Chapter 4: Bane

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It had been weeks since my dramatic goodbye scene. Everywhere I went, every place I crashed I was given suspicious looks, but most of the time I spent my nights in parks rather than hotels and bought food that would last days. I ended up in the city, hitch-hiking my ass across America. Luckily, the world was different from how I used to be. The world accepted supernaturals pretty fast. It only took fifty years of protests and wars over us abominations. The world had been torn apart then put back together anew. Now it's all the same, high crime rate and lots of traffic. Not many wolves live in the city, because of their strong sense of smell. I swear, the scents these places give off could literally kill.

I hadn't taken much money with me, who does when they run away anyway? So I tried to make it stretch. Also, as the days passed, I realised I was acting more and more human like, for example: werewolves can go without food or water for two weeks tops, had only been a week since my last meal and already I was feeling light headed and weak. My injuries from when I had ran away still hadn't healed either.

I walked along the littered pavement, glancing around every now and then. Now I was in a run-down part of town, heck I didn't even know where 'here' was!

I caught my reflection as I went by a shop. When was the last time I had a shower? I contemplated on whether I should stay at some motel for two days, clean myself up and rest or buy some cheap soap and take a dip in the lake, then keep on moving.

After a moment's hesitation, I decided I would be better to keep on moving, because at this rate I'd be getting nowhere. I couldn't even remember what my the guy looked like-besides the colour of his eyes-let alone his name.

I noticed a blue corner shop across the road where a group of men were hanging around, drinking beer. Beer in the morning? Gross! I crossed the almost deserted road anyway and went passed them, and into the shop; I felt slightly relieved when they showed no interest in me, but then remembered I looked like a tramp, so naturally... and continued on the get what I needed.

As I stepped back out the shop, I looked up to realise the group of men had disappeared, I took no care for their absence until I was walking passed a dark alleyway and could hear scuffling, whimpering, and the revolting sound of their voices laughing.

I came to a stop and curiously peered down the alley. I know, I know 'curiosity killed the cat' but I just couldn't help it, something deep from within my gut was urging me to take a look. The ally was dark and a shiver ran down my spine as dread seeped in.

Don't do it, don't do it...

Slowly, I slid my bag of my shoulder laying it between two bins, and out of sight, as I noticed a metal pole about half my height leaning against the brick wall to my right. I gripped onto it, careful not to make a sound as it became clearer to me as to what they were actually doing. They were beating a girl around my age, maybe a year older, agreeing on who would be first to "have a go at her".

Now, a clever person in a situation like this would've just turned around continuing to go about their business, as if they had seen nothing (especially when you're in this side of town), but no~ I just had to sneak up on the closest guy-who happened to be the biggest- and thwack him on the head with it.

He was out cold. His friends turned to me, then they looked at him, and back to me. Their eyes began to turn black and all that ran through my mind was 'uh oh'. Before they could shift, I made a grab for the girl's wrist to get her on her feet and pushed her back towards the entrance of the ally-way, telling her "run". We both began sprinting and I quickly retrieved my bag, keeping the girl two steps ahead of me.

Howls echoed from where we just were, wait...they were howling, in the middle of town. Ugh, gang members. What did I get myself into?

The girl and I skidded to a halt as one of the wolves that had shifted landed in front of us. The girl gripped my arm and dragged me to the left as she yelled, "this way!" We made a sharp turn, going down narrow pathways between buildings that were far too small for the wolves to fit, and too long for them to jump over, meaning they would either, have to chase us in human form or go round the long way, clever girl.

"Where are we going?" I said between breaths. I was beginning to feel dizzy.

"Somewhere safe!" I must admit, for a human she was fast. "The name's Anita" she continued, trying to lighten the mood as we ran for our lives.

"Ciel" I said in return keeping it brief.

"Nice name"

"Same to you" That was the end of our conversation. And we focused on just running.

Finally, we arrived at an old barn, and Anita slowed to a jog, I followed.  
Around the back of the barn was a bar "I work here," she explained.

We entered through the back door. Anita gestured for me to come with her into the next room as we gasped for breath. I followed her slowly, slightly on guard and took my time to examine the room. 

Most of the walls were a peach colour, with the tattered wallpaper peeling. The floor had no carpet or rugs, just the oak floorboards, which creaked as they took on Anita and I's weight. I eyed the black Katana that hung on display on the far wall. All the back rooms looked the same, except for the one at the ned.

In the far left hand corner was a man rocking his chair next to a desk. He hadn't noticed us yet or acted like it as he sipped his whiskey (from what I could smell), his leather cowboy hat was dipped below one eye, but the eye that was in our view was half closed, He seemed to be daydreaming.

Anita stepped forward blocking my view of the man "Boss, those men came friend here saved me. Do you mind if she stayed here for a while?"

Anita's boss must have made some sort of gesture since I didn't hear any reply, after a moments silence Anita stepped aside, giving me full view.



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