20: Hugs

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Its been three days since i regained my human form.

Sitting on the couch at home has never made me fell so safe. Grandma took Gretal in. She refused to send such a young girl to fend for herself all alone in the same place her granddaughter almost died in. Not 'died' as such, but I think I would have died on the inside. Also, she feels awful bad about Hansel. Gretal understands. He jumped in front of that bullet. He chose to save me. I'll never know why. But I am eternally grateful. I always will be. I think I have thanked him as much as I can from beyond the grave. I've kept his sister safe. He would have wanted that more than anything. Grandma will keep her safe. I have no doubt in that.

I haven't seen the wolf since I have been a human.

Grandma gave me a small bottle of antidote to have for myself. It's comforting, but I'll still try to avoid the forest. I never want to go into it ever again. I frowned, looking out the window of my bedroom and into the dark terrifying trees. Deep down I know that's not really an option. I'll have to face my fear soon enough, ya know, being totally surrounded by it and all. I tore my gaze from the window, focusing on the dirty carpet. How has my life changed so much in such a small amount of time? Movement in the corner of my eyes causes my head to snap up, making me look out the window again. I saw a large black shadow, lurking around the skirts of the forest.

The wolf.

I inhale a quick brief gasp, my eyes not believing what they were seeing. The wolfs eyes lock with mine, holding my gaze for an eternity. He slowly slunk back into the trees, becoming one with the darkness. A feeling of unease swept over me.

"Red?" I looked over at mum, not realising she had even been speaking

"Oh, sorry, what?"

"What's wrong? Do you see something?"

"No mum. It's nothing." I lie. She frowned at me, creasing her forehead. She was obviously not convinced, but dropped the subject anyway. I looked back out the window again, as if I was almost expecting the wolf to be standing right outside, ready to rip my face off.

He wasn't.

Authors note-

Hey :) i dont know if I actually have readers out there but if I do thanks for reading and maybe even voting!! This will be the last chapter before the epilogue which I will upload tomorrow :)

Have a great day


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