Chapter 23: CIA & Memories in Play

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Cold water ran down my hands as I scrubbed the dishes, rinsing them, before placing them in the dishwasher to be properly cleaned. It was dark outside and everyone had already gone to bed, meaning only a dead silence accompanied me. The kitchen light flickered, its brightness spilling into the hallway, creating shadows along the walls, shadows that could easily be mistaken for a human, but this specific shadow, however, not only looked human-like, but moved as well. 

I tensed, knowing exactly who it was.

The shadow came closer and closer, stopping just before the kitchen entrance. Calmly I walked to the fridge, opening it. I ducked my head through and grabbed two beers and the Glock strapped to the inside of the fridge door. Just as the figure stepped through and into the kitchen, we both turned, pointing our guns at one another and flick the safety off. We stood like that for a long time. As still as statues, daring one-another to pull the trigger.

I was the first to speak, "You're back early, real fuckin' early."

We both lowered our weapons and went to take a seat opposite each-other, at the small dining table in the centre of the room. Weary of each-others movements. I placed my gun on on the table's surface, and she copied as I slid one of the beer cans across to her.

"Went to speak with Bane."

"Oh? and what of the rest of your 'People'?" I replied in a slightly patronizing tone.

"I didn't go to bust him and I'm not wired. You already know who I'm after."

I shrugged, "I know," and opened my own can, taking a sip. Didn't mean that i'd trust her, not as far as i could throw her...and that's not very far. I edged my free hand closer to the gun again, she obviously caught on, but I couldn't care less; I was all rage, "But, one thing you're going to explain to me, is," I seethed the last few words. "how you're CI-fucking-A!" And for the second time, we raised our guns, aiming at each-others heads. 

At that moment when the tension between us was at its peek and I was just itching to pull the trigger, I heard the pit-a-pat of tiny feet. A kid hurried into the kitchen - probably for a midnight snack-little critter - but stopped when he saw the two of us, guns still raised. 

Slowly I turned my head to him, but froze. His features, he looked just like her...the girl. The one that died. Bile rose in the back of my throat and my hands felt clammy all of a sudden.

He looked at us with his large, innocent eyes, he shifted side to side, fear rolling off of him. The boy looked to be about five.

"Little one, does mummy know you're up?" He shook his head at Tenar.

"Go back to your room. Now." I ordered. "I'll bring you something...when we've finished talking." Immediately, his frightened aura was replace with an exited one as he flashed me a smile and hurried back upstairs, the sound of tiny feet fading. I turned my attention back to our conversation.

"I was CIA before I became a shadow"

I scoffed, "Well, yeah, I get that"

"He's going to kill everyone."

"No shit Sherlock." Was she stalling or something?

"No," she said, "I mean he's going to kill everyone, everyone."

Now that I didn't know, "What do you mean?"

"Cole is a fucking psychopath. He discovered a way to make hybrid monsters, Frankenstein style. Well, that was when he was necromancer."

Now this was confusing, I took another swig of my beer. Cole was necroman? "I thought he was always a 'ware' and Lillian was a 'vamp', so how is that possible?"

"No, Lillian was originally a werewolf, she was a weak one, but a ware none the less. You got those genes from her. He used himself in an experiment, it didn't work. He began to observe Lillian, whilst she was pregnant...she was a match. He tricked her into it."

"He experimented on her whilst she was pregnant." I took a deep breath, allowing her to continue. This was all too much. I just couldn't wrap my head around it.

"It failed on her also, only made her into a vamp. But it didn't." I frowned, and we both leaned closer to each-other. I watched as the shadows danced across her face, "The experiment may have not affected her, but you can guess who it did affect..."

"The baby." I muttered, answering her unasked question.

"Yup, the kid inherited and the artificial genes and more. Lilian began to smell like an alpha. It took a while for Cole to figure it out, but when he did, he tried to kill her for it."

"The obvious presence of an alpha baby, would have informed the pack what was going on and would have meant the power was too great." I said, putting two and two together.

"Exactly, Lillian clocked, and ran. She came back here, back to max's dad, what's his name? David?"

"Wait, so if the baby wasn't max, how is he the oldest of us?"

"She had Max a few years before, then met her mate, David kept the kid. But when she got knocked up a second time, one of the babies weren't born until after-"

"One?" I asked, "You said one of the babies."

"She was having twins second time, one of them became was receptive to the change, the other...don't know, normal? The hybrids birth was delayed."

"But that was when she crashed and..." I remembered back to the crash.
Someone saving me, blue eyes, the woods, making a deal with- "Bane," I said his name barely above a whisper. And it was then, everything began to piece itself back together, my memories aligned and the whispering voices faded to nothing. I closed my eyes they weren't voices, they were my conscience, my memories. And it made sense, how Lemnen had grown so quickly, become so strong, why he had changed. We were twins.

"So, what? You want us to work together?"

Tenar nodded, "Give me Cole and I'll completely erase all records of Lemnen's existence. You won't have to worry about anyone coming after him."

"Well it's not like anyone has so far"

"That's because I hide the files all these years, I gave them to Bane. But..."

I looked down at my drink, then at the stairs. "How do I know you won't fuck me over?" 

Slowly she pulled out a knife from her leather jacket and pierced it through the palm of her hand, until a pool of blood covered her side of the table, "I swear on my blood." To that I nodded. Truce it was.
She pulled it back out, tender, The wound gaped open. Ew, looks like that won't heal for a while. We both put away our guns, mine back in the fridge. I took a second to grab a packet of Cheetos and walked out the room.

Tenar looked at me skeptically, "Really? The fridge?"

I smirked, you be surprised how well that spot worked. "Yup." she shook her head. "By the way, why is this 'case' so important to you?"

Out the corner of my eye, I saw Tenar's lips curve into a smirk, "She was my friend," and she glanced back at me as I took my last gulp of beer. Her next words completely threw me off, "And she was CIA."

I spat it back out. 

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