Chapter 16: DNA and Myself

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Sorry for the late update, this is quite a short chapter.

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It was evening. Lemnen lay in the grass and stared at the sky, deep in thought. The setting sun's rays, which had been obscured by the trees a few moments ago, now shone in his eyes. He grunted, lifting his arm to shield them from the harsh light.

I had been observing him for a while now. Until now, I hadn't completely noticed his change, he seemed to have this aura of hate around him. No it wasn't hate, it was defiance. Pure defiance. It was like a lion inside of him, which is ironic since he's a wolf. But it's true, he had this animalistic manner about him, not to mention his agility during that fight-if you could even call it that. I pushed off from the tree I had been leaning on, and stopped by his head, until I was directly above him, "You knew, didn't you? You knew what I would find down there." His eyes fluttered closed.

"I wasn't sure"

I frowned, "What do you mean?" My reply was slow and cautious.

"There's more than one exit. Through the basement is one of them. Down there is an underground maze; also torture chambers, prisons, name it. I tried to ask Max but he doesn't know anything." Lemnen sat up. I sat next to him, and looked around to make sure no one was round before I continued. "Who told you?"

Lemnen nodded back towards the Pack House as he shrugged, "You're the one who's supposed to figure it out"

I stood and began to walk away.

"You want me to keep quite like about the buzz?" I stopped, he seemed satisfied with my silence and lay back down.

"Go to Anita she needs your help." I murmured, and made my way back to the pack house. I walked down hallways, making numerous turns until I came to the doors of Eli's personal lounge, which consisted of his own mini library, desk, and couch. The room was luxuriously, decorated, as if to have been from the eighteen hundreds, just how I had first seen it. I smiled to myself. I had almost forgotten Eli was now a Kova; meaning a retired, but still respected Alpha.

I remembered the days when Eli treated me as if I were his own flesh and blood. No. In fact, he didn't treat me as a daughter, he treated me as an equal, which was surprising for an Alpha. Eli said I could comprehend, what even adults struggled to understand. Funny how wrong he was.

The Funeral. It was raining that day.

Eli took me inside to clean the mud off me. I had helped to bury my own mother. Max helped carry her coffin and I helped dig her grave and shovelled the soil back. That evening we were sat by the fireplace, and I watched the flames flicker from orange to red, and back again.

"Why?" I had asked. That being my first word.

"You are not to blame for de crash, no?" His Russian accent was still quite thick at the time. I looked at Eli out the corner of my eye, and didn't answer. I just stared. He sat back, relaxed. I watched as he stared into the flames and he lightly swung his glass of Whiskey, taking a sip every few minutes. He looked back at me, and I glanced to his half-empty glass. "Try."

I hesitated, but declined his offer. His eyes narrowed, daring me to defy him again. A shiver of fear ran down my spine, but as soon as it came, it disappeared. I declined again. He stared at me hard, studying me. Then a smirk broke out across his face, and his chest rumbled, as a deep laugh escaped his lips. "Here, my defiant little pup! Just a taste." He reached across, handing me the glass of whiskey. I sniffed, and almost choked on the strong smell of the toxic liquid. Taking a sip, it slid down my throat, leaving a burning sensation as it went. I gagged, handing it back to him.

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