Chapter 1 Alrighty Then

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Pic of Reece


"Pew! Pew-Pew! Oh no! It's destroyed!" I mock gasped, hands squishing my cheeks together to make a funny face and Lemnen giggled hysterically, "quick we have to re-build the wall!" I added throwing random pieces of lego everywhere. Ah, fun times, until...

"Ciel, what the hell are you doing? Get down here!" My brother yelled from downstairs. I scrambled up off the floor of my little brother's bedroom; where we were playing, and ran in the direction of Max's voice.

All I can say is, he was pissed. I hadn't done anything yet and he looked as if he was about to tear my head off. Max ran a hand through his chocolate brown hair, golden eyes flashing with irritation. 

He toward over my 5"2 frame. "Listen, Reece and the others are coming over tonight. Stay away." he warned as he brushed passed me. "Hurry up and make some food. Where's Lemnen?"

"His room." I replied as his footsteps faded. I released the breath I hadn't realised I'd been holding, before rolling up my sleeves to get to work.

Nice family huh? let me give you the low down: Dad left before I was born, leaving my mum, Lillian, to look after Max. some point they got back together (by the time I was born anyway). Until they died in a car crash when I was about 6. It was only me and my parents were in the car at the time, while Max was training with the pack and lemnen was...somewhere. I was the only one who survived; and it's funny 'cause i cat even remember what we were doing in the first place. I understand mum died because she was human, but you'd expect dad, a full blooded werewolf, to survive...

Well, Max was always bitter about their death. He's had it hard, having to become responsible so young and the fact that I'm only half wolf didn't help the situation. So I ended up as one of the weak links in the pack and he's always struggled with that.

Hmm, lets see...tonight I'd make a roast. Seems fitting for a Sunday night.

Hours passed until Reece and the rest of Max's friends arrived, Reece was the next in line Alpha, quarterback of the school's football team. And whoa is he hot! Since he's not alpha yet he could afford to mess around. And trust me he does, I'm pretty sure he's banged every chic in town...well, besides me. My brother's the same, complete player, but i think he mostly does it as a stress reliever than actual fun.

You know, dealing with me, Lemnen, school, football, work and staying popular... So I don't really mind when he gets angry, cause he's good at what he does and you can't fault him. You're probably confused. Being a half breed is kinda shitty, simply because, Half breeds of any specie like, wolf, vamp, necro or hunter means you don't fit in with humans and you're not good enough to be considered a full breed. There's no space where I fit. And that means spending hours holed up in my room, munching on a cold dinner as to not embarrass my brother. 

My head snapped up, I froze. Shuffle, shuffle, whimper. Lemnen, he had a nightmare again...great. Looks like mission possible is a go. I opened my door as silently as possible and slipped through, trying my best to tiptoe down the hallway. It wasn't actually difficult considering the loud commotion coming from downstairs. I could hear cans clattering- they were having a guys night- still better safe than sorry I turned back to Lemnen's room only to bump into someone; a shudder wracked down my spine. Wow! Great job Ciel, well done at using those senses, I commented sarcastically. Without daring to look up I tried to just circle around whoever I'd bumped into with a muttered apology, but It seems this guy wasn't satisfied. 

His hand clamped around my arm, keeping me in place and against my better judgement I looked up, to find Reece staring down at me. I squirmed but didn't pull away cause, well, I can't and because he would lose his temper if I tried. Wolves have really bad tempers. World wide motto: Never piss off a wolf.

A growl rumbled up through his chest. A very deep and scary one, nothing like my brothers. What the fuck? I hadn't even done anything! I even followed the wildlife guideline: No sudden movements. 

I looked everywhere but at his golden eyes. Nope, don't look don't look- I looked. His pupils were full blown dilated. Super scary. 

I seethed at the burning sensation I hadn't noticed before, traveling up my arm from his ridiculously tight grip. That was weird, should a touch burn like that?

I cried out as my back slammed onto the floor, I was skidding. Wait, I looked up, Reece was down the hall... I think he threw me.

"Sup man, what's wrong?" my brother asked. When did he get here? "Ciel, didn't I say not to leave your room?"

"I didn't but then-"

"Forget it." Reece interrupted. I stared at him in confusion, until he flexed his hand that burned me. Wait, wait a minute. Was he- 

"Forget it" He repeated, taking a step closer. I looked at the ground knowing exactly what he mean't now; well it's not like I wanted him either, "Mate" I replied barely above a whisper.

Bang, the floor beside my head gave way to his giant fist. A blurry image of blue eyes flashed through my mind. A woman smiling. Bright colours, a meadow, peaceful-but her smile the brightest, most memorable.

Lemnen's loud cry interrupted me from my daydream. "Forget it." This time it was an order, I nodded and waited for him to move from above me, then scrambled up dodging everyone and closed the door as soon as I was in lemnen's room. It was then that they noticed the problem. 

Lemnen was sitting upright crying at the top of his lungs. Our eyes connected, he immediately stopped. Lemnen would never tell me why, and after asking several times, the only answer I would get is "I like you're eyes".

I walked towards Lemnen slowly and sat at the edge of the bed "you want to talk about it?" I asked softly. He crawled into my arms, shaking his head. Whatever it was disturbing his much needed sleep, had become more frequent. 

Max was probably letting him watch 18 movies, like Saw...again. Tonight I wasn't going anywhere it seemed. Max came in to the room to see Lemnen and I curled up at his headboard, the door was ajar and if I were to guess, Reece was on the other side.

He just nodded, but gave me that look saying 'we'll talk later' before he walked back out. 
Lemnen was already asleep; I sighed and just pulled the covers over us. Alrighty then.

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