14: Insanity

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As Hansel ran, things started to get really bad. The sanity didn't last long before the two voices in my head started arguing with each other. Normality doesn't stay long in my world.

Being a wolf won't be that bad Red. Common. No parents to tell you what to do! You can do whatever you like!

No Red. Don't listen to that. It's the infection talking. Keep fighting it.

Why keep fighting against it? I mean you're eventually going to turn into a wolf anyway

Into one of those disgusting things? Hardly. Hansel is taking you to grandmas house right now to get the antidote.

Will she really hand it over? You are to far gone to save now. Everyone can see that. I don't know why Hansel is even bothering. Your either going to change on the way or that crazy old lady will kill you on sight.

No Red. Your grandma wouldn't kill her own granddaughter! You know that. And Hansel will look after you. He won't let anybody hurt you. Not after all you've been through.

Oh please. He hardly knows her. It's not even been a week. How could he possibly grow so attached. And now Gretal could be dead, or never see her brother again and its all Reds fault-

"Shutup!" I screeched. When I realised I spoke out loud I clamped a furry, half-morphed-paw over my mostly-morphed-snout.

"Uh Red?" Hansel said "are you feeling ok?"

"We need to hurry." I said desperately.

"Hold on. We are almost there." I couldn't hold on any more. I could feel the final effects of the infection taking over my brain. My sanity and the virus were arguing in my head. I was losing my mind. Literally. I felt my body jolt suddenly, causing Hansel to almost drop me. "Woah. Red?" I whimpered.

"I knew we were to late." Hansel set my down and I stood up. No pain at all in my ankle. I smiled it was a miracle, I lifted my Gaze up to Hansel. He was looking at me with wide horrified eyes. "Oh no." He breathed, sounding completely and utterly defeated.

"What?" I said, panic rising up inside of me like a flood.

"I told you it would heal. I'm going to loose you to the wolf any second."

"There has to be something you can do."

"I'm sorry. When you first turn you'll be very aggressive." He reached his hand to his belt, placing it on the handle of his large knife. The same one he almost slit my throat with. "Just a safety measure." He said with forced calm.

"I won't attack you Hansel. Trust me."

"I've heard that before." He knew what was going to happen. He had seen it before. Oh my god. He will have to kill me. "Me and Gretal met another child at the witches house." He began quietly "His name was Toby. When we escaped, we were lost for weeks. We discovered what food was edible, made a makeshift house in the trees. We formed a very close bond. Then he was bit by a wolf. He changed, and tried to kill me and Gretal. Your grandma killed him, just as he was about to tear open my sister. Then she took us in." I didn't know what to say. I was so sorry for him. I could feel his hurt as if it were mine. That's why Gretal didn't have faith in me at first. That's probably why they had such a passion for wolf hunting, not just because they were taught, but for revenge. I paused, careful to break the silence.

"That's not going to happen with me." I said slowly. He drew his knife, the sharp blade glinting in the light.

"I'm sorry Red. I can't bear to see it take you." He stepped towards me.

"Hansel. Don't. Please." I raised my hands- paws, in surrender. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"That's what Toby said." He sounded insane. But he didn't look insane, he just looked scared. Scared and traumatised. He stepped forward. Closer to me now.

"Hansel. Put down the knife and step away from her."


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