Chapter two: Our journey begins

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Elayna's POV.
After the initial panic, I looked around and noticed Gandalf was missing too. This could only mean one thing! "Dad has gone back to the house," I tell Frodo as I jump to my feet, pick up my skirt and sprint to Bag End. Frodo beats me to it as he isn't in a dragged skirt and heels. He flings the door open calling dads name twice. Frodo something on the floor and bends down to pick it up. I walk I behind him and spot Gandalf sitting by the fire. Both Frodo and I walk up to him and I can hear him whisper, "My precious... Precious...," to himself. "He's gone hasn't he? He talked for so long about leaving. I didn't think he'd really do it," Frodo said and I froze. He never said anything to me about leaving. Frodo stops besides Gandalf and opens his clenched fist. There is a ring in his hand. Frodo and Gandalf are having a conversation, but I begin checking the rest of the house to make sure dad is not here. I walk back in to see Frodo holding some sealed envelopes and Gandalf telling him to; "Put it somewhere out of sight". Gandalf gets his hat and staff and makes for the door. "Where are you going?" I ask. "There are some things that I must see to," he replied. "What things?" Frodo pressed. "Questions. Questions that need answering!" he was being evasive. "But you've only just arrived! I don't understand," I practically whined. Gandalf turned to Frodo, then to me. "Neither do I," he stated solemnly to me, before pinning Frodo with an intense stare. "Keep it secret. Keep it safe".

After Gandalf left I sat in front of the fire crying for a while. I know that dad has just gone to stay somewhere else,and my weirdness probably didn't help, but he could have at least talked to me about it! Just then Frodo came in and handed me a steaming cup of tea and an envelope. I thanked him as I opened the seal on the envelope. It was from dad.

My darling, I am truly sorry that I did not say goodbye to you properly. My leaving is in no way your fault! I know you well enough to know this is probably what you are thinking. I am old, and though I do not look it I grow weaker and more wearied by the day. You are a most amazing young woman that has an amazing ability and the will to control it. Although I urge you to speak to Frodo about it. He will look out for you now my darling.

I will never forget when you opened your big, beautiful blue eyes. I can still feel the love for you that burst into my heart that day. Both you and Frodo hold pieces of my heart and I'm sure I have a piece of both of yours. Gandalf will be popping by from time to time just to check up on you. I hope we shall meet again my little one. But until then- Cormamin niuve tenna' ta elea lle au'.

Never forget stay true to yourself,
All my love,

I had to laugh at the "my little one" comment. He always called me that p, even when I was taller than him. But the smile that that memory brought was wiped from my face when he said "Cormamin niuve tenna' ta elea lle au'" the literal translation being, my heart will weep until it sees thee again. He thought me some Elvish, I was entranced by the language as he would sing me an Elvish song to get me to go to sleep. I also frowned when I read that I had to tell Frodo. But I guessed it was inevitable. So I called Frodo in and explained it to him. He looked quite shocked and sat there in stunned silence before a mischievous grin took over his face. "Really? Prove it," he dared me when I nodded yeas to his question. I smiled and tried to break the control I had going. Gandalf just told me to imagine a lake freezing over and that it would never unfreeze such was its strength. When I had done that I thought for a moment before saying: Get up and dance around the house. So I had a good laugh as he begged me to stop which I finally did and refrozen my "ability" lake in my head.

"Hey, ho, to the bottle I go to heal my heart and drown my woe," everyone is singing as Merry and Pippin stand on a table and Frodo skips around with ale mugs in hand. "Rain may fall and wind may blow but there still be... many miles to go. Sweet is the sound of the pouring rain and the stream that falls from hill to plain. Better than rain or a rippling brook..." at this everyone pauses until Pippin sings; "Is a mug of beer inside this Took!". Everyone laughs as Pippin downs his ale. I pick up my own mug of sweetened ale, in other words a minimal amount of ale with a lot of warm honey added to it. Apparently Frodo has told the innkeeper that this is all I vacant drink and seeing as I am still "underage" in hobbit years. I walk over to where Sam and Frodo are sitting with The Gaffer and some other hobbits. "There's been some strange folk crossing the Shire. Dwarves and others of a less than savory nature," one of the hobbits says with a tinge of disgust. "War is brewing," the Gaffer says as I sit down. I snort when I see Sam look at Rosie over by the bar who smiles back at him. "The mountains are fair teeming with goblins," the Gaffer continued. "Far-off tales and children's stories, that's all that is. You're beginning to sound like that old Bilbo Baggins. Cracked he was," he says and then he immediately looks at me with regret. "Young Mr. Frodo here, he's cracking," The Gaffer laughs. "And proud of it. Cheers, Gaffer," Frodo says indignantly as he plonks four mugs of ale onto the table. "Cheers," the Gaffer replies. "Aye. Well it's none of our concern what goes on beyond our borders. Keep your nose out of trouble and no trouble'll come to you," the hobbit who called dad cracked commented. Frodo and I smile and everyone takes a drink. A few hours later, and a couple of mugs of sweetened ale later, Frodo, Sam and I were leaving the tavern. Rosie who was standing at the door was bidding us all goodnight. It was all going smoothly until the idiot hobbit decided to announce his undying love for her. "Good night, sweet maiden of the Golden Ale," we could hear him say and I doubled over with laughter when I looked back to see he had fallen to his knees in front of her. It really didn't help when Sam mumbled; "Boy, mind who you're sweet-talkin'".

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