Chapter six: Isengard and the Battle of Helms Deep- Part 1

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Elayna's POV.

I come to, knowing that I'm still on a horse. What I don't know is where I am? I crack open one of my eyes and the first thing I notice is trees. The second thing, there is absolutely nobody else around. What the hell is going on? I turn my head and go to swipe the hair out of my eyes. When did I take my hair down and why are my hands not working? I open my eyes fully and look down to see my hands tied. What the hell? "You're finally awake sleepyhead," Bane says from behind me. I turn to look at him and freeze when he grabs a handful of my hair, holding my head looking straight. "Uh, uh, uh honey. That spell only worked for a few days. It's worn off now! You don't want to see me just yet," he says. What? I can see the trees up ahead are thinning out. Garulf starts to balk and becomes jittery. Bane urges him forwards anyway. We emerge into a dark clearing. The sun started to go down hours ago obviously. The sight in front of me was breathtaking, and not for good reasons. Smoke fills the air, billowing from deep pits where trees and bushes have been ripped up. In the very centre of it all is a lone tower. Bane laughs harshly as we come up to a gate. I gasp in fright when I see the Orc staring at us from behind the closed gate. "Pretty little thing isn't she? Let us through then Smide," Bane said as he ran a finger down my cheek. I recoiled and whimpered in pain when Bane shook my head around using his grip on my hair. Smide sneers and opens the gate. Bane manoeuvres Garulf through the gate. As we move towards the tower I see more Orcs and Urk- Hai crowding around to see what's going on. When one of them reached forward to try and touch my leg I kicked it in the face. Then I screamed in pain as Bane yanked my head back. "Naughty, naughty," he chided. Once we reached the bottom steps of the Tower Bane dismounts and when he turns to get me down I get my first good look at him. Gone is the scrawny lanky man that I was talking to yesterday and in his place stands this tall, lithe man. Though once I look at him my head screams in pain.

His hair is dark and his eyes, though a very mesmerising shade of brown, the colour does nothing to hide the pure evil behind them

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His hair is dark and his eyes, though a very mesmerising shade of brown, the colour does nothing to hide the pure evil behind them. My head spins in pain and I end up sliding sideways off Garulf. I didn't hit the ground though, he caught me and set me on my feet. "I'm touched darling, you're already swooning for me," he chuckled as he grabs the rope around my wrists and pulls. He pulled hard enough to make me fall against him and as soon as I touch him the most intense pain I've ever felt rips through my head. I fall to my knees screaming out in pain. "As much as I love that you are screaming for me darling, now is not the time or the place," he smirks as he starts to drag me up the step towards the door. I pull backwards, trying to stop moving forward. He looks over his shoulder. "I suggest you come with me sweetie. Unless of course, you'd rather stay out here, with them," he tells me, pointing over my shoulder. I turn around, looking at the host of orcs and Urks behind me and instantly my bravado fades. Bane, or whoever he is uses this distraction to pull me along, dragging me closer to the door. I pull against the bonds again and Bane sighs. Then he turns around and bends low, shoving his shoulder into my stomach making me bend over it before standing up, leaving me dangling over his shoulder as he strode towards the door. I heard the door open and a slimy voice call out a greeting. Then Bane walked inside and I closed my eyes as a tremor of terror racked my body. What's going to happen to me?

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