just as confused.

"Don't you remember us making out, almost having sex and you fucking rejecting me? I was so close on having your virginity, but no. You remembered you liked someone else." He sneered, making your eyes widen. Calum looked shocked at the fact that his bestfriend almost having sex with his little sister, but he continued, "You was pretty hot for a fifteen year old, though Y/N."

"You.. you're the one that spread those rumors that was going around the school the next day!"

"So you do remember?" he smirked once again.

"Yeah I fucking remember. You hate me because I was the cause of you not getting laid? You're pathetic Taylor."

"Maybe, maybe not." he smirked. You threw his phone at him, it hitting him in the head. He groaned, clutching his forehead before getting up and walking toward you. With every step he'd take toward you, you'd take one back.

"Not so confident now, are you Y/N?" He sneered, you now being pressed against the wall. Calum and the other three looking shocked at their bestfriends actions.

You looked away as you felt his hot breath hitting you face, staying silent. His face neared yours, his lips nipping at your ear, making your heart pound and air catch in your throat.

"Brad-" Your brother started.

"No Cal, let her fight her own battle."

"Brad you should-"

"Ashton shut up!" he slightly twisted his head so he could see the boys.

"Michael, I swear if you say anything, youll wish you hadn't." Brad threatened.

Your hands shook slightly, because honestly, Brad was fucking terrifying when he was mad.

He had his hands on either side of your head, his hips pressing you against the wall, making you not be able to move.

"Now, do you have anything to say to me?" He asked.

"Yeah," you looked down, making him think you was going to apologize, him smirking, "I'm not fucking sorry and I'm soo glad you didn't get my virginity." You spat at him.

He let out a slight growl.

"Guys, go in the basement for a minute." Brad commanded.

"I'm not leaving you with my sister alone."

"Now!" He barked, and like I said, hes fucking terrifying. The boys scattered, leaving you with Brad, his hips slightly grinding into yours, his face even closer.

"Baby, I don't think you understand," he started, "I'm Bradley Taylor and I get what I want and will including, you, Y/N Hood." Calum heard this and darted up the stairs, the other three lads following.

"Get the hell away from my sister." He snapped, shoving Brad off as you scrambled away from him.

Your brother grabbed Brad by the collar, hoisting him up and slamming him against the wall.

"I swear to god Taylor, if I ever see you around my baby sister again, I'll fucking make sure your 6 feet under." He sneered, making Brad laugh.

"Id love to see that Calum." He said, darting his eyes over to Y/N.

"And we didn't even get to the fun part." He fake pouted.

Calum slammed his head against the wall once more, Brad's head snapping toward him.

"I swear Brad, just leave and never come back in this house again." Calum seethed, letting Brad go, who reluctantly left the house, no hassle.

"Oh my god Calum." You cried into his chest.

"Shh, it's okay. Everything will be fine." He soothed, trying to call you down, "You're okay and nothing will ever hurt you again, not on my watch."

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