Chapter four: A stranger in the Prancing Pony

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Elayna's POV.
We made it to Bree without further incident but Frodo was still being vigilant and I was moving slowly due to the pain in my ribs. "Come on," Frodo says as we make our way across the road to the gate. I stood behind the boys as Frodo knocked on the door and the gatekeeper opened a hatch and stared at me then I pointed down and he opened a second hatch much lower than the other. "What do you want?" the gatekeeper asks. "We're heading for the Prancing Pony," Frodo says. "Hobbits! Four hobbits! And a young lady, odd travelling companions. What business brings you to Bree?" the gatekeeper inquires. "We wish to stay at the inn. Our business is our own," Frodo declares. "Alright young sir, I meant no offense. It's my job to ask question after nightfall. There's talk of strange folk abroad. Can't be too careful," the gatekeeper says. As soon as we go through the gate we make our way towards the prancing pony. "Out of the Way! Watch where you're going!" a very annoyed male voice called out as we tried to move past them. Soon, we have entered the Prancing Pony and we all breathe a sigh of relief. "Excuse me?" Frodo says as the bartender moves behind the bar. "Good evening, little masters and miss! If you're seeking accommodations, we've got some nice, cozy, hobbit-sized rooms available and a nice room for the lady as well. Mr. Uh...," the bartender trails off, a silent question. "...Underhill, my name's Underhill. And the lady is my adoptive sister, she will stay with us at all times Sir," Frodo demands. "Underhill. Yes, Butterbur's my name," Butterbur says.

"We're friends of Gandalf the Grey. Can you tell him we've arrived?" I ask. "Gandalf? Gandalf? Ohh yes! I remember, elderly chap, big gray beard, pointy hat," he says and Frodo and I nod. "Not seen him for 6 months," Butterbur's declares and I freeze in shock. Butterbur herds us to a table and takes our drink orders. "What do we do now?" Sam asks. The boys are drinking their ales and I have a honeyed wine in front of me, more so to dull the pain then anything. "Sam. He'll be here. He'll come," Frodo sounds like he is trying to assure himself more so than anything. "Get out of my way," a man says to Merry as he makes his way back from the bar. Merry sits down, staring at his pint. "What's that?" Pippin asks. "This my friend, is a pint," Merry declares. "It comes in pints?" Pippin asks to which Merry murmurs in agreement. "I'm getting one," Pippin declares as he gets up and heads for the bar. "You had a whole half already!" Sam cries out as he watches Pippin go. Sam nudges Frodo and me in the side and nods towards the corner of the room. "That fellow's done nothin' but stare at you since we arrived," Sam tells us. Frodo stops Barliman as he walks by; "Excuse me, that man in the corner, who is he?" he asks. "He's one of them rangers. Dangerous folk they are.. wandering in the wild. What his right name is I've never heard but around here, he's known as Strider," Butterbur tells us. "Strider..." Frodo says. "Oh you boys and paranoia! I'm going to bed, I shall see you all soon. Goodnight," I say as I make my way towards one of the four sets of stairs that lead out of the main bar room. Suddenly my arm is grabbed and I am pulled in the opposite direction. I open my mouth to scream when a hard hand is clamped over it. "Walk now," a gruff voice says into my ear. I do as I'm told and walk towards another set of stairs. As we reach the correct floor and room I'm thrown in as the person walks back out and locks the door. I run over to it and start screaming and banging in the door. I stop soon though due to the pain in my ribs.

Suddenly I get a pain in my head similar to the one earlier and I swear someone is saying "Baggins. Baggins. Baggins. Baggins! Baggins!". I'm just hearing things as there is no one else in the room. I think I hear the voice again but as sudden as the pain came it went. Strider opens the door to the room,and thrusts Frodo onto the floor. Then he walks around the room, putting out the candle flames with his fingers. I had sank to the floor and as soon as Frodo spotted me he ran and stood in front of me. "What do you want?" Frodo asks. "A little more caution from you. That is no trinket you carry," Strider says. I freeze, how does this ranger know? "I carry nothing," Frodo denies straight away. "Indeed," Strider replies sarcastically. "I can avoid being seen if I wish. But to disappear entirely, that is a rare gift," he continues.Strider removes his hood and Frodo and I stare at him, scared. "You also need to keep a better eye on her, you didn't even notice when I grabbed her," Strider sounds slightly angry. He is now between Frodo and I and the door. "Who are you?" I ask. "Are you frightened?" he asks, piercing grey eyes trained on me.  "Yes," both Frodo and I respond at the same time. "Not nearly frightened enough. I know what hunts you," Strider says. Suddenly, the door opens and Strider turns drawing  his sword, and in comes Merry, Pippin and Sam, armed with a candelabra and a three-legged stool. "Let them go, or I'll have you, Longshanks!" Sam demands, no doubt aided by liquid courage. "You have a stout heart little hobbit, but that will not save you. You can no longer wait for the wizard Frodo. They're coming," Strider says as he puts his sword back into its sheath.

