He Catches You Cheating w/ One Of His Bandmates

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You woke, feeling Calums side of the bed ice cold. He wasn't in your room at all but he did come to bed last night. He wouldn't talk to you, nor even make eye contact. So, you being you, you got out of the bed, looking for the tan boy. You shared a house with all the boys, so you thought he might be downstairs with them.

You walked down the stairs hearing a magazine being flipped and then thrown across the room.

"Why?" Is all he asked you when you came into his view, "And with Luke too? I thought he was my friend." He mumbled the last part, you not being able to catch it. Tears filling his brown eyes.

"What's wrong Cal?" Luke asked, walking in the kitchen, seeing the brunette having his hands buried in his palms.

He lifted his head glaring at the blonde, "You fucking my girlfriend, you prick. That's whats wrong."

Luke shifted his, knowing you was caught the night you two left together, but nothing had happened between you two. Calum clicked his tongue, knowing, well thinking, he was right.

It was one of those nights where you guys went to a club, but you nor Luke was feeling up to it and you both came home, but the paparazzi had swarmed you two as you walked out, making Luke grab your wrist so he didn't lose you.

"It's a mistake Calum." You sighed, making Calum glare at you.

"Fucking hell it was! You fucked my bestfriend then had the audacity to lay in the same goddamn bed as me?! You bitch." He yelled at you, making you flinch.

"CALUM! We didn't have sex! We didn't even kiss! Nothing happened." Luke screamed him, making turn his glare to Luke's direction, "Nothing happened."

Calum just glared at you two before stomping upstairs.

"And you told me not to believe everything you read?! Maybe you should take your own advice Hood!" You yelled up the stairs at him, him just slamming your bedroom door in response.

You plopped on the couch between Michael and Ashton, who you didn't even know what watching, sighing.

"Fuck. There goes my relationship." You sighed out before going upstairs and into your room, where Calum was laying on the bed.

You grabbed your suitcase then opening the drawer before a hand slammed it shut.

"What are you doing?" you sneered.

"You're not leaving." he snapped lowly.

"You accused me of cheating with your bestfriend because of an article that wasn't even true, then your not wanting me to leave when I try to?!"

"I'm sorry Y/N! I shouldn't of believed a fucking article, knowing it was probably fake to begin with." He sighed, then wrapping his arms around your waist, a small smile puling at your lips.

"I'm still mad." you pouted.

"How about I make it up to you? We can go down to the carnival downtown like you wanted to?" He purred, making you nod.

"I'd love that."

Ashton (I know his is short.. sorry I couldn't really think of anything)

The colored hair boy nipped at your neck, slowly removing both your shirts, making him smile down at you. You pulled his head down to yours, connecting your lips once again.

"It's so wrong, but feels so right." Michael sighed.

You knew it was wrong, but if Ashton didn't find out, it was okay, right? You shoved Michael off of you, hearing Ashtons footsteps up the stairs, but Michael just crawled back to you, obviously not hearing Ashton.

"I'll do you so much better than Ashton could ever do." He purred to you, running his hand down the side of your body. (A/N HELL WHAT DID I JUST WRITE)

The door opened, a gasp escaping from Ashton, "How- how long has this been happening?"

Michael shot off of you, looking at his bestfriend.

"Ashton.." You started.

"How fucking long Y/N?" He yelled, tears streaming down his beautiful face.

You didn't answer as he walked into the room, grabbing his suitcase that he never unpacked from tour.

"I hope you're happy. You two deserve each other."

and that was the last words Ashton Irwin had ever said to you..


Your boyfriend, Luke, was out of the house at the moment, when his friend Ashton decided to stop by, but knowing you two, it'd end leading to something.

He had you pressed against the wall, his hips grinding into yours. He had his hands on your wrists, pinning to the wall, his lips moving in sync with yours. His hips pressed as close as they would get, making you smile. You knew it was wrong, cheating on your boyfriend with his bestfriend, but there was something about Ashton that intrigued you.

His grip tightened around your wrist, surely leaving bruises, but as of now, you didn't care. But this would be sucky story, having to explain to Luke eventually.

You heard the door knob shift slightly, "Fuck, she locked it." Luke keys jiggling moments later, making you shove Ashton away.

Ashton's hair was messed up, more than usual, mainly because before he back you to the wall, you hand ran your fingers through the mess of curls.

Both of yours and his lips was swollen, your hair messed up to the max, and Ashton sweatpants lowly hanging on his hips, that drove you crazy.

You walked out of the kitchen as Luke entered the house, seeing his girlfriend coming out of the kitchen and Ashton sitting on the couch, his feet propped up.

"Y/N?" Luke said, using his pointer finger to turn your head to face him, "Your lips.. their swollen and I didn't do that." He turned his gaze to Ashton, him concentrating on the curly headed boys lips, "Fuck. I knew it."

"Luke, its not what it looks like."

"Then please! Explain!" he yelled at you.

You didn't respond as Luke grabbed his keys and stormed out of your house.


"Wake the fuck up Y/N!" You heard your boyfriend of 9 months yell at you, shaking you. You slowly peeled your eyes open, looking at the green eyed man. You was staying the night at his placee.

He quickly shoved his phone in front of your face, the brightness blinding you. Your eyes adjusted to the brightness, our mouth falling open at the sight of you and Calum on Michaels phone.

Pictures of you and Calum was swarming twitter. It was pictures from your night out on the town. Him being your bestfriend, you and Calum always did things together. You both had went to a club and some paparazzis had gotten inside, snapping photos at the wrong time.

Some being when you'd bend down, whispering in his ear, making it look like you was kissing.

Another being you two hugging, him having his chin rested on your head.

"What the hell are these Y/N?" He was furious.

"What are those?" You retorted his question, "Those are picture of me spending time with my bestfriend!!"

He sarcastically laughed, "Do bestfriends kiss?" He sneered pulling the photo up.

"You idiot! I was trying to tell him something and a paparazzi snapped that photo!" You yelled back.

He growled, making you flinch away. You got out of the bed, slipping your sweatpants on.

"Where are you going?" He asked

"TO CALUMS!! You know, the guy that is my bestfriend? The one you think I'd cheat on the you, the guy I love too much for it to be healthy? Yeah him." You said storming out of the house, only having your keys. You didn't even grab your phone, but there was no way in hell you was going back for it.

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