Chapter nine: Hi ho, hi ho into the mines we go.

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Elayna's POV.
After traveling over open plains, up and down hillsides, we take a rest on a hill. Sam is cooking some lunch as Boromir is teaching Merry, Pippin and I how to fight. "We must hold this course west of the Misty Mountains for 40 days. If our luck holds the Gap of Rohan will still be open to us. From there our road turns east to Mordor," Gandalf says.  I block a blow from Boromir and turn, only to stare straight into Aragorn's eyes. He's watching every single one of our moves through narrowed eyes. "Two, One, Five. Good, very good," Boromir says to us. "Move your feet," Aragorn says and I glare at him. I turn back around to see Boromir sparring gently with Pippin. "You look good, Pippin," Merry compliments. "Thanks," Pippin responds. "Faster!" Boromir insists. He moves back to me and has increased his force and speed. "If anyone was to ask for my opinion, which I note they're not, I'd say we were taking the long way round. Gandalf, we could pass through the Mines of Moria. My cousin Balin would give us a royal welcome," Gimli says. I turn around when Aragorn cleared his throat, but I caught Gandalf's expression. He looked.... Conflicted. "No Gimli, I would not take the roads through Moria unless I had no other choice," Gandalf says. Legolas jumps from one stone to another, staring away into the South. Boromir turns quickly and I duck. Then he spars with Pippin and accidentally hurts Pippins hand. "Sorry!" Boromir apologises quickly as Pippin shouts out. As Boromir moves towards him to make sure he's alright Pippin kicks his leg. "Ah!" Boromir exclaims. "Get him!" Merry shouts as he pushes me towards Boromir. As Boromir struggles with the hobbits and I, we can hear the other laugh behind us. "For the Shire!" Merry cries. "Hold him! Hold him Merry!" Pippin shouts and I suddenly find myself pinned beneath Boromir and the hobbits.

"Gentlemen, that's enough!" Aragorn says as he tries to haul the hobbits up and I kick his legs out from under him "He got my arm! He got my arm!" Merry shouts. "Yeah, well shut up, he's got all of me!" I wheeze from under Boromir. "What is that?" I hear Sam ask. Suddenly, Boromir stands holding the hobbits close to him and then Aragorn hauls me up, but doesn't put me down and I start struggling. "Nothing, it's just a wisp of cloud," Gimli dismisses it. "It's moving fast.. Against the wind," Boromir says. "Crebain from Dunland!" Legolas shouts. "Hide!" Aragorn shouts into my ear and I scream, "Hurry!" Boromir encourages as panic ensues. Aragorn drops me and then pushes me under a rock. "Take cover!" Aragorn demands. Everyone hurries to get their stuff and get into hiding. Sam puts out the fire. I spot my pack and crawl out to get it. As soon as I have my fingers wrapped around the strap I feel a hand close around my ankle and I'm pulled along the ground until I feel somebody press their body over mine. We hide behind rocks and in bushes. I can't see anything but ground in front of my face, but I can hear a lot of cawing. It lasts for a few minutes and then it disappears. Then the body gets off me and I crawl out from under the rock. Only to find myself looking up at Aragorn. I get up and move away feeling something wet on my leg. "Spies of Saruman! The passage south is being watched. We must take the Pass of Caradhras," I hear Gandalf say and I look up to the mountain that he was talking about. I move over to a rock and pull some bandages out of my pack. I went over and sat on one of the rocks I was dragged across cut through my trousers and left a long gash on my leg.

"We must move- OH MY GOD! What happened to you leg Elayna?" I hear Boromir shout. I look at him through narrowed eyes as I heard everyone run over. "It's not that bad. Honestly, I'll just wrap it," I said, then suddenly I feel someone pawing at my leg. I look down to see Aragorn looking over it. "You were lucky, there's no dirt in it!" he said. "I would not have needed to be lucky if I was not dragged across the ground," I snap at him. He looks contrite and then merely says; "I warned you, did I not?". I gasp in outrage and he simply takes the bandage out of my hand and wraps my leg. Then they all move a little bit down the hill so I can change my trousers . Then we begin the long trek up the mountain. I'm glad I have my cloak now. We walk in the deep snow on Caradhras and Frodo stumbles and falls, rolling down the slope past me, towards Aragorn. He cries out as he goes. I get a pain in my head two seconds later when Frodo starts searching for the Ring around his neck. Finding that it's gone, he looks back up to where he fell and sees it lying in the snow. Boromir sees it too and picks it up by its chain. "Boromir," Aragorn calls out. "It is a strange fate we should suffer so much fear and doubt over so small a thing. Such a little thing," Boromir says, he starts fingering the Ring. "Boromir! Give the Ring to Frodo," Aragorn commands. Boromir jumps, as if startled but then walks down towards Frodo and Aragorn. "As you wish. I care not," he says as he hands over the Ring. Quickly, Frodo grabs the Ring from him. Boromir turns and resumes climbing. I see Aragorn releases the grip he had on his sword. All of us with the exception of Legolas struggle through the deep snow. I have Pippin on my back, as he is the smallest of the hobbits. Boromir carries Merry and Pippin, and Aragorn carries Frodo. There is an awful sounding voice in the air. "Cuiva nwalca Carnirasse; nai yarvaxea rasselya! (Wake up cruel Redhorn! May your horn be bloodstained!)," the voice says.

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