Chapter 16- Decisions

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Camila Pov

After we came back from what seemed like the longest enjoyable honeymoon, Lauren and I discovered that the harmonizers were more then supportive on hearing about our relationship. Some had been surprised, while others seemed to be happy that we finally were honest about it. Ever since we announced about it, we knew we would receive hate, but we never thought about support.

I decided to join back into Fifth Harmony, the reunion making every fan joyous and happy that I was back. But in meet and greets, some fans would have the guts to come up to me and say things like "you're better off being solo" or "you don't deserve to be a part of them again". It hurt to hear those kinds of things, but to then see Lauren jump to my defence about it made it even more unbelievable.

She would be standing next to me the entire time, her hand never leaving mine. We were always sat next to eachother, always standing next to each other, and no one was able to split us apart. I was glad that now I didn't have to hide my feelings in front of everyone. And now that the group was able to say things, it had relieved alot of stress.

We currently were gathered in a small hotel room. Once we got back to business, we went on a tour. We were touring all around Germany now, the cold surprising us a bit but didn't seem to bother anyone.

"Okay we need to decide a movie before I fall asleep." Dinah said, scrolling through Netflix.

"What type. Scary?" Normani asked. Automatically Lauren shot her a glare. "What? I'm kind of in the mood to be scared shitless." She said unaware.

"Hello? Where is your brain you know Camz hates scary movies." She said, rubbing my shoulder. We had all been scattered in the room, Ally lying on the couch that sat in front of the bed, Normani and Dinah sitting at the head of the bed, while Lauren and I sat on the edge.

"Oh yeah. Okay then how about we watch a romantic?" Normani suggested, earning groans from everyone.

"It's bad enough we are sitting in a room with camren present, why would you want to make it worse by watching a romantic movie? I've had enough of love considering I don't get much of it." Dinah said rolling her eyes.

"Thanks." Me and Lauren said in unison.

"Don't mention it." Dinah responded, laying her head on Normani's shoulder. Normani patted her head like a dog before taking he remote from Dinah and scrolling some more.

"Oh, I know! How about we go on YouTube and watch old videos of us?" Ally jumped in, sitting up from her position on the couch. This earned yet another round of groans.

"I don't want to look at me from a long time ago. I'd rather forget what I looked like then to remember it." Dinah said.

"Screw it then. If we can't decide then lets just talk." Normani said, tossing the remote on the nightstand beside the bed. "I need to get something off my chest anyway."

"Normani now is not the time to show us your stripping skills." I said, earning a laugh from everyone and a playful glare from her.

"No, I wanted to ask when you and Lauren are gonna have kids." Laurens head shot up, her eyes growing wide.

"Uh... We did just get married you know? We haven't really thought about that." I said, my cheeks heating up instantly. I would love to have kids with Lauren, but when was the right time? And would it be considered early?

"There is never a right time. It kind of just, happens." Normani said shrugging. It brought me to memory the time when I was scrolling through my Instagram feed and saw a picture with both me and Lauren. Below it was a mashup of our faces and the comment was "The Camren Child". Harmonizers always had a talent on photoshopping.

I looked to Lauren for answers, and all she did was smile. I could tell that she had wanted kids as well, but a whole swarm of questions filled my head. What about Fifth Harmony? Would I be a good mother? How was I with children? How would the girls feel? Would this effect me and Laurens relationship? My head started spinning and I rubbed my temples.

"Mila, why so upset? Children are great for improvements on relationships, not saying you two need improvement. But sometimes they bring out a side in your partner you have never seen. Don't y'all want to see where this could go?" Ally said smiling.

"Besides, a Camren child would be the cutest thing ever!" Dinah said, receiving a high five from Normani.

Lauren rolled her eyes and met mine. "What do you say, babe? Do you think it's the time to have a kid?" She asked stroking my cheek.

I pondered the question for a bit before shrugging. They all seemed to understand, and changed the subject. I didn't want to hurt Laurens feelings by turning down the topic, or seem uncomfortable, because I was far from it. I had wanted kids. But what about Lauren? How did she feel about all of this? I excused myself and stepped outside to make my way down to the lobby of the hotel. I went through the double doors and sat on a bench.

Sometimes I just needed some alone time to think. The brisk cold hit my skin and seemed to wake me up a little. Germany was a pretty place, and I don't think I'm alone when I say that I'm enjoying this tour. All the girls seemed to be happy that I was back and it was a good thing that we decided on going on this tour.

Minutes later, I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw that Lauren was texting.

[The Wife:)] You okay? You seemed to rush out in a hurry. Do you want me to join you?

[Me] I'm alright. And you can if you want. Just needed a minute to think to myself.

[The Wife:)] On my way.

I slid my phone back in my pocket, now waiting for Lauren to join me. Only minutes later she sat next to me on the bench, draping an arm over my shoulder.

"Lauren?" I asked, looking at her.

"Yeah, Camz?" She said, raising her eyebrows. Even without makeup on, Lauren looked like the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

"I want to have kids."

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