2: Unpleasant incounters

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I smelt him before I heard him

"What's in the basket?" The wolf asked smacking his lips with a big wet sloppy tongue spraying saliva everywhere. Ew. I wasn't as surprised by a talking wolf as I should be. Some crazy shiz goes on in this forest. One time I heard a singing dandelion.

I picked it.

It screamed in agony for a week.

Anyway, the wolves fur was raggedy, he was coated in mud, grass and what looked like blood. Honestly, he was scody as.

"Ew, shower much." I said attempting to push my way past him without touching him. Usually the wolves were too busy chasing squirrels or something to bother humans too much. He laughed heavily and a wave of rotten breath hit me. I coughed and stepped backwards gasping for breath. He reached out to grab my basket but I moved it out of the way still trying to get my breath back. I gathered myself and spoke to him.

"Bad dog. Go fetch a stick or something. Just get lost."

"Wolf hungry." If I forgot to mention. The wolves are really dumb. They find it hard to understand anything.

"Wolf go find food somewhere else."

"Food right here." He said stepping closer to me. He was about a head taller then me and casted me in shadows.


"Food not for wolves."

"Wolf can take whatever he wants." He reached out and snatched the basket clean out of my hand.

"Hey!" I shouted reaching to get my basket back.

"Hello." The wolf said blankly, opening the basket.

"No! Give that back!"

"Mmm cookies."

"Those aren't for you, you smelly, awful creature." The wolf looked at me almost sadly holding a cookie in one hand and my basket in the other.

"Wolf has hurt feelings now. You are in the wrong."

"Stealing is wrong!" I shouted jumping to try and grab my basket he was holding above his head.

"Will give back." He paused "after eaten food."

Oh hell no.

My ninja skills kicked in. I kicked him hard in the shin without hesitation. He grabbed his knee in pain dropping the cookie he was holding. I grabbed a wad of his overgrown, ratty fur and swung myself onto his back using it. I wrapped my legs around his waist and continuously hit him in the back of the head. He was yelling out in more annoyance than pain. "Bad person!" His filthy fur was getting my coat all dirty. I didn't care, it was ugly anyway. Maybe this would give me an excuse to throw it away.

"Give my basket back and I'll get off!"

"No! Basket mine!" He was swatting awkwardly at his back like a duck that has forgotten how to fly. I grabbed his ears and tugged back fiercely. "Ahhhh!" I heard a rip and expected to see his ear in my hand, but it wasn't. I had just ripped some of the flesh where his ear connected to his head. I sighed in relief. He grabbed my legs.

Crab sticks.

He threw my over his head with a swift movement and slammed me onto the ground winding me. The thud echoed through my body making me feel hollow. I gasped for breath.

This was going to leave a bruise.

I rolled over regretting the decision immediately. The wolf grabbed the top of my head and lifted me up. By my HEAD. I swung my legs wildly. I wasn't to far off the ground but I was already hurt, and if he dropped me it would really mess up my ankle. He dropped the basket on the ground and tapped me on the nose with a long, blood crusted fingernail.

"Bad human get punished."

"Ummmm, yeah no. Im good. If you'll be a good wolf and just give me my basket, I'll be on my way."

"Bad human can be like wolf." He said with a glint in his eye.

"No, my hygiene is a lot better." Then he took creepy to a next level. He sniffed my hair then licked my neck. I stiffened. "Wolf be kinder than human. Wolf numbs neck before he hurt human." What the- He bit down onto my neck where he had just licked me. A scream erupted from my lips. It filled the forest making a flock of birds somewhere fly away. He opened his mouth and dropped me. I fell onto my butt. I looked up at him and scrambled away holding my bleeding neck with my hand. Terror flooded into my veins.

"Human be like wolf! Human feel wolves pain! Human feel wolves hunger! No human loves wolf! You will have no love! I take basket! My basket!" He grabbed the basket and bared his teeth at me. He studdied me for a few seconds then his face fell normal. "Goodbye. Have a good day." Then he simply walked away taking the basket with him.

What the heck?


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