Chapter 11- Over The Edge

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Camila Pov

I had heard in the news of Michael Jauregui's death. It was a sad day. Later on, I had heard of Lauren's breakdown. She was seen at a bar, dancing on the tables and stripping. She had finally lost it. Broken. Along with my heart. I never wanted things to be the way they were now. I wanted nothing more than for her to be happy, and me being in her life was too much and made her far from happy. I had hurt her, obviously since she told me to go die. But I had hurt her physically too. Her body shutting down from her drug abuse and alcohol abuse. I felt like the blame, and it crushed me.

"You okay, babe?" Shawn asked, rubbing my back. I flinched away. "Why are you acting this way towards me? Tell me what I did and I'll fix it however I can." He spoke so sincere, but it was a tone I was immune to and had no effect on me.

"I want to be with her. I love her." I said turning to face him. His face grew red and seemed to sink in anger.

"With that crack-head drunken bitch? Lauren is too low for you, Mila. Why have her when you can have me? I'm perfectly normal and I'll treat you better." Just then all that was heard was my hand connecting with his face.

"Don't you EVER speak about her like that again! I think I need to leave. Don't bother calling." I said before turning on my heel and walking out. I pulled out my phone and dialled Ally's number. If anyone would listen, it was her. I haven't talked to her since I left, but I'm sure she'd be open to talking to me.

"Hello?" Her small voice asked nervously.

"Hey, Ally! It's been a while. Could we meet up? I need to apologize." I said, rubbing the back of my neck and biting my lip.

"Yeah, of course. You'll always be my friend, Mila. No matter the hardships. You don't need to apologize. So we are meeting to talk. See you at my apartment in 20?" She asked. It felt good to hear her voice again.

"See you then." I answered before hanging up and walking to my car.


"What has happened since I've been gone? I don't follow the news much, only Lauren." I asked, spinning my thumbs in my lap.

"Well, nothing really. Still living with the girls. They aren't home right now, but they will be here soon, actually." She answered, looking down at her phones clock.

"It'll be nice seeing them again. I may not need to say sorry to you, but they deserve a sorry from me. I don't want them mad. You know I didn't mean hurting Lauren." I replied, dropping my gaze again. "How is she anyway?" I asked, wiping my eyes.

"Oh... Mila... She's not good." She responded, now wiping her own eyes. Talking about Lauren was always a touchy subject. "She hasn't been home in three days. I'm worried. You know how she gets, Mila." I nodded. Lauren always lost it when huge events broke out. It was never fun witnessing her breakdowns, knowing you can't do anything about it.

"I love her, Ally. It hurts to see her this way." I said before getting wrapped up in the smaller girls arms. The tears poured now.

"I know, honey. It'll be okay. You gotta stay strong for her. Maybe talking to her will help her out." She suggested, pulling away to dry my tears with her sleeve.

"She hates me, Ally." I said, causing her to freeze.

"Mila that's far from the truth. She loves you with all her heart. She broke it off with Sasha too, and before she did she had told me she couldn't be with someone if she loved another person at the same time."

My heart stopped. The tears stung harder now, feeling my lip quiver. Ally pulled me back into another warm embrace.

"Mila don't cry. Everything will work out, I promise you. God brought y'all together for a reason, he isn't about to just split you apart." She cooed, rubbing my back in comfort.

Just then Dinah and Normani walked in, seeming to have been in an animated conversation, until laying eyes on me.

"And what the fuck are you doing here?" Normani asked, tossing her bag on the floor.

"Now Mani, stop. Mila is here to say sorry and is here to make amends. You guys know management forced her to do this. We can't be mad at her forever." Ally said standing in front of me. No offence to Ally, but she didn't stand a chance against the power of Normaniah.

"Don't defend her Ally! She broke Lo's heart!" Dinah jumped in, dropping her bag on the floor as well. They walked over, but to my surprise, Ally put up her hands.

"Y'all better stop right now! I am not playing. Mila came here practically holding up a white flag. You better chill!" She yelled, pushing them away.

"But-" the two stammered before Ally's hand flew over their mouths.

"Don't you but me! I said no!" It almost seemed as though she was talking to dogs. I wanted to laugh, but I held it in.

"Fine. But I ain't gonna just let her back into my life like she did absolutely nothing wrong." Dinah said crossing her arms.

After telling them what happened and how I felt, spilling my heart out to them, Dinah and Normani were like my best friends again. They hugged me and told me they would do anything to see "camren" being real again. We came to the conclusion on calling Lauren.

"What." The green eyed girl answered angrily. It came to a surprise that she actually answered.

"Let's meet up for dinner. What do you say?" Ally asked in the happiest tone ever. She had always been the sunshine in the group. Dinah and Normani agreed that it was appropriate for the fans calling her Allysus. It works with how her attitude was towards everyone.

"Whatever. Where?" She asked. Everyone covered their mouth, surprised at her agreeing to this. If only she knew that I was going along.

"How about Dennie's? Like old times." Ally said with a smile. That brought back memories. The times we would go there and order a large amount of fries along with burgers and just talk about random things. Mostly about new hot celebrities or watching the football games and complimenting the guys butts. What pervs we were as teenagers, but those were the good old days.

"Alright meet me in 10." She said before hanging up. Here we go.


10 minutes later we arrived at Dennie's. Automatically my eyes fell on the green eyed beauty... With major change. Dark makeup circled her green eyes, making them pop out even more. Her black hair had red highlights, her clothes all black. Her fingernails were painted a deep black, along with black lipstick on her perfect lips. I hadn't noticed before, but her arms were now covered in tattoos. This new Lauren... Scared me. Yet she also turned me on so much. This sexy badass may have been different from the one I met almost four years ago, but she still made my heart flutter. Her signature black leather jacket draped over her arm as she made her way over to us. As she got closer, I noticed a ciggarette hanging from her mouth.

"Lauren. How are you?" Ally greeted, pulling the girl in a hug which she quickly pulled out of. She never denied hugs.

"Fine. I see you brought this bitch with you. Was this a setup?" She sneered. I didn't like her attitude.

"Lauren! Watch it! She came here to apologize." Ally said crossing her arms.

"She already fucking did that. And I thought I made it clear that I didn't want to talk to her again." Her gaze fell on me, almost seeming to fuck me with her eyes. She looked me up and down and smirked. "Lookin' good though." She said before turning back to Ally. "Let's just get this over with, huh." She said, turning on her heel and walking to the restaurant. This should be interesting.

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