Chapter 11 Blood

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"So, what happened? Last time I saw you, you were no higher than my hip, and now you..." I tugged on Lemnen's hair as we walked through the hallways of the pack house. We weren't going anywhere in particular just exploring since there was nothing to do.

Megan, Deck and Mickey were down town at some dirt track with some kids from the Lake pack (although the pack house was in a secluded area, we were still in range with the locals). Jayson and jack were probably scoffing down everything, whilst Emilie's not looking; Reece and everyone else were at some meeting with Cole, leaving Lemnen and I to catch up.

"I haven't changed that much" He replied.

I stared at him.

"Really?" He raised an eyebrow as we turned a corner, this corridor identical to the last; the same red walls and beige carpet, with only a light bulb or two to decorate the celling.

"Have you looked in the mirror lately? I'd say you've gotten fat" was his retort. I reached up and aggressively grabbed the front of his school shirt, looking him deep in the eye with what probably looked like a wicked smile, "you picking a fight, little brother?" I shoved forward so his back was now against the wall and there wasn't an inch of space between us.

For moments, we just stood there, frozen, daring each other to make a move. He looked down at me, expression mirroring mine. Surprise filled me, I was wrong. He was not the same at all. The tension between us...

The energy built gradually until it felt like a current, flushing through my veins. What? I could feel the muscles in my legs, torso, arms and neck twitching beneath my skin-as if it was then and only then that I came alive.


This was the same sensation I felt when I ran. No. In fact it was stronger. Small shocks running through my body and zapping my synapse's.

Where am I?
Who am I?
How do I breathe again?

I closed my eyes, and tried to navigate my way through the fog that clouded my mind. Once I had re-opened my eyes, I wished to god I hadn't.

All I could see was the slaughtering of men, women and children. The crackle of raging flames, and laughter, sick and twisted. 

Everything was on fire, crumbling to the ground and people screaming from inside the house, being burned alive. Above me the sky was grey, black clouds forming, but not releasing any rain.

Monstrous creatures fought around me, clawing and snapping at each other, yelping and growling. I froze, watching as a man's arm was brutally torn off, blood spurting from his arteries. He didn't scream. Instead he released laughter, the laughter of a madman. Too far gone to feel any pain, I could tell he enjoyed the pain, thrived on it. 

I was in the centre of a battlefield.

The dry ground beneath me cracked, and through them, puddles of thick red liquid began to form, curling around my feet until it covered the ground. I looked around; no one else had taken any notice, and continued to fight.

The blood continued to rise, the higher it became, the faster it would rise. I attempted to kick my legs to stay afloat. Vines shot from deep beneath the earth, their talons wrapped around my body, keeping me in place. The blood was now up to my chest and panic filled me as my struggles became frantic and desperate.

"Help!-" I was cut short as sweet, metallic blood, filled my mouth and obscured my vision. I looked up at the surface.

I was drowning.

I blinked, everything was normal again. Slowly, I uncurled my fist from Lemnen's shirt.

Lemnen at me bewildered, "What the fu-"

"Language!" I snapped, then rushed close to him again, grabbing his head in my trembling hands. I stroked his hair back, whispering, "Lemnen, don't tell anybody what just happened. Okay? Nobody!" He nodded, shaken by my reaction.

"Don't come back...Don't let him find it." The woman had said. Was is this? What had she meant?

Cole would know, I'll ask him.

Once I could trust he would keep it quite, I sprinted down the hallway, almost slamming into a little girl holding a puppy as I rounded the corner. Leaping from the last few steps of the staircase, I caught onto Deck's scent and headed for him and Anita, "Woah! Ciel? You okay?" She asked, beating her brother too it.

"Where's Cole?" 

Deck frowned, "Down at the border, some rogue tried to come through or something like tha-"

"Which border!"

"Uh...west. Wait, what's going on?" Anita yelled after me as I took off, heading for the western boarder. My mind was working so fast I barely caught the sound of feet following me. Everything passed me as if every movement had become sustained, but I could feel the wind graze my cheeks as I weaved through trees and dodged bushes. I slowed to a jog as I came to the clearing of the boarder. Coming out from the bush, Cole's figure came into view, he was standing with his back to me.

As I got closer to him the stench of decay invaded my senses. "Cole?" I asked. His neck twitched as I said his name, and he raised a hand to his face. After a few seconds, he wiped his shirt and turned to face me and whatever he was standing in front of, came into view. Except...there was nothing. My focus darted from his serene expression to the empty space now behind him as he watched me with gentle eyes.

"Ciel, what is it?" 

Something felt off and I made a split-second decision to change my mind, "Oh, well...I heard there were some rogues and wanted to make sure-Aren't you supposed to be at a meeting?" I lied through my teeth and turned to Lemnen, Anita and Deck as they came out from the cover of the trees.

When I turned back to Cole, I became weary as his eyes settled on Lemnen, recognition and glee flashed across his face, "Son, look how grown you've become! Come here." Lemnen looked to me in shock. I nodded. He came froward until, they were only a foot away from one another. 

"Let me see your eyes boy." He growled, in-what seemed to be-a playful manner. Cole seemed satisfied with whatever he saw, because he released him from his grip.

He then marched over to me, pulling me into a tight hug, "Don't worry the rogue is gone, I dealt with it." After releasing me also, he turned to deck. "Call back everyone else, were having a meeting in an hour." He ordered and shifted, making his way back to the house.

Anita nudged me as we strolled back and mouthed, 'what's going on?'. I shook my head in response, 'Something's wrong...It's complicated' and made the cutting sign at my throat to say 'off the books'. She nodded her head in understanding, "Megan." she said before speeding to catch up with Deck and Lemnen.

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