Chapter 1- The Beginning

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Lauren Pov

Waking up and knowing what day it was made my heartbeat increase. The day where I would audition. I have already seen some acts that make me question. I came here knowing that there would be people with major talent, but I hope the judges like me. I couldn't stop smiling at the thought that I was going to be performing on X-Factor! To finally be able to make my dreams come true!

I feel alot better having my family be by my side. My brother, Chris, can only pat me on the back and wish me luck. While Taylor, my sister, keeps hugging me and reassuring that I will do just fine. The most encouragement that I have gotten though is from my dad. He keeps saying that he is proud and that he couldn't be happier for me.

"Are you ready to do this, sweetheart?" He asked me as I rubbed my hands on my legs nervously.

"Yeah I think so." I answered, staring directly at the floor below me.

It wasn't easy trying out for something like this. It takes alot of bravery, courage, and talent to even make it on that stage, let alone make it past the judges. I was up next and I was extremely nervous. My teeth were chattering and I kept running my hand through my long hair.

"Remind me to delete any existing footage of the performance if I don't make it through so I'm not completely humiliated for the rest of my life." I said smiling sarcastically.

"You'll do fine, baby." My mother said brushing my hair out of my face and smiling at me reassuringly.

It was time. My name had been called and it seemed like at that moment everything went black. I stood, taking a deep breath and exhaling it slowly, walking towards the backstage with my family. The guy pulled me up the dark stairwell and told me the judges were waiting.

"Come on Laur, you can do this," I thought as I walked out to the stage.

Fans cheered and clapped, my whole world now spinning. I stood in the center of the stage and looked upon the judges who wore welcoming smiles.

"Hi how are you?" Simons deep accented voice broke the silence.

"Good thank you," I said laughing nervously.

"And what's your name?"

"My names Lauren."



And that's where it all had started. Soon enough I had belted out the song as best I could, getting the crowd to wave their hands in the process. I felt confident and sure that I would make it. And as if my hopes were coming true with each increasing second, I soon had 4 yeses from the judges.

I ran backstage again and crashed into the loving arms of my father, Mike.

"I'm so proud of you." He whispered in my ear as he held me tightly.

I squeezed him, wanting to preserve the moment, until he let me go to look into my emerald eyes that were probably burning brightly. This moment would always be remembered to me. I would soon be able to tell my children about it, my grandkids, and hopefully the world altogether.

My biggest dream had always revolved around singing. It had always been something that came easily to me. I never had anything else in my mind except for singing. My family had been aware of this talent that seemed to have come out of nowhere, even I had been surprised by it. But I will stick to what I'm good at, for now.

The moment had crashed hours later when they declined me. I was now sat outside balling my eyes out in the sleeve of my dad's shirt. I wiped away at my irritated eyes when I short lady stepped outside with a clipboard.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Could I have your attention please?"

Gazes all fell on her as the lady spoke.

"Would the following people please follow me backstage to see the judges, please."

Then five names had stood out to me.

"Camila Cabello, Lauren Jauregui, Normani Kordei, Dinah Jane Hansen, and Ally Brooke Hernandez."

Then we were there, gathered on the stage altogether. There were others though, standing away from us also huddled together. Then Simons voice broke the silence.

" look around you at the people who are nearby. These will be your new band mates. I wish you all the best of luck."

As he said those words that would forever have a strong meaning to us five, we all jumped in pure happiness.

That had been the moment that would change our lives. Forever.

And I thought then at that exact moment, if I would have a career within a group, I wouldn't want to have it with any other four girls. They had all had a special connection with me and eachother from the moment we were put together. And I realized that if we would be a group, that we would be special and like none ever before. We had all been different, not the same person or all one race, but mixed with many different cultures. And even though we had been different from eachother, that would only make being a group even more intriguing for all of us. It would give us a chance to explore eachothers lives and traditions and see a completely different perspective. I was ready for whatever was to come in the future. I would make these four girls a part of my family, and I would be happy to spend maybe the rest of my life singing by their side. Willingly.

But boy was I not prepared for one girl within the group who caught my attention the most.

Karla Camila Cabello.


A/N: Hello fellow Camren shippers! Please note that this fanfiction is not the best and is terribly written with really bad grammar, and I have far better works than this. If you would please transfer over to my other account, _nextstopmars_, there are a wide variety of much better fanfictions to choose from. Thank you!!!

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