You Tell Him You're Pregnant

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You stood in the bathroom, your hands shaking as they held the tests that would change your future. A gasp escaped your lips as you looks them, two lines appearing. A tear rolled down your cheek.

What would Calum think? Yeah, you've been together for two years, but he's at the high of his career. He doesn't need a child right now.

"Babe? You okay in there? You've been in the for a awfully long time." You heard Calum asked through the door. You had it locked so no on could enter while the tests was processing.

"Uh.. Y-yeah." You stuttered out. Another tear slipped down your cheek as you stared at the test.

"Alright." He sighed walking away from the door. You slid the test in the box before unlocking the door and opening it.

"Cal?" You hollered out, your voice shaking.

"In here!" He shouted from the living room.

"I.. I need to tell you something." You sighed, sitting across from him, keeping as much distance as possible, "This may be good news or bad news, depending on how you take it."

He nodded, signaling for you to continue.

You brought the box out from behind your back, his eyes widening.

"Are.. Are you?" He couldn't find the words.

You shallowly nodded. His fist clenched, his face was twisted into a scowl. He stood up, making you stand up as well.

"I thought you was on the fucking pill Y/N!" He shouted at you, getting in your face.

"I am Calum!" You shouted back, "But the pill doesn't always work!" You whispered the last part.

It was silent as Calum tried to process the information you had just dropped on him.

Him being a father? There was no way. He always pulled out or used a condom. The pill was a precaution, that obviously didn't work.

"Aren't you happy about this?!" You finally yelled, tears brimming your eyes, staring at Calum. He stared back at you.

"Right now Y/N.. I don't fucking know." He replied, before grabbing his jacket and walking out the door.


Your husband was sitting on the couch, his leg jittering as you was in the bathroom, taking a test. Your period had been late.


The first time you thought it was because you had been stressing over your job, but when it happened the second time, you got kinda worried. So to ease yours and Ashtons minds, he went out and bought you a pregnancy test.

5 minutes later, you squealed, dancing on the spot.

"ASHTON!" You yelled running toward the living room where he was sitting. You plopped on the couch next to him. You threw the test in his lap, smiling. A grin stretched across his face.

"Oh my god.. I'm going to be a dad." He smiled, rubbing his face with his hands before he jumped up, pulling you up with him. He jerked you into his chest, rubbing your back.

The realization came across his features once more. He leg go of you laughing.

"IM GOING TO BE A DAD!" He shrieked, making you laugh.

"That you are babe." You kissed your husbands lips.

"And I'm going to be the best damn dad this kid will ever have." He muttered against your lips.

"Alright. Get ready. We have some people to tell." You smiled, placing you hands on his bare chest.

"Like who?"

"Our families. The boys." You trailed on. He shushed you, smiling.

He removed your hands from his chest. He bent down, placing a kiss on your stomach, his hands on either sides.

"Hi. I'm your daddy." He smiled at your slight baby bump, planting another kiss on it. He looked up at you.

"I love you Y/N."


Your boyfriend sat on the edge of the bathtub while you sat on his lap, waiting for your timer to go off, telling you your fate. You knew Luke would be happy either way. Whether you was pregnant or not.

Your phone buzzed, making you jump. He laughed at your reaction before carefully shoving you off of his lap and grabbing the pink test. A smile grew upon his face as his hand started shaking. He dropped to the ground, his face buried in his hands.

"I'm going to be a dad Y/N!" He raised his head from his hands, tears filling his blue eyes.

Tears welled up in your eyes. One dripped down his cheek and onto your white tshirt of his that you was wearing.

"Baby, aren't you happy?" You asked, pulling back.

"These are happy tears." He smiled.

"Now come on. Lets go celebrate."

"But you cant have alcohol?" He was confused.

"Who said anything about alcohol babe?" He smirked.

"I like the way you think Mrs. Hemmings."

"Mrs. Hemmings? I didn't know your mum was here."

"No, but you'll eventually be the next Mrs. Hemmings." You laughed at him as he carefully threw you over his broad shoulder and carried you to your room, shutting the door behind you two with his foot.


"Michael, we need to talk."

"Then come here! You didn't cheat on me, did you?" You ignored his question, making him scowl at you.

"Michael. I'm pregnant." You sighed sitting next to him. You didn't beat around the bush, mainly because you hated when people did that to you, so you just came right out and said it.

His face turned from a look of worry to a look of... Nothing. His expression showed nothing. "Oh." Michael replied simply, staring at you. "Oh..?" You asked cautiously. He nodded, an emotionless look still on his face.

"Are you sure?" He asked, still not emotion on his face or laced in his voice.

"The three tests was positive."

"When did you get tests? I've been with you everyday." He questioned.

"Luke dropped by and I asked him to get them." You sighed.

"Are you sure we're ready to be parents Y/N?"

"I'm sure. If you don't want to be in his or her life, then that's fine." You teared up.

"Baby, don't cry. I'm here and I'm not leaving." He gave you a slight smile, but it quickly disappeared just as fast as it came.

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