BSM Luke: Youre Loosing Weight And Your Brothers Are Concerned.

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**may be triggering. read with caution**

*this honest to god is how I feel, but without my brother. pls if you ever need to talk about any personal problems, just message me. our conversations will stay between us and us only. i love you guys. *

Age: 15

You shuffled the food around on your plate as your family ate around you, clearly enjoying the warm meal your mum had prepared.

It wasn't that you wasn't hungry, it was you couldn't bring yourself to lift the spoon to your mouth. It was like you felt sick just thinking about the warmness in your mouth.

"Honey, are you okay? You haven't touched your food." Your dad asked, noticing you finally.

"Uh- yeah. I'm fine." You muttered. It was hard saying you were fine, mainly because you didn't know what fine was.

"Are you sure?" He pressed.

You nodded, knowing if you answered you'd probably snap at him; and that was the last thing you wanted. You hated hurting your family's feelings, especially your parents.

"I'm not hungry. I'm just gonna go on up to my room." You sighed scooting your chair away from the table and running to your room.

"Are you not concerned about her? She's loosing weight guys.." Luke asked setting his spoon down as he rubbed his face with the other hand.

"I am guys." Ben sighed, "You don't think.." He started.

"I don't think she has anorexia Ben." Jack sighed.

"She's still eating. She's just not eating as much guys." Liz replied.

"Is it because of that guy she likes?" Ben asked.

"I don't know, but if she's changing herself for a boy.. God I don't know what I'll do." Luke growled, your brothers murmuring in agreement.

"I can hear you guys." You yelled down the hall way, making your family hush.

You walked down the hall way, sitting back down at the kitchen table.

No one said a word as the rest of your family finished eating in silence.

Your still untouched food was now cold, but you put it in the refrigerator just in case you wanted it later or you could eat it tomorrow, which you knew you wouldn't, but you didn't want to hurt your mums feelings by throwing it away.

Your family was sitting on the couch, murmuring about how the new Star Wars movie was amazing and Luke was able to get his hands on a copy of it before it hit stores.

You started up the stairs before hearing your name called.

"Aren't you going to join us?" Luke asked, "I got Star Wars. I thought you'd like it considering that's all you've talked about."

You gave him a small smile for at least thinking about you.

"I guess." You groaned teasingly walking back down the stairs and plopping between Jack and Luke. Jack threw his arm around you, tugging your much smaller body into his side.

"Wow." He grunted to himself. He knew your weight had drastically changed in the past few months, but he didn't say anything, thinking you was finishing puberty, as bad as that sounds.

You technically wasn't starving yourself, because you did eat, but not as much as your family or as much as you use too.

"What?" You whispered.

"Nothing." He sighed, directing his eyes back to the tv.

"Bull." You stood up, holding your hand out, " Come on."

He grabbed your hand, hoisting himself up off of the couch. He took the opportunity of talking to you about this, mainly because this chance may not come back around, especially knowing how stubborn you are. You heard footsteps following behind you, but you didn't question it.

"What's up Jack?" You asked as he sat at the kitchen table. You didn't sit, you just stood beside him.

"We're worried about you Y/N. I'm worried about you.." He sighed.

You looked at the ground, not wanting to talk about this.

"Jack, I don't want to talk about this." You sighed starting to walk out of the room until you felt arms around your waist and lifted onto someone's shoulder

"No, youre sitting and we are talking about this." You heard Luke grumbled underneath you before he sat you in a chair beside Jack, him taking the seat on the other side of your smaller body.

"Why?" Is all that escaped Luke's lips.

You didn't answer, letting the question linger in the air.

"Fuck Y/N. Why?" He asked once again, a little harsher than before.

Once again, you didn't respond.

He let a small growl escape his lips as his hands ran over his face.

"Y/N/N, why are you doing this?" Jack asked from beside you, making you sigh. He wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closely into his much larger frame.

"Because of Y/C/N." that did it for Luke. He shot up out of the chair, the chair falling behind him.

"I fucking goddamn knew it!" He shouted.

"Luke, sit down before mum and dad come in here." Jack commanded his younger brother.

He threw his hands up, walking out of the kitchen, leaving you and Jack alone.

"Baby doll, you don't need to change yourself for a boy. The right one will eventually come along and Y/C/N will be a thing of the past." Jack sighed, hugging you tighter, "Now come on, let's go finish the movie and you can talk to Luke later, okay?"

You nodded, following your older brother. He cuddled you, along with Ben as your family watched movies for hours before deciding to finally go to bed, meaning you'd have to talk to Luke that next morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2017 ⏰

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