Chapter 6: The battle of the Pelennor Fields

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Elaynas's POV

I watch on in glee as each strike of Grond weakens the gate. It has been a while and the gates of Minas Tirith are strong. Though I doubt they will hold for much longer. I have remained beside Gothmog up until now but with the first telltale creaks of the gate I move closer. The beast inside me desperate for the bloodbath which is to follow. After a few more bashes, Grond's nose breaks through, and you can almost feel the dear rising in the Gondorian soldiers. I smile and throw my arms wide, shouting "Honey, I'm HOOOOOMMMMEEEE!". From inside the gate I hear a man speak. "You are soldiers of Gondor. No matter what comes through that gate, you will stand your ground," he pauses for a moment. "But leave the girl to me!". Just as he finishes I motion to the three trolls to take their places in front of the door. They are armoured head to toe and I smile in glee when Grond successfully breaks through the gate. "Volley! Fire!" the command comes from inside the gate and I barely have a second to process as an Orc pulls me backwards. I feel an arrow brush past my hood and my eyes widen. "Thank you! Now get in there," I speak as I begin to move back to where Gothmog is waiting. I have my orders. I need to wait until I see the Witch King and then my fun begins.

I growl at the sounds of battle behind me. Bitter, because I have to miss out I stop beside Vexx and Gothmog. "This better get interesting fast or I am going to get bored," I complain as I begin to pick dirt out from under my fingernails with a dagger. Gothmog laughs and turns to me. "You're a delightful ball of crazy, aren't you?" he sounds amused. I bow from the waist. "Well thank you for noticing," I speak in a high pitched, false tone. After another half hour of standing there surveying I hear a voice shout from the city. "Retreat! The city is breached. Fall back to the second level! Get the women and children out. Get them out! Retreat!". I smile as I watch the flames rising from the lower level, then I whoop as Gothmog turns to the soldiers surrounding him. "Move into the city. Kill all in your path," his tone is firm. I watch on as Orcs run into the city and the panicked sounds of a hasty retreat can be heard. There are various commands shouted between soldiers but that voice is the one that my ears latch onto. "Fight! Fight to the last man! Fight for your lives!" the steady commander is probably the only thing preventing the Gondorian army from surrendering. Though something about the voice confuses me. Half of me wants to run to the person and beg forgiveness, the other half wants to rip his head from his shoulders and dance in his spurting blood.

I shake my head to clear it and then squeal in delight when I feel a shudder run through Vexx. Just as a screech from a fellbeast sounds. "Duty calls," I shout to Gothmog as I mount Vexx. "Let's go!" and with my casual command Vexx takes flight and swiftly catches up to the Witch King. He lands in a courtyard in front of a white horse. Vexx circles once more before landing beside him. There's a hushed gasp from a small person behind the old man in white. I cock my head and narrow my eyes at it. Something is stirring in my head. A sense of familiarity. "Go back to the abyss! Fall into the nothingness that awaits you two and your master!" the old man shouts out. I tense when the Witch King hisses in laughter. "Do you not know death when you see it, old man? This is my hour," he hisses as he draws his sword. Then before my eyes his sword begins to flame. I watch in delight as the old man's eyes widen. Then the Witch King reaches out one hand and SNAP! There goes the old man's walking stick. The aftermath of that snap throws both the old man and the halfling from the horse. I slide off Vexx and place myself between the pair on the ground and wait. The halfling does not disappoint. He gets up, draws his sword and runs at us screaming "Gandalf!". Must be the old man's name. I smile as the fellbeast behind me roars and the halfling falters before running again towards me.

His skills are mediocre and with a slap on his arm with the flat of my sword his drops from his hand and I wrap my free hand around his neck. I begin to squeeze tighter and tighter as the Witch King speaks from behind me. "You have failed. The world of Men will fall," even his hissing sounds smug. The halfling, now dangling from my grip, begins to claw at my arm to try and free himself. I smile as I watch the light slowly drain from his eyes. It almost feels like a trance. I can see the old man stirring and looking on in fear, but I can't look away from the halfling. That is until the an outraged shriek from the Witch King sounds as a horn breaks through the noise of battle. My head whips to the side, the trance is broken so I stop squeezing and the halfling takes a deep breath. However, I drop him as he tears the mask from my face. "Elayna? What have they done to you?" he gasps. Gandalf gets to his feet and moves towards us. I am unaware that my eyes have changed from black to their normal blue. I shake my head. It feels like it's stuffed full of wool. But I know that I don't have much time before Sauron's control is back.

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