Chapter 2: Remember Me

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This chapters short 'n' sweet since i didn't know what else to wright. Please vote and comment. Pic of Ciel :D 

 Morning came by. The time was 5:30am and Lemnen's knee was jammed in my back. jesus this kid kicks like a donkey. I rolled my neck and sighed as it clicked. It took a while to get out of the tangle of sheets and limbs.  

Once I was finally up, I started my daily routine: Sit ups, press ups, squats. Shower and dress; then cook for max, eat before anyone woke up and leave before anyone notices me. Not all went to plan, Max was already downstairs cleaning up the drinks and stuff from last night. One of his friends was crashed out on the sofa. I went into the kitchen to start breakfast. He followed me in. "Wanna tell me what happened last night." It wasn't a question.

But I acted like it was, I shrugged.

"Yeah well, stay away from him for now. Whatever you did has seriously pissed him off." He walked round the island to the stove, where I was frying bacon. I felt his hand clamp down on my shoulder, "And next time. Do exactly as I say. No exceptions." I wasn't about to argue, so just nodded and continued with what I was doing.

"Hey man, wake up, we got practice." A smacking sound resounded through the house, followed by a thump.

"I'm up, thanks. See you there." footsteps fading, front door opens then closes. I finish serving up the food, just as Max comes back in and in seconds it's gone, he's shovelled it all into his mouth. No table manners. "Uf fuf huwy up I'll gif you a wride." He muffles before walking back out. I scramble for my bag and dash out the house after him.

We arrived at college in an hour, I also come early in the morning, because I'm an unofficial track member. Running was the only thing my brother allowed me to do, he said it was only so I would be able to run from danger, which only shows he cares. Of course I didn't object. Oh no the complete opposite actually. I relished the time I had to run, until my little heart was content. Even if it was early as fuck in the morning.

As I walked through the empty corridors, I looked at a giant clock down the end of the hall to see it was 7; I had 2 hours until class started. In fact, could go for a run now; so that is exactly what I did.

I ran the track 13 times, starting from a jog. Never slowing down, only speeding up. All I could think about was what Reece had said. Does this mean he's rejecting me?  I mean I know I'm not amazing but... it's not like he could find another mate in the pack. Could he? 

The concept of mates that you probably know is that, there only one true mate. Mates mark each-other for eternity, blah blah blah- No you're wrong. 

It more like lay-lines, you cross paths with many different people and with some, a connection opens, you don't choose that one? Move on until you find the next one. But it's rare that you ever find more than one mate in the same area. I mean, there are billions of people in the world. So...yeah. Wolves tend to find mates young, because we-they're more receptive to it. Vampires have practically eternity to look for theirs even though werewolves have a similar lifespan. Humans? Well for humans It's a little more tragic. They tend to find her mate when they'r halfway through their life span, like by the time they are forty. Many don't find theirs considering how humans are so weak and fragile; they die easily and don't live long, so its scary for supernaturals that find they're mated to humans. 

In my opinion, humans belong in a bullet and everything proof bubble or hamster cages at least-where they won't die from any and every-thing they come into contact with. Kinda ironic considering I am half one...

I continued to run turning all my emotional turmoil into much needed energy, until I realised there was someone standing there. It was my coach, with what looked like a stopwatch...Yeah it was definitely him, with his grey hair and freckles, he was tall and lanky; but he could be scary when he wanted to, vampire fangs and all. 

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