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I do not own any characters created or depicted by J.R.R Tolkein or Peter Jackson. I only own the characters  which I have imagined/ created myself and will make these know if anyone is unsure about them.

Again guys as in the other book Aragorn is not 80 whatever he is 24 in this book. Ok so here we go!

Prologue- Bilbo's POV.
18 years ago.

I am rudely awoken from my sleep by the incessant banging on my door. Quickly checking through the window, to ensure its not this horrid Sackville Bagginses come back to irritate me further, I was shocked to see that there was nobody there. I opened the door just to be certain it wasn't a child in need I checked around and then looked down. On my doorstep there was a bundle of blankets. I reached down to pick them up when suddenly, they started to move. I quickly realised that it was a baby! Someone had left a baby on my doorstep, in the middle of the night no less. I picked up the bundle being very gentle as I thought it was very small I brought it inside as I sat beside the dying embers of the fire. Inside the blanket was a baby girl, a human one at that. How very unusual! There was a folded piece of parchment with the words;
"Keep her safe and out of sight. He will find us! We are doomed!"written on it. It was all very curious. Just then the little one who, I assumed had no name reached up with her tiny little hand and closed her fist over my little finger. It was with that I decided to raise her as my own. It was unusual and quite naturally with hobbits, not widely accepted at first but Elayna was slowly accepted and the acceptance only grew more widespread the older she got.

From the age of two I could tell that Elayna was different. I could no longer take my ring out of my pocket now as she cried in fear every time she saw it. I was out walking with Frodo and her one afternoon when we first noticed it. Elayna would walk right up to someone and touch them, nothing too grand but even the slightest touch would work, after that she would just nod and go about doing something for them as if it was not a shock to them that she did not need to be asked to do something that they may not have even known needed to be done. When my friend Gandalf the Grey, a wizard came to visit I spoke to him about her. His first word to describe the whole situation was "Curious". He knew the story of how Elayna came to be with me. "I do believe it's possible that she may have power, not a lot but enough. It may grow with age," Gandalf said. By the age of seven Elayna only had to speak with a certain tone of voice and people around her naturally did her bidding. By fourteen she didn't even need to speak. But she still feared my ring. She said it was dark and evil lay at its heart but couldn't tell me why or how she knew. As she grew, Frodo and her became quite close and they shared an unbreakable bond.

When she was fifteen Gandalf came back and spoke to me. He found out that her power would grow but it would mature and pinpoint on one particular "gift" as he called it. I froze because I realised it had already reached this stage. She could control people, mind, body and soul either through touch or through her voice. It startled me as I was now nearing 108 but was not ageing. I was feeling more and more exhausted. Almost like my energy was just draining out of me, I didn't even have the energy to go for long walks with Frodo and Elayna like I used to. It all reached a pinnacle when Elayna turned 18 which was four days before my 111th birthday. I had already decided on a plan and I could tell that both Frodo and Elayna knew something was up. After all, I didn't raise either of them to be foolish or dim witted. Elayna and I had just had an argument about her boundaries, as I only let her go so far from the house, when she screamed while clutching her head. I panicked and rushed to her side where she was mumbling something about torture. I looked into her usually blue eyes to find them distant and a cloudy green. Then she looked at me and asked:
What aren't you telling me?

I of course couldn't stop myself from telling her and then she collapsed. She had known she was different but she just thought it was down to her being a different race, but now she knew she was really different. I felt so bad for her as I got down on the floor and held he close to me. I really must have a chat with Gandalf about her. I need to know can she control it, I fear there will be hard times ahead for both Frodo and herself. She must not be exposed as there will always be people ready to exploit her. My duty is first to her, to protect her. I will always do so until my dying breath!

Hello my dears and welcome to Rebuilding the King,

Now I realise this is quite different but hey different is good right? I also realise that our dear miss Elayna has the same gift/power as Arneth had in the other book but her story will be quite different.

I hope you guys like this quick little back story and I will have the first chapter up tomorrow.

Until then,


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