Chapter 12- The Addiction

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Lauren Pov

"Lauren I hope you know you can't smoke in a restaurant." Normani said.

"Fuck rules." I replied, flicking an ash on the floor.

"You know what just because you lost someone you love dearly does not mean that you can do whatever the fuck you want. Put out the fucking ciggarette before I climb across the table and put it out myself!" Dinah said angrily.

"Do it I fucking dare you." I tested, blowing smoke in her face. This pissed her off, and she reached across the table and snatched it out of my hand, putting it out on the wooden surface of our table. "You're gonna regret that." I exclaimed angrily before also climbing across the table and tackling her, causing her chair to topple over. All attention within the restaurant was now on us. Camila's face looked terrified, not used to seeing me like this. It almost made me want to get up and hug her and apologize for me behavior, but I was putting up walls, blocking everyone out from my life. She would just have to get used to the new me.

Me and Dinah rolled back and forth, screaming and pulling eachothers hair until Normani pulled Dinah off of me and Ally yanked me up on my feet.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Normani said, facing me.

"You guys can't control me! I can do whatever the fuck I want so let me!" I yelled before pulling away from Ally and walking outside. I have had enough.


Camila Pov

I followed behind the green eyed girl and out into the parking lot. She walked to the side of the building and I followed close behind. As I walked up to her, she pinned me against the wall.

"Lauren what the hell?!" I yelled before she shook her head and crashed her lips into mine. It took me by surprise at first, but I reciprocated the same way. She almost seemed desperate, like she had missed kissing me and didn't want to stop ever again. I had felt the same.

Her lips parted and I felt her warm tongue on my bottom lip, begging for entrance. I tilted my head and opened my swollen lips, allowing her tongue to explore my mouth. She squeezed my arms that were still pinned on the wall, moving her hands down to my waist and pushing her body against mine. I moaned in response, placing my now free arms around her neck.

Her lips came to a slow stop, until she pulled away and leaned her forehead on mine. I gasped for air, my chest heaving along with hers.

"You have no idea how much I fucking missed you." She whispered, sighing in content.

"I missed you too. But please, tell me why you are rebelling the way you are." I asked wanting to fix her however I can.

She backed away, leaning against the wall, her head falling back on it.

"He's gone, Camz."

That one sentence that escaped from her lips, could kill anyone. Inside my heart fell from its position, crashing hard. The girl in front of me had witnessed so much and now she was broken. Even worse, I was a part of her broken heart. Now she stands before me a changed person, but changed for the worst.

"Laur... I'm so sorry. But he wouldn't want you to be like this. He would want you to be happy. He would want you to be doing your absolute best in life. Please promise to let me help you. I love you Lauren, and I hate seeing you hurt. Please... Just let me in."

She seemed to ignore me, her head falling into her hands.


"I CAN'T OKAY! I fucking can't! I love you so much but you broke my heart! Who's to say you won't repeat the process and just break it again?! I can't take another heartbreak, Camz. I can't. I just..." She gripped her hair hard before looking at me with tears stinging at her eyes and mascara running down her cheeks. "I can't." She whispered, sliding down the wall and on her butt.

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