Chapter 17: Identity

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Her heels clicked as she walked as along the concrete pavement. A smirk pulled across her face as she checked her appearance in her pocket mirror, there was not a strand of her platinum blonde hair out of place; her blood red lipstick painted her lips to perfection, the thick layer of mascara coating her lashes made her green eyes pop. She was flawless. The woman returned the tiny mirror to the pocket of her leather trousers, which clung to her legs as if it were a second layer of skin, no different from the leather jacket she wore.

Bystanders watched as she passed them, a skip in her step. Women looked at her with envy, whilst men with lust. The woman glanced at her watch, then the entrance to a bar called The White Flag. He was here, the person she'd been looking for, he had the answers she needed, or so she'd heard. It had taken her days to find him and she could help but curse at the thought of him being another useless idiot whom only spoke of rumors. After all, she had driven seven miles out.

The woman opened the saloon doors and stopped as they swung closed behind her. The loud ruckus of men drinking and arguing became silence, all eyes were on her.

There was a suffocating tension in the room as they watched her with caution, hands on the holsters of their guns, others ready to shift. This was a town mixed of supernatural beings and humans, people weren't so easily frightened, however were on guard.

Her eyes searched the room, looking for a certain someone. A waiter stood frozen behind the bar. He had to look twice before he'd realized who the woman who had caused such tension in the room was. She was CI-fucking-A, and a bloody vampire at that! Bloody hell!

His hands shook and fear coursed through him as the woman flicked her hair over her shoulder and strolled towards him, her footsteps echoing around the room. "Where can I find Bane?" Her voice was strong and powerful almost as if it were a command rather than a gesture.

"W-what do you want with him?" was his weak reply.

"To talk with him, isn't it obvious?" The woman rolled her eyes. He irritated her, but then again, everyone irritated her, "Just take me to him boy," and he did, he had no choice. No one was stupid enough to go against someone with a reputation such as hers. He lead her round the back and into the sandy desert field, where Bane sat wearing shades, bathing in the sun with a martini by his side as he read a book.

"He's all yours," The boy muttered, backing away and jogging back into the bar.

The woman walked and sat in the empty chair beside him, a grin plastered on her face as she enjoyed the sun's rays.

"And you are?" Bane's question was blunt and straight to the point. He hated the police and despised the CIA.

Her smirk grew as her answer left her lips, "Tenar Clay, CIA, but you already knew that" she brushed her hair to the side and continued, "I'm here for answers about the death of Lillian Lie," Bane's eyes narrowed into slits and for less than a second his pupils morphed into the oval shape of a reptile's. The woman, however, didn't notice, since he still wore his sunglasses.

"What makes you think I'd know anything?"

She gave him a flat look and yanked out a photograph from her pocket, slapping it onto the armrest of his chair. The photograph consisted of a corpse on a human slab, its skin torn in multiple areas along with scratch marks, bruises and blood all over its nude, anorexic body. It lay there, on its back, with open eyes; except they weren't eyes, just black. Both eyeballs were completely black and fangs poked through the sides of its mouth. It-no, she was disgusting. It was the corpse of a woman, no older than thirty, with chestnut brown hair. And thought her appearance was so horrific, Bane instantly recognized the corpse, after all her daughter was the spitting image of her before the woman had come to look like this. 

 The corpse was Lillian Lie.

Bane growled in memory of what had happened and in regret, to the fact he could have saved her. And he could have saved her, saved her from the pain, torture and evil she'd experienced. But he chose not to, he left her to her doom, to the man she'd thought she'd loved; to the son he thought he knew. Only one word left her mouth, only one word was needed, "Cole".


This Chapter's pretty short, but I hope you enjoyed it.

And as usual, please vote and comment. :D

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