DDM Ashton: Your US Boyfriend Spends The Holidays With Your Family P1

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**Once again, using a random name, but chose whatever your heart desires. What he looks like, but you can imagine what you want**

Age: 16

Your leg shook uncontrollably as you waited in the airport, waiting for your boyfriend from the US to arrive in the Sydney International Airport. Your dad could tell you was nervous. It was the first time you two would be together in person, instead of video chat. You visited LA quite a bit, making your relationship work, but this was different. He was coming to Australia, staying yours, your dads, and Lukes house. Your parents had gotten a divorce in your early years, Ashton gaining custody. Luke still wasn't married, but did have a son. He didn't have full custody so hes only around on the weekends. His girlfriend got pregnant, making the two have a nasty breakup. Luke did want to be in his sons life though. His ex is still acquaintances with Luke, but only for Theo.

Its not that your mum didn't want you because she did. She fought so hard for you, but your dad ending up winning custody. But that was fine with you. You still see your mum, but only when Ashton is around you, or if you meet for lunch or something like that.

"Any minute.." Your dad smirked, you glaring at the still curly haired man. He laughed at you, wrapping his arm around your back, rubbing it slightly and leaving it around the frame of the plastic chair you was sitting.

Your leg starting shaking harder, just knowing he'd be walking through the terminal door any moment now. Ashton placed his hand on your knee, stopping the bouncing.

"Thanks." You smiled graciously at your dad, him smiling at you.

You checked your phone, sighing at the time. 7:56 A.M

Clays flight didn't land until 8:00 A.M, the anticipation getting worse as time went on.

You had one a sweatshirt and a pair of yoga pants on. Your dirty blonde curly hair that you inherited from your dad typed up in a bun on top of your head. Your finger made its way to the bridge of your nose, pushing your glasses up. That's another thing you got from your dad. His eyesight, which sucked. Meanwhile, your mum had perfect eyesight, making you envy her.

The terminal doors open, but you not paying attention, didn't notice it.

Ashtons hand hit you shoulder then him pointing where the brunette and blue eyed boy stood, looking as confused as he could.

A smile crept onto his face as his eye made contact with yours. Flashes started going off as you and your dad walked toward Clay, him setting down his luggage and wrapping his arms around your tiny frame, pulling you into his broad chest.

Yeah, stupid paps was at he airport this early, just to get photos of your dad. 5SOS was still together, but they didn't play as much as they used to. Mainly, they play a few shows in the US and in Australia and now put covers on Youtube, once again. Michael and Calum have families they have to attend to, so really they cant leave as much as they could when they was teenagers.

"I missed you beautiful." He kissed the top of your head, making you smile into his chest. Your dad was standing infront of you two, blocking the paps view of you two.

"Lets go. Im still tired." Your dad whined. You helped Clay with his suitcases, him denying you, but you still grabbed one anyways making the slightly older boy grunt at you.

"It's so different here." He sighed, looking around.

"Tell me about it. LA is so different." He nodded.

It was Christmas Day now. Clay had spent Christmas Eve with his family, then coming to Australia to see you.

"Luke and Theo should be up when we get there." Your dad smiled at you in the rearview mirror, you nodding. You was sitting in the back with Clay.

"Is that your dads boyfriend or husband?" He whispered, but it wasn't quite enough because your dad started choking on his spit while you busted out laughing. Clay blushed looking at you, laughing at the confused boy.

"Luke is my bestfriend and Theo is his son." Ashton spluttered out, you laughing once again.

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