Chapter 9- Shawmila

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Lauren Pov

Phone call after phone call from Shawn all the way home. There's a difference between desperate and excited. This boy was desperate. I heard her phone go off again, then see her try to quickly shut it off in hopes I wouldn't notice.

"We have one fucking hour left until we are home what the HELL is this boy's problem?!" I shouted, pounding my fist on the seat.

"Lauren, calm down. He's just excited to see me." She acted as though there was no problem with this. Does she know that he only wants to use her for more fame. Camila was after all up there in on of the best voices of 2015.

"Excited? You mean desperate? I almost want to go with you and make out with you in front of him. Hell I'd go as far as having se-"

"Lauren!" She interrupted.

"What?! Not my fault that I want to be protective over you. You're mine. Am I allowed to want to claim you?" I asked shrugging.

"Yes but he's just a friend." She answered, crossing her arms. I felt bad. I laid a hand on her shoulder which was quickly shrugged off.

"Don't do that. Don't push me away. Tell me what's wrong." I said, scooting closer to her and resting a hand on her knee.

"We are making a song together. Shawn said that we most likely will receive hate, but he said it's worth making anyways. I don't like losing fans, you know how much they mean to me." She said turning her head to face me. Tears threatened to spill over as her gentle brown eyes had a red tint surrounding them. I quickly pulled her into a tight embrace, rubbing her back in comfort.

"It's okay, Camz. You won't lose them. They aren't loyal if they are going to leave you because of a harmless song that is probably bomb because of your powerful voice." I tried to be as soothing as I could towards the now sobbing girl in my arms.

"That's not the point. What will happen to us? Fifth Harmony? It would be the first time producing a song without you guys. What would that say about me?"

"Who the hell cares? It's your decision, Camila. You are the one singing it, not the fans. They hate it, you move on. It's no big deal." She pulled away, wiping away at her irritated eyes.

"You're right. Thank you, Lauren." She said with a sad smile. I kissed her forehead, pulling her in for another tight embrace. I had hoped that this wouldn't go downhill, but sadly I was wrong.


Three years later...

Camila was now off on her own. Fifth Harmony hadn't split up, but instead became Fourth Harmony. Everyone sort of predicted that this would happen and that it would only be a matter of time. Guilt filled her to the point where she gave up, feeling as though she were destroying Fifth Harmony. Slowly she was getting the life sucked out of her, the hate only growing as time went on. Our relationship only lasted a year longer, along with the group. Now that she's gone, Fifth Harmony surprisingly became more famous. Our albums getting more popular, me getting more solos.

Ally soon took her place, getting the main solos and high pitched parts. Normani and Dinah took the harmony parts, while I became the second soloist. We were a hit. We were happy. All except for me.

Camila ended up going with Shawn instead, leaving me broken hearted. My anger streak lasted for four months, consisting of hardcore drugs and heavy drinking. News spread everywhere, my bad influence growing and Fifth Harmony's name slowly crashing. Camila then had the guts to post a comment on twitter about it.

"Lauren who? Oh I know, the crazy crack-head that went ballistic when I left. Damn, didn't know I could do that much damage."

We knew management would do this. When I read that, I threw my phone against the wall, shattering it into a million pieces. Tears stung my eyes as I yanked at my hair and screamed. I jumped up, kicking and punching the wall repeatedly. I did this until Dinah kicked open my locked door, Ally rushing over to me and holding me. Normani recovered my phone, taking it to the store to get it replaced.

"Shhhh, Laur. You'll be okay. It's gonna be fine. Don't let that nasty prissy girl get to you." She cooed, stroking my hair.

"Damn. Ally worked up the courage to say prissy. Lauren that's how you know she's serious." Dinah chuckled as she crossed her arms. I laughed while tears still streamed down my face.

That night I went to Leslie's house, the guy that had sold me the cocaine I used, and abused it a bit too much. Soon after snorting it, he ended up taking advantage of me when I passed out. I ran back to my apartment where Dinah, Normani, and Ally had probably already been asleep. My hair a train wreck, my eyes swollen red, and my clothes wrinkled and reeking of alcohol. I banged on the door, having lost my key at his apartment. Ally answered, and I immediately fell into her arms.

"Honey, what's wrong? Why are you just now coming home at three in the morning? Jesus, you reek of alcohol." She said bringing her hands to my face to look at me. "Oh my god you look a fright. Come inside, I'll wake up the girls." She pulled me into the warm apartment, sitting me on the soft couch. I laid back, still grasping for the lost oxygen in my lungs.

She came back with a hot cup of tea and the girls trailing close behind her. She sat next to me, handing me the warm mug.

"Tell us everything." Dinah said, stroking my hair. After explaining the nights events, the girls came to the conclusion of keeping this on the down low. If Leslie threatened to spill everything, we would then get a lawyer and prepare for the worst. Soon after, he had told everything. The newspapers went wild with pictures of my face in a wrecked state, having captured them when on my way to the court with Leslie. The articles went nuts on how I should be out of the singing business for what I have done. Everyone started booking for interviews with me, begging for more information on the whole event.
Soon I got better, Ally had called a support group and insisted I join to make things better. It did. In fact, I ended up meeting my current girlfriend, Sasha.

The girl with deep blue eyes, blonde wavy hair, dimples on her cheeks, and a smile that would kill anyone. She had problems with alcohol. Her acting career was taking a fall when people found out, and people stopped sending out offers for parts she could play. Though she was one of Hollywood's hottest chicks alive, she wasn't the most respected. Though we seemed to get through everything together. We both came out together, the world around us immediately accepting us.

Once again though, Camila had something to say.

"Always knew she was a lesbian. The girl couldn't keep her eyes off me."

Sasha immediately wanted to slam her head into a brick wall and dance on her grave, but I told her to let it go. It angered me the most that Camila wasn't getting any hate from making these comments, the world acting as though she were some perfect angel.

This streak however, would soon come to an end.

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