Chapter 21: Dark-side Blues part 1

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Pretty brutal chapter.... :(


Never, in my life...had I felt so afraid. And I was afraid. I was fucking scared. Too scared to move. Too scared to think. Too scared to breathe. I was so terrified, I was on the verge of tears. I didn't like this.

What the fuck had Cole done to them? They stumbled towards us, their movements sloppy with fatigue- but their animalistic stances and hungry glares said otherwise. Lemnen growled as they approached and Max shifted back into his human form, not bothering to put any clothes on and joined mickey, the two of them trying to talk sense into...them, "Hey, guys! Snap out of it, get a hold of yourselves...Can you here me?"

They continued to advance towards us, snarling, "This is just a bad dream. This isn't real, it cant be!" Mickey began to freak out, going into denial, that was the first stage, wasn't it? The first stage of...well, something

"Guys, guys! It's us! Come on, try to remember!" Max yelled, he was getting uneasy as they drew closer.

Jack, however, had already understood the situation. Leo, Chase, Reid and Deck were now level Es. "Nope...I'm pretty sure this is real. They can't hear us Mick." He said, his cautious eyes glued on the four, "What do we do Ciel?" I didn't answer, I couldn't. "Ciel?" Jack looked over at my frozen form and cursed, "Ah shit! She's in shock."

"But maybe we can talk some sense into them! They're our friends! I don't want to fight our-" Mickey was interrupted as the side door of the pack house opened and a small puppy came running towards us, barking at all of us aggressively-well, mainly them.

But that wasn't what caught their attention. It was the little girl who ran out in pursuit of the puppy, "Cookie! Cookie! Come back." The level E-No, Deck cocked his head to the side and watched the girl scoop the puppy into her arms as she continued to scold it, oblivious to her surroundings. She giggled, "Naughty Cookie, no treats for yo-"

In that was as if time itself had stopped. I could feel all the blood drain from my face and my breathing hitch as Deck disappeared from where he was. I saw nothing but a blur, until he got to the little girl and pounced, jaws stretched open at an inhuman size.

Blood sprayed everywhere as he savagely ripped the little girl's tiny head from her shoulders. My eyes were as wide as saucers and I just watched, I watched Deck fling her head away and bury his jagged teeth into the child's body, tearing and swallowing large chunks of her flesh. Chase went and joined him...My focus drifted to the decapitated head, eyes rolled back. Somehow I could tell, It was looking straight at me. Me.

Bile rose in the back of my throat and suddenly, I felt high, too high if I were thousands of feet from the ground. I somehow managed to find the last of whatever strength I had, to squeeze Lemnen's fur and he lowered, allowing me to slide down. Leo and Reid caught sight of the movement and charged, at that same inhuman speed from only moments ago. Lemnen immediately reacted, and bolted towards them.

I tried to run, to join the fight but with the first step my legs buckled and I fell to my knees. Weak. Dazed, I looked down at my legs, why cant I move


Pain shot through my stomach as I gagged and doubled over, gagging as the sick filled and burned my throat. I watched as the foul liquid fell from my mouth and onto the grass in front of me, but most of it landed on my trousers instead. It's foul stench wafted up my nose, making me gag some more until there was nothing left.

Hearing the sound of snarls and growls, I glanced through the strands of hair, where chunks of vomit had caught, to see all of them fighting. 

I could feel the ground shake from the force of Megan's power and a wolf howl. "Reece!" I cried in hopes he would come save us, "Reece!" But no, he was dealing with Cole and I was weak.

My blurred vision zeroed in on the pile of flesh and bones that used to be the girl's body. Deck killed her. An innocent child whose mother was probably wondering where she was, that girl had her whole life ahead of her and now she...she... I didn't even know her!


Slowly, my vision cleared and I shook my head, forcing my memories to return along with my conscience. I needed to get out of shock. But as soon as I came to my senses, my emotions kicked in, an immense amount of grief and anger overwhelmed me. Tears leaked from my eyes, but I ignored them as I grabbed my gun. 

I was focused on only one thing. 

I wanted only one thing.

"Someone close the damn door!" I ordered, yanking the shaft up along the barrel. I eyed my the four things as I closed the distance, clenching my hand tighter around the gun to steady my shaking hands. And when I raised the gun at my first target a sadistic voice in the back of my mind whispered excitedly, 'Huntin' Time'.


First shot fired, hit Reid in the head. His eye exploded.

The one next to it, Leo, came at me swiping his claws at me. I dodged, lighting him up like a Christmas tree. Something hit my back and I went flying, face first into the wall. I could feel the crack of my nose as it broke and feel warm liquid trickle down my lips and the side of my head. Just in time I rolled against the wall, as black nails/claw things stabbed the wall and fired at it's neck. The bullet went straight through and I tasted the bitterness of it's blood as it sprayed all over my face and into my mouth. Salty and bitter. Not quite metallic either.

Deck was next to attack. He was too fast. I gave up on using my gun and dropped it, pulling out the pocket knife that I used to pick the Lab lock. Why did the mansion even have a lab anyway? Not like they fucking needed it...

I felt the hum of pain as his claws slashed my cheek and penetrated my thigh. I used the grip its claws had on me as leverage and jumped up onto its shoulder. One hand held his head and the other used the knife to slit it's throat, dragging it across its flesh. So fucking pain full. Too painful. Reece was right. I was weak. I am weak and it hurt to kill a friend.

...Luckily, I didn't have to kill the last one. Anita did it for me. Using her own gun...

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