Chapter 14: The girl He kept

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Hopefully, this chapter is a good one...Finally a confrontation.

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Something was wrong. Something was definitely wrong. I sent an alarmed look towards Megan; she could feel it as well. We took off sprinting in the direction of the pack house. Well...more like me dragging Megan to run faster since she didn't have a werewolf's speed.

I grabbed my phone, dialling Anita's number. Her and the others were already at the pack house since Megan and I stayed at school for an extra hour to sign up for track team, and trust me, it took a whole lot of convincing on Max's half to get Reece to leave me alone after what happened at lunch. Even Max himself felt uncomfortable about the idea of having Reece glued to me all the time.

After six rings it went to voice-mail, I tried Max-who had taken the liberty to program his number into my phone-and he picked up on the second ring "What's happened?" I got straight to the point.

"T-there's a rouge at the pack house-but check this, it's not a wolf" I stopped running and put the phone on loudspeaker, Megan copied listening to what Max had to say "vampire?" I asked.

"I don't know but whatever the fuck it's not human"

My breathing hitched as I remembered my dream 'They're coming'

I ran, faster this time, leaving Megan to trail after me. I could feel my stomach drop and-for some odd reason-all that was going through my mind was protect mate.

I continuously jumped over logs and tree stumps until I made it to the clearing, where the pack house stood tall and proud. There, standing at the entrance were all of Reece's pack warriors, Max and Jack; Anita was being held bridal style in his arms and blood soaking her top. But the smell wasn't coming from her. I looked in the direction of their horrified gazes, both Jayson and Reece were in wolf form clawing and snarling, doing whatever they could to take down the agile figure, which gracefully dodged their attacks as if it were the easiest thing in the world. What is that thing?

Since no other wolves besides Max came to their aid, I'm guessing Reece sent out an order for them to stay put.

The other warriors snapped out of their dazes and shifted, encase it got into the pack house. I was too scared to think, I just stood there frozen, watching the scene play out before me. It was overwhelming... 

The creature's appearance could make even the strongest of men loose backbone; from its huge black eyes and torn off eyelids, half its skin torn to shreds and hanging from its naked, gruesome body, revealing streams of blood, oozing from its sore and swollen wounds. It had no lips, as if the flesh had melted into it's gums-but a full set of jagged teeth too large to fit it's mouth and black claws for nails. What was that thing? I could see it's entire bone structure...How was it moving? Does it even have Ligaments?

I looked back to see Megan in the same state as I, horror written all over her face. Then I heard it. Reece's pained howl and the tearing of flesh. What the-I ran towards them, Lemnen threw me my sword and luckily, I caught it. I never was the best with hand co-ordination.

The thing removed its teeth from Reece's shoulder with its claws still firmly latched onto his back, I drew my sword and threw aside the sheath, now running at full speed. Before the thing could turn to look at me I hacked of its arms and used the hilt of the sword to slam against its torso, detaching it from my mate and sent it flying a few feet back.  

"MINE!" I yelled ferociously. I crouched in a protective stance in front of my mate as he regained his footing, shaking of the hands that remained on his back. The monster like thing stumbled back as dark, thick blood sprayed from the two stumps for arms. It made no sound, besides a crazed laugh, which was not pleasant to the ears; and it sounded like chalk against a black board, or the scratching of paper, I cringed at the sound. I swallowed, readying myself. There was no doubt I was scared, my heart slamming against my rib-cage with every beat, I could deal with rouges, but not with these kinds of things! It was running towards us, eyes locked on me, the trees behind it in the distance grew talons as they lashed at the creature. Yet again, it dodged the attacks with ease, it was only seven feet away, now six...five...four...three...two- 

Before it could get to one Reece leaped over me, and sunk his canines into the monster's neck, killing it instantly. After a moment I sighed in relief and turned to see Max holding Anita possessively. Instantly I knew...they were mates, from the way Anita looked at Max in shock I could tell she just found out, but Max's was calm, he knew already. I guess...I was happy for them. They stayed like that, as Megan tried to tend to Anita's wounds.

Reece had returned to his human form, then pulled my back against him, providing a little modesty on behalf of any witnesses, "get this cleaned up!" I allowed him to lead me to wherever he wanted, I was in no mood to argue. We entered his room and I went into his bathroom and readied the thread, needle and sanitizer wipes, whilst he grabbed a pair of shorts.

Once he was done, he walked in, sitting at the edge of the bath tub and placed me between his legs as I got to work on his shoulder. For the whole time he just stared at me, as if trying to figure me out.

"Did you mean it? What you said." he asked after what felt like forever of silence.

"What are you talking about?" I muttered

"You said 'mine'."

"No" I lied; I may have partially forgiven him since, but still...

Reece growled playfully, but went back to being serious "I didn't mean what I said that day"

"I wasn't ready for a fucking mate!" he yelled after me as I got to the door. I stopped. For some reason, as soon as he said that, something inside me snapped, all the emotions I had kept bottled up over time flooded through me.

"And you think I felt any different?" I yelled back

"What?" his gaze softened as he frowned in confusion.
I continued, "I couldn't even wrap my head around the concept of mates. When I first figured it out that night when you came over, I was scared shit-less. You're an Alpha for Christ sakes!" My last words came out as a whisper and I could feel I was on the verge of tears. There was a long silence. I didn't dare turn to face him either, otherwise I really would cry.

Arms circled around my waist and I was pulled back against Reece's chest. I could feel it vibrate, as he laughed humourlessly. Tears ran down my cheeks as I cried silently, he held me tighter and nuzzled the crook of my neck, taking a deep breath of my scent, as if afraid I'd run away again.
I tried to speak, but nothing would come out. He had shocked me to the core. Never, did I ever expect this

"You're mine," he whispered. 

I tapped my neck with a smirk, "Not yet."

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