17: Shot

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"Hansel!" Gretal's one worded cry was heart breaking. That one word was filled with more pain and desperation then I had felt in total these last few days. Gretal tore from my side and ran to her brother, collapsing next to him. I watched my grandmas face fall as she realised what she had just done. She looked back at the immobile wolf girl on her front lawn, realised it wasn't going anywhere and the shot boy was more important. She ran from the window, appearing in the front door running to Hansel. Gretal was holding her brothers hand close to her, it looked as if she never wanted to let him go.

"Hansel!" she cried, trying to call him back from the white light he was slowly walking in to. Hansel titled his head, looking up at her tiredly.


"I'm here." Her words were broken and desperate.

"It doesn't hurt. Not at all."

"It's ok. You'll be ok."

"Don't let Red turn." His words were long and forced. He squeezed her hand gently and spoke his last words, "I love you Gretal." She burst into louder more pained sobs.

"Don't leave me. Don't say your goodbyes. Not yet. We will save you." He only smiled a small warm smile, a happy tear sliding down his face. In death he found peace. No more killing. No more hunger. No more constant fear for this young boy. His eyes slowly slipped closed. My grandma looked at him in disbelief. Her face utterly shocked.

"I didn't see him Gretal.. I-" Gretal cut her off

"Save Red. Please." She sobbed, not looking away or letting go of her pale brother. My grandma looked over at me. I couldn't move, my body focusing purely on fighting the poison. It didn't even give me the chance to cry over the boy who died saving my life. The boy I became so attached to. The boy who died for me. My grandma walked over to me. Looking at me confused

"Red?" She asked. Her familiar voice ringing in my ears. I forced myself to look up at her, my body shaking with the effort. She stared into my eyes for a second before her mouth dropped in realisation. "Oh my gosh." She turned and ran into the house, disappearing around the corner. She appeared a long minute later, clutching a bottle in her hands tightly. She grabbed my snout, opening it and pouring the entire bottle down my throat. It was a syrupy texture, and tasted like fresh raspberries. I wasn't complaining overall if rate it six out of ten. Suddenly the raspberry fast turned into a burning acid. I screamed out as it felt like my mouth was dissolving. I looked up at my grandma, my eyes filled with terror. The edges of my vision were turning purple. The purple blur soon covered my entire vision before I lost conciseness.

That knocked it down to zero out of ten.


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