Chapter eight: Who are you?

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Warning trigger chapter: violence!

Elayna's POV.

I come to in a sparsely decorated bedroom. It has a large window, a bed and a door, that's it. I immediately get up and run to the window, trying to see how far down it would be. The answer; too far, if I jumped I'd die! I already know without going near the door that it's locked, so there's no need to waste time or let them know I'm awake by banging on the door. So I stand there, hugging myself as I look out the window. I wonder how Legolas and Gimli are doing and I can feel the tears fall again when I think of Aragorn. I stand there for a while before I hear a key turn in the door. Someone clears their throat behind me but I ignore them. Still looking out the window in the distance I think I see a tree move. Dropping my hands to my sides I take a step closer to the window and squint hard but I must have been seeing things. Sighing deeply I turn around and see Bane leaning against the doorframe. "What do you want?" I ask rudely. One side of his mouth cocks up in an odd grin. "To bring you for lunch. You haven't eaten in nearly a day," he says. I laugh at him and turn back around to the window. I hear him growl and then his footsteps come across the floor. As soon as I think he's close enough I turn quickly and throw a punch. But I don't connect. Instead he grabs my wrist and pulls me closer. "Not a nice thing for a little lady to do," he whispers. With that he steps to the side and pushes me towards the door.

I run towards it and reach it before he does. Slamming the door behind me I'm shocked to see he left the key in it and I quickly lock the door, flinging the key to the side. Then I turn and bolt down the hallway. I have no idea where I'm going but I just keep running. Eventually I come to the stairs and I begin to run down them. I eventually reach the bottom and I make a break for the front door. Knowing this is a stupid idea because I am weaponless I throw open the doors just to see Bane standing in front of me. "Predictable," he said as he grabbed me by the throat, pulling me towards him. His grip was so tight that I couldn't breathe. Once I was close enough he ran a finger down the bruise his previous slap left and I winced, gasping for air. "You're a very naughty girl," he said. "And naughty girls get punished," he finished on a laugh. He let me go only to spin me around and grab me by the hair, dragging me with him towards the stairs again. I see two Orcs come trailing behind us. "Please let me go! What do you want from me?" I asked. He snorted and continued dragging me. We make it back to the room that he originally brought me to. Once we were inside the Orcs closed the door and stood guard in front of it.

"I told you she was feisty Master," I hear Wormy say. At this point Bane has stepped in front of me and is smiling. "Yes you did. But you didn't tell me how fiesty," Bane says. I bare my teeth at him and he laughs. Then he pushes me backwards so hard I lose my footing and fall. "Oh I will love breaking you in sweetie!" Bane says again. I quickly get back to my feet. Turning in a quick circle I take in everything in the room. From the way Bane now has me placed in the centre beside a small covered table, to the chair that Saruman is sitting in, to the doors leading to the balcony and finally to the Orcs standing guard at the door. My chances of escape are slim, but not totally impossible. Wormtongue steps close to me again and I strike. Darting forward I knock him over before kicking him in the face. I only spare a brief glance to make sure he's knocked out before I turn to launch at Bane. He sighs, as if I was totally amusing and dodges every one of my blows. When I finally land a punch on him I scream as pain explodes through my head but I stay on my feet. He's no longer in front of me, what the hell? Before I can turn around I feel his arm wrap around my neck. Crap!

He turns me to face the covered table and I now see Saruman standing beside it. "Under this cloth is a Palantír. Through this I have been speaking directly to Sauron. You should know my dear, I launched an attack on Helms Deep and I was victorious! There were no survivors," Saruman said. "NO!" I scream. "Yes, your little friends are gone, just like the fool you watched fall off a cliff," he says. I feel Bane take a step backwards and my legs give out. I land on my knees burying my face in my hands. The fellowship has truly failed. "There! There! It's ok, we saved you," Saruman says stroking his hand down my hair. I immediately whirl around and kick his feet out from under him. "You killed them! HOW COULD YOU?! You're evil and twisted!" I scream at him. Just then Bane pushes me back into a chair. "We had to save you. You're the key to winning this my dear! You just have to tell us what you can do!" he explains crouching down low. "What do you mean?" I ask him, confused. I see anger flashing in his eyes before he takes a deep breath. It doesn't appear to work because he reaches out and slaps me across the face, right on the bruise he already gave me.

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