The boys go to bed and I take a seat furthest away from the window as Strider sat there constantly looking out the window. "You should sleep, you will need it," he grumbles. "Forgive me if I am uncomfortable sleeping in the presence of someone I have just met," I snap at him. "We move tomorrow whether you are able or not! Sleep," he demands. "You can demand nothing of me Strider, you could at least do the courteous thing and tell me your name," I shoot back at him angrily. "Silence," he says as we hear an odd thumping sound and followed by a screech that brings the pain back into my head. I wander close enough to the window to see four black riders get on their horses and leave. "What are they?" I hear Frodo ask from behind me. I turn to see all the boys awake and Pippin pulls me back to sit on the edge of the bed. "They were once Men- Great Kings of Men. Then Sauron the Deceiver gave to them nine rings of power. Blinded by their greed, they took them without question, one by one falling into darkness. Now they are slaves to his will," Strider tells us. "They are the Nazgûl, Ringwraiths, neither living nor dead. At all times they feel the presence of the Ring, drawn to the power of the One. They will never stop hunting you," he continued. I eventually managed to get to sleep, for about an hour when I was rudely awoken as Strider pulled me to my feet. We begging walking cross country with a new companion, Bill, a pony. We are lagging behind Strider and beginning to worry us as it has been a while since we caught sight of a road.

"Where are you taking us?" Frodo asks Strider anxiously. "Into the wild," Strider replied gruffly. Strider turns around a tree, observing the moss and smelling the air, leading the rest on. I'm walking beside Pippin and I mutter under my breath to him, "I think he's insane". Pippin just nods his head and continues walking. "How do we know this Strider is a friend of Gandalf?" I hear Merry ask Frodo in a whisper. "I think a servant of the enemy would look fairer and feel fouler," Frodo replies, also in a whisper. "He's foul enough," Merry says. "We have no choice but to trust him," Frodo puts in. "But where is he leading us?" Sam asks in a whisper. "To Rivendell, Master Gamgee. To the House of Elrond," Strider replies. Oh no! I think he heard them. "Did you hear that? Rivendell! We're going to see the Elves," Sam sounds excited. We had been walking for quite a while, a couple of days, possibly a week when the snow fell. Today we are walking through a snowy wooded area. Strider is looking around as the hobbits are congregated around Bill, unloading pots and pans. "Gentlemen, we do not stop until nightfall," he states. "What about breakfast?" Pippin asks. "You've already had it," Strider replies. "We've had one, yes. What about second breakfast?" Pippin asks matter-of-factly. I laugh softly, he must really be hungry, we hadn't stopped for a second breakfast in the while we had been travelling with Strider. Strider turns back around and walks past some trees. "Don't think he knows about second breakfast, Pip," I say to him. "What about elevenses? Luncheon? Afternoon tea? Dinner? Supper? He knows about them, doesn't he?" Pippin sounds nervous. "I wouldn't count on it," Merry said. Suddenly, an apple flies from over a treetop into Merry's hands. Merry pats Pippin on the shoulder as another apple flies over and hits Pippin in the head. "Pippin!" Merry calls out annoyed as he lagged behind us. We walk through to the edge of the snowy forest, and then we have to face a bog, brushing bugs away from our faces. "What do they eat when they can't get hobbit?" Merry asked sarcastically.

Strider went off to hunt some time ago and he has just returned carrying a deer over his shoulder, laying it before the boys and I  after nightfall. He is humming indistinctly, smoking, as the hobbits sleep. "Who is she?" Frodo asks.Strider whirls his head around. "This woman you sing of," I say. "'Tis the lady of Luthien- the Elf-maiden who gave her love to Beren, a mortal," Strider explains. "What happened to her?" Frodo asks. "She died," he replied solemnly before turning back around. "Get some sleep, Frodo. You too Elayna," he says. I look at him sitting in the dark for a while and cannot help but think that this Ranger has some secrets but also harbours some hurt. "If you are going to stare at me just come and sit with me! I have already learned I do not control your sleep," he comments scaring me as I didn't realise he knew I was awake. I get up and go over to him. "You have hardly rested since we began, please rest. I will take watch," I say to him. He looks at me for a few minutes, and I can feel myself blush, before he nods his head. "If you even think something is strange wake me immediately," he demands and I nod my acquiescence. At least I have done one thing right by him after starting off on the wrong foot.

Hey guys,

I know I promised they'd be up by 4 pm but hey, better late then never.

Let me know what you think,


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