Chapter five: The journey to Helms Deep

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Elayna's POV.
The townspeople are in the process of leaving Edoras behind. I am helping Freyda and Éothain onto a wagon with expectant mothers, new mothers, young children and the elderly of the town. I realise that I have left my necklace from Galadriel in room I was occupying and so I go back and look for it. I freeze as I see that Éowyn is in the hall. She takes a sword out of a chest. I watch as she unsheathes it and looks at it; she begins to swing it around, practicing. Aragorn comes up behind her and I dart behind a pillar. Éowyn turns with the sword he brings his sword up to block it. "You have some skill with a blade," he compliments her. She swings the sword around, releasing Aragorn's block and points the sword at him. "Women of this country learned long ago those without swords can still die upon them," she says as she sheathes the sword. "I fear neither death nor pain". Aragorn seems lost in thought. "What do you fear my lady?" he asks. "A cage. To stay behind bars until use and old age accept them. And all chance of valor has gone beyond recall or desire," Éowyn says. Aragorn starts shaking his head. "You're a daughter of Kings. A shield maiden of Rohan. I do not think that will be your fate," he says before bowing and taking his leave. I step out from behind the pillar. "He's right you know!" I say as I move towards my room. She follows behind me and gasps as I put on the necklace. "How did you get the Naevys's stone?" she asks in awe. I tell her all about it and she gasps. "So it's true!" she says aloud. I look at her in confusion. "What's true?". She looks at me as if I have grown a second head.

"Have you not heard the legend?" she asks

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"Have you not heard the legend?" she asks. I shake my head. "Apparently, anyone who possesses the stone has the protection only awarded to those with great power or those who have been or are to be pivotal figures in wars and battles. Once you have the stone and if you are in any kind of need you grip the stone and within the blink of an eye you have exactly what you need," Éowyn tells me. Pivotal figures in wars and battles! I guess that could mean me. Though I thought I wasn't supposed to use my "gift". I assume now that it's an as necessary case? Maybe? Who truly knows! With my necklace securely around my neck both Éowyn and I head back outside. Everyone is ready to depart and I can't shake the feeling that something bad is on its way. In this entire ordeal of a quest I have not had this eerie sense of foreboding unless facing adversaries. But its almost like something in me fears making the journey. As if something terrible, that cannot be undone is going to happen. While we have fought our way out of places before it as nothing like this. We flee because Théoden is afraid to stand and fight. This is either a very good idea that will provide safety, but the feeling in my gut prevents me from agreeing with his logic. Once outside I spot Argorn on Hasufel. I started to make my way towards him when one of the stable hands leads Garulf over to me. "Excuse me miss, your horse," he says in awe. Garulf is a big beast of a horse, bigger than Hasufel. Why am I the one who gets him? "Thank you," I say as I take the reins from the boy. Who can't be that much younger than my nearly nineteen year old self. I smile at him, turning towards Garulf before I sigh. Damnit! I forgot that I can't actually get on him. Well, not gracefully at least. Thank god I'm in my travelling clothes and not a dress.

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