Chapter 13: The girl he rejected

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There, she stood.


Pride and arrogance radiated off her in waves she made no attempt to hide. A smirk gracing the corner of her painted red lips.

What the hell was she doing here?

"iI's been a while, Ciel." I almost flinched at the way my name rolled of her tongue in a sly manner. And again, the same question came to mind: What the hell was she doing here? Last time we had crossed each other was when I was introduced to the pack, she left not long after. I don't mean leaving the pack of course, I meant she just disappeared.

And now she was back, looking as smug as ever. Oh how I wish I could wipe that smirk right of her face. Unable to contain myself I stormed out of the kitchen on a rampage in search of Cole, barging past both Mickey and Jayson along the way and ignoring their attempt to ask what was wrong. I took fast strides along the corridors, leaving a trail of echoes from my heavy footsteps-which was unusual since I was lighter than most.

Anita stepped out of a room up ahead in curiosity of what was going on, I grabbed her wrist as I passed, dragging her along with me, she obediently followed in utter confusion.

I opened the door leading to Cole's room, waltzing right in. The door slammed shut. I stood there glaring at Cole whilst trying to figure out how to form my anger into words. Cole lay relaxed on his bed, not once did he look up from the book he was reading "what is it Ciel?" he murmured, half listening, half engrossed in the book.

"What is she doing here?" I hissed, venom laced in my words. That b-Tenar was the only one I had ever come across to ever be able to irritate me with her mere presence.

"She is Beta and therefore going to be in charge whilst I'm gone, I have business to take care of."

Anita realised her purpose in this, and that was to keep me in check, I consider her to be my friend after all, especially since I'm quite reckless at times. "And you couldn't have told me before because?" I trailed of. I had now calmed, only irritation lingered in my voice.

"Because you wouldn't have come," He gave me a pointed look. I studied him for a moment.

"what's going on?"

He sighed, "I had Reid, Leo and Jack check the perimeter and past the territory for any sign of rouges, or clues to if there had been any wolves present, but there was nothing, not a trace to say anything had stepped foot near Lake territory," By now Deck, Mickey, Jayson, Chase and...Tenar...had joined us, listening in.

"Rain could have cleared all signs." Jayson suggested.

"I checked, it hasn't rained in the past two weeks and we received their distress call only a few days ago" Mickey replied, now understanding what Cole was getting at.

"They could have been using witch craft," Chase spoke this time.

"No, they detest wolves, especially rouges" Jayson ran a hand through his hair, "There are a very few necromancers who tolerate our, let alone agree to work with us-"

"Maybe there aren't any rouges then," Jayson was cut of by Anita, who's eyes were fixated on the floor in "Maybe they lied."

It was my turn to speak "You're wrong, Eli is no-longer Alpha but he would never allow it, and even though the Lake's are a bunch of mutts, they aren't incompetent. Besides, they are one of the strongest packs, help is the last thing they'd want."

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